/ / "The Dark Butler": quotes from the main characters

"The Dark Butler": quotes from the main characters

Quotes from the anime "The Dark Butler" long agoThey became everyday expressions of all fans of this series. However, this is not surprising. It is rare where you can find out what the demon, called to the service of a man, thinks, and how the boy feels, who has left almost nothing but a thirst for revenge.

Citations of Ciel

Ciel Phantomhive the main character of the anime "DarkButler". Quotations in his performance are often filled with sadness and hopelessness. But he certainly knows that revenge can not return dear people, it's nothing more than hypocrisy. Despite his young age, he already went through a lot and probably these events became the basis for such quotes in The Dark Butler:

dark butler quotes

  • "Some things can not be returned, having lost one day."
  • "In principle, there are no right and wrong actions, and those who try to judge this are no more than liars and hypocrites."
  • "It's not revenge to return the dead, and it will not bring joy."
  • "Without purpose, life is meaningless and tragic."
  • "In this world it is impossible to win by following the rules."

Sebastian Michaelis

Quotes in "The Dark Butler" Sebastian also havesuccess with the public is a demon, and many interesting things can tell about people. Demons never lie, but they do not talk talently. But if they start talking, then you should not leave their words without attention. Quotes of the dark butler, much can tell:

  • "No matter how many pawns lie at the throne, the game will end when the king falls."
  • "It's better not to trust a fool with a pair of scissors."
  • "You regret yourself, master. Lost it? You did not lose anyone - you did not initially have anything. "
  • "Feelings need to be turned into strength and continue to move forward."
  • "Only through suffering, one gets experience."
  • "Great is the soul that forgets about the future,sacrifices his dreams. Remaining in despair eludes the past, over and over again encountering a cruel reality, but never forgets about nobility and dignity. "

quotes dark butler

  • "No matter what country it is or an abandoned corner of the world, there is one thing that always remains unchanged - the nature of man."
  • "Only people like to live in dreams."
  • "If you pour salt on the wound, you will get a good stimulus."
  • "Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired, you must accept, otherwise you can lose support."
  • "It's easy to seduce people. Finding themselves in a desperate situation, they agree to any path, no matter where he leads. "
  • "People are different from demons.They never follow their nature and constantly lie, and in pursuit of happiness, they can accidentally trample someone in the mud, or even destroy them altogether, under the guise of a high goal. And after all this they want to find their paradise behind the distant hills. "

Sayings of other characters

On the unique in his way quotes in the "Dark Butler," and many other characters:

anime quotes dark butler

  • William Tee Spears: "Reaper's glasses can be worn only by those who know the importance of life", "Will pass by - pass".
  • Grell Sutcliffe: "Worse than a hired killer can only be an offended lady."
  • Undertaker: "If laughter disappeared, it would be very sad." "Today this lady has the last and greatest holiday in her life - a funeral"
  • Lau Tao: "I wonder what's worse: the inability to dream or the inability to wake up from illusions?"
  • Elizabeth Middelford: "Only the heart can feel the world of dreams."

And yet in the anime "The Dark Butler" has its ownphilosophy. It is flavored with bitter irony, this philosophy does not hide the real essence of human essence. It is somewhat like autumn: the same deceptively warm and fragile as human life.

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