/ / How to draw a penguin: interesting facts, stages

How to draw a penguin: interesting facts, milestones

This tutorial will show you how to draw a penguinstep by step. You need to go through only a few simple steps, performing all the tasks step by step. Let's find out how to draw a penguin in pencil step by step.

Children's drawings of penguins

Some interesting facts

  • Today in the world there are a total of 18 species of penguins, five of which are endangered.
  • Despite their slowness on land, these cute birds are the fastest in the water.
  • The main feature of penguins is that they can sink very deeply, while 70% of their life birds spend in the water.
  • The average life expectancy in the wild is between 15 and 20 years.
  • Penguins are born very tiny, their weight barelywhether it reaches 1 kg. But when these birds grow up, they can weigh up to 40 kg. It all depends on the kind of penguins. There is an emperor penguin - the heaviest, powerful and large (up to 45 kg), and there is a penguin-fairy (small penguin), whose weight does not exceed 900 g (in an adult).
  • Birds nest in colonies, which sometimes number millions of individuals.
  • Penguins are not covered with hair, but with feathers. Only they are very small and dense, which gives the impression that these seabirds do not have the usual feathering.
African penguin on stone

Now that you've got acquainted with interesting facts, we will tell you how to draw a penguin.

Helpful advice

When taking the first steps, do not press too hard on the pencil. Show light and smooth lines that are barely noticeable so that you can remove flaws at any time with an eraser.

Step 1. Drawing the body

So, how to draw a penguin?Draw a small oval on a blank sheet of paper - this will be the body of a bird. It does not have to be perfectly smooth. This is just an outline, so that you can later depict the black and white tummy of the penguin.

how to draw a penguin

Step 2. Head

Draw one more oval above and to the right of the firstoutlines - this will be the head. This figure should be smaller and have a horizontal orientation, while the body is stretched longitudinally down a piece of paper.

Step 3. Addition to the head

Make two intersecting lines inside the oval of the head. This is necessary so that in the next stages it is possible to depict facial features.

Step 4: Beak

On the right side of the head, you need to draw a small triangle. He will be the beak. Remember, it's not recommended to put pressure on a pencil.

Step 5. Make the body and legs

Using two curved lines, you need to connecttwo ovals (bodies and heads) to make our penguin neck. Then inside the trunk, you need to draw a curved line, similar to the letter U - it will be the wing.

Draw two lines resembling the letters L, at the bottom of the body. So we get the paws.

The penguin stands sideways

Step 6. Addition

Now you know how to draw a penguin oninitial stages. If you follow the instructions, you should get an image of a funny and cute bird that stands sideways and looks into the distance. But now you need to add a few details to give realism to the image:

  1. Let's go back to the head and the cross lines.Make a tiny eye directly above the horizontal strip, and then draw a small dot inside and give the pupils a shape. To do this, draw a few lines around the eye for additional detail.
  2. The beak of the penguins is slightly curved and looks slightly down. Use the previously depicted triangle. Begin drawing the beak from the horizontal line of the head.

Step 7. Tail

Take a thick fat pencil and makeoutlines of the penguin. Draw a smooth line in the lower left part of the oval, make a base point, and then extend it to the bottom of the paws. The tail should resemble a triangle, but with softer outlines.

Do not forget to draw an additional oval on the stomach, so that when painting you can separate the dark feathers from the light ones.

Easier way

Let's find out how to draw a penguin for childrenor novice artists. Take a sheet of paper, as well as a pencil and an eraser. Draw an oval in the center that looks like an egg in shape. Duplicate this shape around the already drawn. In the upper part of the egg, draw two eyes and a beak. You can just draw a small triangle.

Then go to the paws that look likesmall wavy pancake. Do not forget about the wings - they can be drawn straight, curved, large and small. Now you can proceed with coloring: the wings and lines between the ovals should be black, and the area of ​​the "eggs" where the eyes and the beak are drawn, remains white. The paws and the beak are yellow and the eyes are black.

to draw a penguin for children

Now you know how to draw a penguin.It is sufficient to study all the images carefully before proceeding to step-by-step instructions, so that in the future it is possible to visualize and represent the bird. To make the drawing more interesting, you can add some funny details to the penguin - a hat, a New Year hat, a ball, tails, anime eyes, a smile or some inscriptions in the "cloud" emanating from the beak. Everything depends only on your imagination and desire to learn how to portray these lovely, but extremely strong, fast and friendly birds.

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