/ / Content and characters of “Madame Butterfly” Puccini. What Opera Giacomo Puccini "Madame Butterfly"

Content and characters of “Madame Butterfly” Puccini. What Opera Giacomo Puccini "Madame Butterfly"

It often happens that a good literarythe work dies just born. But sometimes more than one century continues to live, finding more and more new ways of realization: in cinema, music, theater. So it was with the small novel of the American JL Long. The characters "Madame Butterfly" turned out to be so tenacious that they stood the test of time with dignity.

How did the story begin

At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, world ruleseverything eastern, so a small novel, created and published in the journal by American writer J. L. Long, appealed not only to readers, but to playwright David Belasco. He wrote the play “Geisha” based on this short work, in which the troupe of the Prince’s Theater in London became interested.

Giacomo Puccini

The staged play was a success withviewers, so it was him who chose Italian opera composer Giacomo Puccini to watch. “Madame Butterfly” (however, then the play was called “Geisha”) liked the music genius so much, who was looking for the plot for his next work, that he immediately took up the realization of the idea.

Lingering dream

Взволнованный историей, Джакомо Пуччини обратился to the best librettists of the time, which were considered L. Illika and J. Djakoz. They also liked the idea, however, the end result made me wait. The composer himself was to blame for this, who quite often went away on tour, now at rehearsals, not only in different cities of Italy, but also in foreign trips.

Did not contribute to the rapid writing of music and moreone passion J. Puccini - cars. Buying a car turned the hot Italian into a real racer, who was driving, not following the speed, along the roads of the country. However, the accident, in which he was in the midst of work on the opera, cooled him a bit. Broken leg became a serious argument to drive yourself much more carefully. But, despite the delays, in 1903 the libretto of the opera Madame Butterfly was ready.

Puccini Madame Butterfly

To make your work as much as possibletruthful, the composer studied Japanese culture and was a frequent guest at the Roman house of the Japanese ambassador. His wife, Mrs. Okiyama, performed the old national melodies with pleasure.

Failed premiere

February 17, 1904 in the Milan Theater "LaThe Rock ”was presented to Puchcini’s brainchild at the judgment of the audience. The main part was played by Rosina Strokio (soprano). Her company was tenor Giovanni Zenatello (Lieutenant Pinkerton). Despite the fact that the characters "Madame Butterfly" were bright and realistic, the audience was surprisingly ungrateful, booing the premiere. And on the second day, the newspaper pages were filled with devastating articles from critics.

Madame Butterfly characters

The composer was depressed, but refusedrecognize your idea failed. He believed that his opera would be successful, having written in the message of C. Bendi: “In the end, you will see - the victory will be mine!” Giacomo Puccini listens to the advice of friends and critics. He removes some scenes, divides the second act into two separate actions and invites the Ukrainian opera diva Solomiya Krushelnytska to the main role. The "Madame Butterfly" libretto has played with new colors. The audience gathered at the Grande Theater (Brescia) on May 28, 1904, greeted the work with delight. The composer is not once called on the bow.

The tragedy of a woman in love

The action of the opera develops at the turn of the XIX and XXcenturies in Nagasaki. This story is about how the young geisha Chio-Chio-san, who was nicknamed “Butterfly” (butterfly) for her beauty and grace, fell in love with the lieutenant of the American fleet Pinkerton. Her feeling was so strong that, contrary to the traditions of her people, she marries him. True, the stupid Butterfly does not even realize that for her chosen one this marriage is only entertainment, he does not take it seriously.

Madame Butterfly content

The story of Madame Butterfly is a tragedythe contact of two worlds: Western and Eastern, male and female. A civilized person actually turned out to be a barbarian who does not consider the spoken words of a vow sacred, therefore he easily violates them. But for the bearer of ancient traditions (which seem wild enough to a Western person), the words “union”, “loyalty”, “love” weigh more than life. That is why sincere feelings turned tragedy for her.

