/ / Who made a deal with Mephistopheles? Faust and Mephistopheles

Who made a deal with Mephistopheles? Faust and Mephistopheles

Человека всегда влекло неведомое, а еще он хотел always fulfill your desires, even those that do not fit in the head. It was for such purposes that he needed the support of a higher power, good or evil - it does not matter. The main thing is to achieve your goal. Such was the deal between Faust and Mephistopheles.

who made a deal with Mephistopheles

Little about doctor faust

If you ask any person who has a deal withMephistopheles concluded, then in response you can hear one name - Faust, largely due to Goethe, who studied everything according to the school curriculum. But in fact, the work of the German classic wrote on the basis of real facts, that is, his character had a real prototype.

Johannes Faust was a sorcerer and alchemist, a doctor anda theologian, astronomer and all-round scientist. He was born in Swabia, where he studied. In the end, he got to black magic. Somehow, the Seventh Book of Moses fell into his hands. The doctor studied this black Bible for a long time and decided, nevertheless, to try to command dark forces. Finally he performed the ritual, Faust and Mephistopheles signed a deal.

characteristic of Faust

Years later, the doctor will repent, but the agreement with the dark forces, signed by blood, cannot be terminated. The closer the retribution was, the worse Faust felt on his soul.

Legend of the magician in art

So who made a deal with Mephistopheles, we alreadywe know Legend was widespread in Europe in the sixteenth century. She was often staged in puppet theaters; the Englishman Christopher Marlo created his own version of the drama, The Tragic Story of Dr. Faust. After Goethe wrote the drama Faust, the plot came to Russia, where Pushkin borrowed it. The opera Faust was created by Charles Gounod in the nineteenth century. Why art workers addressed the problem of the famous alchemist? Probably because Faust and Mephistopheles entered into an agreement, which many thought. The struggle between good and evil, the relationship between man and nature, the confrontation in the soul is always a hot topic. But for any benefits over time will have to pay. Let this time is very far, but it will come sooner or later. And whether the cost of those imaginary pleasures, everyone needs to decide on their own.

Mysterious ritual

How was the deal with Mephistopheles?Legend has it that Faust performed the ritual described in the book of magic. The doctor drew a large circle in his office using chalk and compasses. In it, he drew two smaller circles, the space of which was filled with ritual signs. At midnight, Faust stood in the center and uttered a spell. Suddenly a creature appeared that looked like a monkey, which reported on what had come to serve it. But the alchemist drove him away and uttered another spell. Then another creature appeared that looked like a ram. But this servant Johannes drove away, and he continued to read the spell. After the third spell, a lame man entered the office, introducing himself as Mephistopheles.

faust and mephistopheles

The devil said that he could give Faust:travel in space and time, money, success, love of women, secret knowledge. The doctor liked this, but first he asked about the fee for this pleasure. Mephistopheles wanted one thing - a signature on parchment, which stipulated that Faust would give him his soul. After a certain period (24 years), during which Mephistopheles will unquestioningly serve a person, the doctor's soul goes to hell. After some hesitation, Faust agreed and signed the contract with his blood. The transaction took place!

Characteristic of Faust

Today it is known about the death of Dr. Faust,who made a deal with Mephistopheles. A professor at the University of Wittenberg once told his students that his death hour was approaching. He told them that 24 years ago he had given his soul to the devil and now the time of reckoning has come. Students found Johann Faust sick, so they hurried to leave the audience. But at night the cries of "Kill!" They're killing me! ”Made them come running here again. They found the lifeless and disfigured body of a teacher in a blood-spattered room. He lived a professor in about 1480-1540. First, he persistently practiced theology, and then threw it and began to study magic, often divined.

characteristic of the faust and mephistopheles

Goethe draws Faust as a man of high spiritualaspirations, intelligent, active, erudite. He wants to serve people, help them realize their dreams, achieve harmony. He has a successful medical practice, and he is ready to heal not only the bodies of his patients, but also their souls. And signing a blood contract, he thinks not only about himself, but about all the people on the planet. Characteristic of Faust says that he is a passionate and emotional man: he instantly enjoys beauty Margarita.

Image of Mephistopheles

Characteristics of Faust and Mephistopheles helpstake a deeper look into the order of things, sort out the problem that is taking place. The devil is unbelief and denial of all that is good. But we must pay tribute to him: the satellite of Faust - sane, very reasonable, intelligent, gallant. Outwardly, he looks like an ordinary person. But precisely the behavior he gives himself. Mephistopheles considers a person and his life limited, insignificant. He has a cynical explanation just in case. This is evil in the understanding of Goethe, that is what he wanted to convey to people in his work.

Other characters in Goethe

So, who made a deal with Mephistopheles, we know, we also know what the main characters of Goethe’s Faust were. But besides them there are other heroes: Margaret, Lord God, Martha.

deal with Mephistopheles

The Lord God is the personification of light and good,infinite love, grace. In the prologue to the poem, he argues with the devil, arguing that a man will disgrace Satan. God believes that his creation will choose the good, the truth, and not the deceptive grace promised by the devil.

Margarita is a bright and touching image.Faust's beloved is really good: she is chaste, shy, honest, believes in God. She works hard and could be a wonderful wife and mother. But she feels the devilish essence and is afraid of Mephistopheles. Faust, though he understands that he will destroy a girl, cannot resist desire. As a result, the family of the disgraced Margarita collapses, the brother dies at the hands of the doctor, and she herself goes mad and drowns the child. But waiting for execution, she refuses help from Faust, whom she loves very much and asks God for salvation. Her soul will go to heaven.

Pure and kind Margaret is the direct opposite of Martha, who in her relations with Mephistopheles is guided by prudence and hypocrisy.

"Faust" and its philosophy

Goethe's poem is written based on medievalthe legends of the bargain of man and the devil. However, the great poet introduced his vision of the eternal problem - the relationship of good and evil, morality and money, unbridled desires and moderation, light and darkness. This is a complex work, on which he worked for over sixty years.

Although Mephistopheles isby a negative character, he is exactly that without which life cannot exist. Without skepticism, a departure from moral customs, from the established rules, progress as such is impossible. This is the case when evil is actually good. Faust is a man who is displeased with what he has. He longs for more and gets it in the end. And even if the price for this is too high, he himself understands that he has destroyed himself and many others, but the goal has been achieved: the life of society is developing. Dr. Faust shows how contradictions get along in one person, asserting the laws of dialectics that Goethe believed.

Mephistopheles deal

Instead of an afterword

The image of Faust is really immortal, like HamletShakespeare. It helps to look at the essence of life, to overestimate their values, because after reaching everything, the doctor remains dissatisfied. But belated repentance does not change anything: you have to pay for everything.

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