/ / Universe of Warcraft, chronology of books: "The Birth of the Horde", "The Last Sentinel", "The Flows of Darkness"

Universe of Warcraft, chronology of books: "The Birth of the Horde", "Last Warden", "The Flows of Darkness"

In the 1990s, the American company Blizzardcreated a series of computer strategies Warcraft. The plot of the game line was built around the fictional fantasy world of Azeroth, in which the struggle between people and orcs took place. Gradually, the fictional universe expanded and acquired new details. The success of computer games led to the appearance of the official book series.

"Revenge of the Orcs"

No Warcraft novels have onethe author. These books were written by a variety of recognized fantasy pens: Christy Golden, Jeff Grubb, Aaron Rosenberg, etc. The order of publishing works did not always correspond to the chronological order of events within the universe itself.

The very first in 2001 appeared on salethe book "Revenge of the Orcs", written by science fiction writer Richard Knaak. The plot of the novel tells about the Horde. So Blizzard called the union of the orcs, who decided to conquer Azeroth with the help of red dragons.

warcraft chronology books

"Lord of the Clans" and "Rise of the Horde"

Читатели с теплом встретили первый роман о Warcraft universe. The chronology of books has since been steadily updated with new editions. The second official piece was The Lord of the Clans, written by Kristi Golden in the same year 2001. In this book, the name of the leader of the Orcs Thrall is first encountered.

The "Lord of the Clans" was to be the basis forThe new game Blizzard. Developing the concept of release, the developers of the company decided to abandon the previous idea. The story of Thrall, however, was not consigned to oblivion. He was included in the next strategy of Warcraft III. So the literary and computer sides of the Blizzard universe began to complement each other.

"The Lord of the Clans" was only a breakdown for Goldenforces The writer continued her collaboration with Blizzard and in 2006 completed the book The Birth of the Horde (in another translation, The Rise of the Horde). It describes the history of the war of orcs with another fictional race - draenei, during which the draenei suffered a crushing defeat. Golden described in detail one of the most interesting storylines in the whole franchise - the relationship between the demons of the Burning Legion and the Horde.

the birth of a horde

"The Last Guard"

Орки – лишь одна из фракций мира Warcraft.The chronology of books based on the Blizzard universe consists of works dedicated to people. Their union with dwarves and gnomes is simply called the Alliance. The fight of this faction with the Horde is the key fable thread connecting all the games and books about the world of Warcraft.

The alliance is described in detail in the novels “Blood andthe honor of Chris Metzen and The Last Guard by Jeff Grubb. Both books were written and published in 2001. What did Jeff Grubb talk about in his work? The Last Warden is a story about Medivh. This powerful magician of the human race opened a portal to another world, from where he called the orcs to Azeroth. The invasion led to the beginning of the war between the Alliance and the Horde.

christie golden

"Flows of Darkness" and "On the Other Side of the Dark Portal"

Direct plot continuation of the "Last Guard"is the novel "The Flows of Darkness." There is also a Warcraft game of the same name. The chronology of the books in this case is a tracing of the computer strategy events of the 1990s. For the first time, the Alliance managed to repel the Horde invasion. Now the descendants of those enslaved by demons, orcs, have threatened Azerothaus.

The next book is “On the Other Side of the Dark Portal”- tells about the campaign of people in the world of Draenor - the historical homeland of the orcs. This time, the Horde is headed by the marginal shaman Ner’Zul, who practices necromancy and black magic. “On the other side of the Dark Portal” was written by the very same Aaron Rosenberg. The "Flows of Darkness" show the orcs from their bad side, while the second book reveals the secret of their tragic fate, which led proud people to serve the calculating demons of the Burning Legion.

Jeff Grubb last guard

The Rise of the Lich King and the War of the Ancients

Blizzard's most successful fantasy gamestrategic line was Warcraft III, released in 2002. A few years after the release, novels of his plot appeared on the personal computers on the bookshelves. The novel The Rise of the Lich King tells about the fate of Artes, the prince of the human kingdom. Driven by the demons, he turned into an evil necromancer, after which he led the undead army of the Burning Legion, with which he became a threat to the whole world.

Против Артеса объединились остатки Альянса, Орда Thrall and the night elves. This war is devoted to the plot of the third strategy of Warcraft. The chronology of the books is a detailed and fascinating retelling of those events. The elven background of Azeroth (the night elves are the most ancient people of this world) appears before the reader in the War of the Ancients trilogy. It consists of the novels The Source of Eternity, The Soul of the Demon, and Split. Although the “War of the Ancients” was not the first to be published, it is this series from a chronological point of view that is the reference point for events created by the Blizzard fantasy universe.

aaron rosenberg streams of darkness

Subsequent novels

Union Alliance, Horde and night elves succeededdefeat the Burning Legion. Orcs moved to the western mainland Kalimdor. A new world order came when the Horde and the Alliance began to be in a state of fragile truce. Fans of the fantasy universe were able to find out about the latest developments in Azeroth, on the one hand, using the World of Warcraft multiplayer role-playing game, and, on the other hand, using the same literary fiction.

For example, refused the status of the leader andThrall, who has become a shaman, is featured in the book Twilight Aspects. In this novel, the orc will have to face the brave and wise experience of Chromagus, the ancient dragon who encroached upon the peaceful life of Azeroth. Jaina the sorceress, the leader of the Alliance during the war against the Burning Legion, also enjoyed the world for a short time. Constant border conflicts with the Horde put people on the brink of a new war. The Tides of War book describes Jaina’s attempt to preserve a fragile but much-needed alliance with the orcs.

Subsequent Warcraft novels centerreader attention to other peoples of Azeroth. For example, the novel Wolf Heart tells the story of a worgen race that has a lot in common with werewolves. Another book, Shadows of the Horde, focuses on the story of the troll Vol’jin, a skilled hunter and head of a small tribe. This novel also features the lost mainland Pandaria. Finally, the book “The Divide: Prelude” weaves all the previous plot lines into a new tangle. This time, Azeroth is confronted with a terrible natural phenomenon that has completely changed the map of the fantasy world.

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