/ Turkish melodramas. Turkish melodramas in Russian

Turkish melodramas. Turkish melodramas in Russian

Turkish melodramas are known in the world since the second half of the last century. They impress with exotic oriental traditions, emotional saturation, expressive play of actors.

Турецкие мелодрамы прошли свой путь развития, gradually gaining popularity. In addition to their own viewers, they gained popularity among the Slavs, Europeans, as well as representatives of Latin American countries.

Turkish melodramas

The development of Turkish dramatic cinema

The greatest Turkish director is MuhsinErtugrul. His paintings are based on popular novels and plays by both Turkish and world writers. More often than not, he made melodramas about works of love. His film based on the story of Alexander Green about the girl Aysel, who lives by the sea, conquered Turkish women.

Turkish melodramas at the initial stage describedtragedy of a disenfranchised woman who is forced to exist in the conditions of a traditional Turkish society. Women who try to change their lives in a society with feudal remnants are not recognized by anyone in this world and most often submit to it or settle scores with life.

Later popular series became about poor layers of the population. Heroes moved from villages to big cities, but at the same time they had to maintain moral standards.

The next stage in the development of melodramas is the creation on the screen of the image of a corrupt woman, who is rejected by society and is on the brink of a precipice. This period is considered a turning point for the Turkish dramas.

Modern Turkish melodrama is stilldeep moral and social aspects of human life. This is increasingly added to the interethnic issue of traditions and upbringing, which stands in the way of happiness of loving each other heroes.

A distinctive feature of the Turkish melodrama

Turkish series reveal a deep meaningsocial life. All this is happening against the backdrop of developing love relationships of heroes. Also in melodrama there must be a conflict that exists in Turkish culture. Namely, the confrontation in the soul of the heroine between free choice and the traditions of society, which dictates its moral standards.

Turkish melodrama films

The reasons for the popularity of Turkish TV series in the Slavs

Slavs always attracted the tales of the East. This can be traced in folk art and classical literature. Perhaps that is why Slavic women like Turkish films (melodramas).

Pictures describe the specific life of people,living on the southern side of the Black Sea. It is very attractive and not devoid of charm. For many spectators it is unusual that the story line is very stretched in time. However, this happens in case of great success of the series.

Многих зрителей турецкие мелодрамы про любовь attract their pathos scenes, exaggerated emotions, excessive drama, even in ordinary life situations. And this is not a game of actors, but the real behavior of the Turks. The people of Turkey are really very emotional. They react sharply to external factors and do not seek to hide their emotional experiences. This so often in communication is not enough for the inhabitants of European countries.

In the Turkish film industry, variousprojects. The most popular in the world are melodramas, historical and military tapes. They are also different in quality. But on the world market only successful projects are coming out, so Turkish melodramas in Russian should be viewed first.

Series about love of past years

Turkish melodramas were known before. The most popular paintings:

  • "Korolek - a bird singing" (about the trials of a young girl and her love);
  • "Milky Way".

Turkish melodramas about love

Modern Turkish melodramas in Russian

In modern paintings, the main characters are forced to go through many tests and difficulties. But loving hearts are sure to be reunited.

List of modern TV series about love, created for world rental:

  • "Love and punishment". It shows a twofold sense of heroes who get acquainted by chance in a bar and spend one night together, after which they can not understand the feelings for each other.
  • «1001 night». A film about a young woman (architect) and her relationship with a rich businessman.
  • "Ezel". The tape tells about the fate of a man who had friends and a beloved woman, but he was deceived.
  • "Magnificent century". The film refers to the historical series, telling of the love between Roksolana and Suleiman the Magnificent.
  • Painting "Syla. Homecoming "has a specific Turkish string because the girl becomes the wife of a man from whose family her brother tried to steal a bride.
  • "Forbidden Love" is based on the famous novel by Khalit Ushakligil and tells about the feelings of the mother and daughter to the young widower.

Turkish melodramas in Russian

  • The film "What is Fatmagül's fault" describestragic fate of a girl who was raped by four men. To avoid punishment, one of them takes her to wife, despite the fact that she had a fiancé.
  • "Time of Tulips" tells about the love of two young people who leave the warring families.
  • "Asi" describes the fate of the daughter of a farmer, who seeks to continue his father's business and meets a rich and successful young man.
  • "Between Heaven and Earth" reveals the relationship between two sisters who fell in love with one person.
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