/ / Parable of the wolf: 3 stories

Parable of the wolf: 3 stories

The theme of this material is the parable about the wolf.This animal is found quite often in the works of this genre, and today we will consider several classic examples of such instructive stories.


the parable of the wolf
The first creation, which should be talked about -"Parable of the wolf and the priest." Let's start with the main character. From the first lines of the parable introduces us to the wolf. He tore up a lot of sheep, and also plunged people into tears and confusion. One day, he began to suffer remorse. He began to repent of his own life. I decided to change the wolf and not kill the sheep anymore. To be all by the rules, the wolf went to the priest, asked him for a thanksgiving service. The minister of the church began his service, the protagonist, in turn, stood in a holy place and cried. The procession was long. Many wolves happened to slaughter the wolf, so the priest prayed with utmost earnestness, asking that the parishioner change. Unexpectedly, the penitent looked out the window and saw an amazing picture. The sheep were driven home. Then he began to shift on his feet. The priest continued to pray, and there was no end to it. At a certain moment, the wolf could not stand it and asked the minister of the church to end the sermon until the sheep were driven home, otherwise he would remain without dinner.


There is one more curious parable aboutwolf, and not about one, but even about two. She narrates how, in ancient times, an old Indian to his grandson discovered one of the vital truths. He said that the struggle is in each of the people. It is very similar to the battle of two wolves. The first of them represents evil - lies, ambitions, selfishness, regret, jealousy, envy. Another wolf is responsible for good: faith, kindness, truth, hope, love, peace. A little Indian was touched with all his heart with the words of grandfather. He thought about for a few moments, and then asked what kind of wolf wins in the end. The old Indian smiled slightly and said that the one that the person feeds is gaining the upper hand.


parable of a wolf and a priest
Next we will consider the parable about the wolf andthe shepherd. A man is alone in sheep. He wanted to see people. Then he roared and shouted about the approach of the wolf. People came running from the village with chains and sticks. We looked around. They were surprised at first. After they spat and returned to the village to themselves. Time passed, the shepherd decided to repeat his venture. People came running again, but not so soon. When a wolf appeared on the horizon, the shepherd cried out, but no one believed him and came to help. Perhaps, this is the most famous parable about the wolf.

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