The film "Melody for Two Voices", actors and roleswhich is presented in this article, was released in 2013. The main roles were played by the stars of the Russian melodrama. One of the heroines was played by an actress, who gained wide popularity due to the 1987 historical series.
Sergei Kravtsov, a young man working in thea small transport company, - the main character of the film "Melody for Two Voices". The actor who performed this role, for the time being, has ten projects in his filmography. He plays mostly in TV shows.
Позади у Сергея неудачный брак.A young man goes to the registry office in order to write a declaration of divorce. And there meets a girl who falls in love with the first glance. Irina Kudryashova grew up in a very wealthy family. Her father is the head of one of the largest construction companies in the country. For several years she lived with a man she did not like and did not respect.
Irina's ex-husband is the son of her father's partner.The girl does not live up to her father's expectations. She parted with the son of a millionaire, and soon connects her life with a young man from a modest family. In addition, Irina did not follow in the footsteps of her father, she is not interested in the construction business. The heroine of the film works in a regular maternity hospital as a midwife.
Родители Ирины - люди состоятельные, однако deprived of prejudice. They sympathize with the new chosen one of their daughter. Kudryashov offers a young man a high-paying position in his company. Sergei refuses, than earns the confidence and respect of the bride's father. Irina, too, causes exclusively positive emotions from her fiance's parents. Young people are happy, they understand each other with a half-word. Everything collapses on the same day - the day of the meeting of Irina and Sergey's parents.
Kudryashov and Kravtsov Sr. were once friends.Some secret connects the parents of the main characters of the series "Melody for Two Voices". The actor who played in the film of a major businessman in 2015 received the title of People's Artist of Russia. In his filmography more than 60 works. Pretty well-known artists played also the parents of Sergei Kravtsov - the main character of "Melodies for Two Voices". The actors of these are briefly described below.
Some viewers found that the plot severaltightened. But overall reviews about the series are positive. In addition to the storyline, the film tells another romantic story, which occurred between the girlfriend of the main character and Konstantin, a colleague of Sergei Kravtsov.
Главные роли исполнили Евгений Шириков и Олеся Fattahova. The actress who played Irina, is known for such films as "Steppe wolves", "Embracing the sky", "Where the rains go." Eugene Shirikov began his career in film in 2012. He played in the films "Champions", "Beautiful Life", "Marriage Games" and others.
Ivan Shabaltas played the owner of a largebuilding company in the melodrama "Melody for Two Voices". The actor made his debut at the cinema in 1980. The main roles in his filmography a little. Shabaltas played in such films as "Unknown Soldier", "Thirtieth Destroy", "March of Turkish", "Code of Apocalypse".
Наталья Чернявская сыграла жену Кудряшова.Tatiana Liutaeva is Sergey's mother. Vladislav Vetrov played the role of Kravtsov the elder. Other actors "Melodies for Two Voices": Yuri Vasilyev, Natalia Tretyakova, Boris Shuvalov, Vasily Shmakov, Agata Mutsenyets, Cyril Zaporozhsky.
The actress graduated from GITIS, made her film debut inearly nineties in the movie "A very faithful wife." Natalia Chernyavskaya also played in the films "Love as Love", "And Still I Love", "Aerobatics", "Gypsies", "Lyubka".
This actress has played in the movies a few dozenroles, but the most famous of them performed, of course, in the movie "Midshipmen, forward!". In the image of Anastasia Yaguzhinskaya, she will soon again appear before the audience. In 2017, the screenshots of the movie "Midshipmen 4". Tatyana Lutaeva played one of the heroines in the film "The Widow Steamer". In her filmography there are such pictures as "You are", "Laurel's Method", "Short Course of a Happy Life".