The main characters of "Madame Butterfly"

  • Chio-Chio-san is a beautiful woman of the East.She is a representative of the ancient profession in Japan - geisha. But, despite the seeming fragility, the Butterfly showed unprecedented resilience, following its principles to the end.
  • Lieutenant Benjamin Pinkerton - Americana sailor who, without thinking, agreed to marry a Japanese beauty, but perceived him as a pleasant addition to his service. His feelings were not deep, which is why he easily broke off the union to marry his compatriot.
  • Sharpless - American Consul.This is a decent older man who from the first day of dating worried about Madame Butterfly and hoped that Pinkerton would not offend her. His character is soft, cheerful. The views of the lieutenant to life seem to him quite superficial.
  • Suzuki - faithful servant Butterfly. It has a lively disposition and excessive talkativeness, which irritates Pinkerton. She tried to save her from suicide, but she failed.
  • Goro is a local matchmaker. It was he who found the lieutenant "temporary wife", and then tries to bring the Butterfly with the prince, but receives a decisive refusal.

These are the key characters in the opera Madame Butterfly,the content of which is focused on their experiences. The characters who appear on the stage infrequently include: Uncle Bonza (curses the butterfly for her desire to change the religion of the ancestors), Prince Yamadori (asks for Chio-Chio-san's hands after Pinkerton’s betrayal), Dolore (son of a lieutenant and geisha), Kate (wife Benjamin).

Opera “Madame Butterfly”. Content of the first act

The action takes place in the new house LieutenantPinkerton, which he rented. Benjamin is completely satisfied with life: he just married a charming Japanese geisha. Not burdened with moral principles, he chuckles at the warnings of the consul Sharpless: do not break the heart of the girl.

Next comes the acquaintance of the bride and groom.Chio-Chio-san tells the lieutenant about herself, about her kimono, in the sleeve of which she wears "the souls of ancestors", confesses her love and promises to change religion for him.

Madame Butterfly Story

The marriage ceremony is interrupted by the visit of the uncle.Butterfly, who curses her niece because she is ready to give up her ancestors' faith because of a man. The wedding is hopelessly spoiled, all the guests and relatives of the bride are removed. Frustrated new wife reassured only in the arms of her husband.

The second act. First act

Three years have passed.Pinkerton threw his Madame Butterfly. The content of the first action is completely focused on the main character. The maid Suzuki is trying to convince the lady that her husband left her forever. The offense of Chio-Chio-san translates into the famous aria “On a clear day, the desired one”, in which there is a hope that the beloved will return.

Madame Butterfly Opera content

Consul Sharpless comes to the Butterfly House with a letterwhich says that Benjamin got married in America. Their conversation interrupts the appearance of Goro and Prince Yamadori, who wants to take the Butterfly in marriage. Rejected, visitors are removed. Sharpless advises to accept the offer of the prince and reports that Pinkerton was married. The woman’s first thought is suicide, but she picks herself up and asks the consul to inform her husband about her son.

After some time, an American ship enters the harbor. Chio-chio-san knows that he is loved. She dresses up, decorates the house and waits for him, but he does not appear either in the evening or at night.

The second action

Characters "Madame Butterfly" in the finalparts of the opera were very emotional. Pinkerton and Sharpless came to visit Chio-Chio-san. Benjamin's wife remained in the garden. The maid first of all guessed, and the lieutenant, seeing her tears, runs away so as not to participate in the scene.

Madame Butterfly libretto

Entered Butterfly instantly understood everything.The Consul tells her that Pinkerton’s legitimate wife is willing to take on their child. Butterfly understands that there is no way out, and asks her husband to come in an hour after the baby. This time is enough for her to commit suicide.

During the preparatory prayer of the mistressthe maid pushes her son into the room, hoping that this will stop her. Having handed the child a toy and tying his eyes, Chio-Chio-san slaughters himself behind the screen. When Pinkerton and Sharpless appeared in the room, the unfortunate Butterfly had enough strength only to point the hand at their son.

Immortality of the Opera

This work was the main brainchild of J.Puccini. “Madame Butterfly” was appreciated not only by the Italian public, but also by foreign music fans. There was not a single failure of the opera. The composer was absolutely right when he decided to breathe a second life into his creation, changing its structure and inviting the incomparable Solomiya Krushelnytska to perform the main part.

Residents of France, England, Russia, USA, Argentina andMany other countries are still happy to go to the theater, seeing the name of the opera on the posters. They empathize with the unfortunate Chio-Chio-san, are angry at Pinkerton, worried about the fate of the baby. Each opera singer considers it an honor to perform the part of the legendary Japanese Butterfly, which was ruined by love for an unworthy person.

Giacomo Puccini has created a true masterpiece that has gained immortality on the stage. "Madame Butterfly" is still considered one of the best operas in the world.

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