/ / Actor Christopher Lambert. Filmography, biography, best roles

Actor Christopher Lambert. Filmography, biography, best roles

Connor MacLeod is a character thanks to whichkinomans who prefer fiction, learned about the existence of such an actor as Christopher Lambert. The filmography of the star includes over 70 tapes belonging to different genres. However, it was the fairy-tale heroes embodied by Christopher on the screen that made him famous and gave the role. What pictures with his participation are worthy of attention, what was the way to success?

Biographical information

Christopher Lambert, filmography, biographywhich indicates the ups and downs, the light appeared in 1957. A joyful event occurred in New York. The professional activities of his father, who was at that time a UN employee, became the reason for forcing the family to move first to Geneva, then to Paris.

Christopher Lambert

Acting profession is the goal to which the youngChristopher went from childhood, not missing the opportunity to play in school plays. The choice of the heir seemed insignificant to the father, so he forced his son to serve in the army, then to obtain a diploma in economics.

Despite the obstacles, a great movie remaineda dream, to which Christopher Lambert was confidently approaching. Films, the roles in which he was able to receive from the age of 22, initially did not enjoy popularity, did not bring the desired glory to the actor. This continued until 1984.

Christopher Lambert: Star Filmography

"Greystoke:The legend of Tarzan, monkey-king "- the first picture, thanks to which the abilities of the actor were noticed. Playing John Clayton sought more than 400 actors, but the creators of the project was chosen by Christopher Lambert. His filmography actually began with this fairy-tale image, which became possible due to the external similarity of the young man to the forest savage.

Christopher Lambert films

The plot of the tape tells of a fantastic storya boy, by the will of the fate of a monkey-bred tribe. Having met people, Tarzan reaches out to their society, not knowing the secret of his own origin. The picture was based on the saga of the adventures of the forest god, written by Edgar Burroughs.

The brightest role

The image of John Clayton deserved the approval of the audience,but was not the most significant role played by Christopher Lambert. The filmography of the actor in 1986 was enriched with the ribbon "Highlander", which gave him the status of a superstar. It was the role of the immortal Connor MacLeod that made Christopher one of the iconic figures of the action genre.

Christopher Lambert filmography biography

The central character of the picture, which playsLambert, becomes a Scotsman who returned from the dead after the battle in 1536. The mentor tells Connor about his connection with a powerful immortal race, which can only be killed by decapitation. Of course, the hero, who has supernatural powers, is the enemy. Their battle, which began in the Middle Ages, is conducted in modern Manhattan. The result of the battle will determine whether humanity will survive.

Other fantastic films

Most fans in the role of the fighterlike Christopher Lambert. Films "The Mortal Battle", "Steep Trunks", "Fortress" have gained immense popularity, increasing the army of loyal fans of the actor.

films Christopher Lambert full filmography

The plot of the "Mortal Battle" is borrowed fromof the same name computer game. An ancient tournament, which has long fought the best warriors, was in control of a wizard who came from the other world. Shang Tsung sets a major goal - to destroy the world, plunging it into eternal chaos. Salvation of people entrusted to the three strongest fighters, involved in the operation and Christopher Lambert. The filmography of the actor was supplemented by the bright role of Raiden.

"Fortress" - a picture, the action of whichunfolds in 2013. Natural resources are coming to an end, there is a serious problem of overpopulation. Women are not allowed to give birth to more than one child, even if the infant dies. The couple lose their first child, they decide to re-conceive. Such a decision leads them into a terrible prison, an escape from which is impossible.

The unusual roles of the actor

Action, fantasy, thrillers - these genres are notlimited to the paintings of "McCloud", does not ignore other films, Christopher Lambert. The complete filmography of the star includes also intellectual cinema, comedy. The audience, who want to laugh a lot, can pay attention to the French comedy "Arlette". This is the story of a provincial lady, who suddenly turns into a rich heiress. Former partners of the father send to the girl "the fine prince" who should subdue her and make the wife.

Spectators who prefer intellectual cinema,can draw attention to the French drama "Underground". The main character specializes in hacking safes, while his property does not accidentally turn out special documents. Papers and Fred himself become the subject of hunting for real owners.

In the group of actors, which are actively removed, includes Christopher Lambert. The filmography of the star is constantly "added" due to new paintings. It is possible that the best roles are ahead.

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