/ / The actors of the Green Elephant: Sergei Pakhomov, Vladimir Epifantsev. Russian films

The actors of the Green Elephant: Sergei Pakhomov, Vladimir Epifantsev. Russian films

The Green Elephant is one of the most controversialfilms in Russian cinema. It has been discussed for more than 10 years. Actors of the Green Elephant forever put a stamp on the participants of this film. This film can be called the only one of its kind. He is rightly considered a cult.

green elephant Vladimir Epiphany

Cutting and snapshots from the movie became real Internet memes.

"Green elephant": actors and roles

"Green elephant" is a film in the genrepsychedelic trash. In the Russian cinema there are not so many tapes of similar orientation. "Elephant" was directed by Alexander Baskov. She specializes in such paintings. All her films are quite difficult to perceive. The plot in "ZS" (the widespread reduction of the "Green elephant") is practically absent. In the center of attention are two main characters - Vladimir Epifantsev in the role of "brother" and Sergei Pakhomov in the role of "traveled". They are prisoners of war at the guardhouse. In addition to them, the captain and the chief, played by Anatoly Osmolovsky and Alexander Maslayev, appear in the frame.

It is rather difficult to describe events, becausea considerable part of the timekeeping is visited by an incomprehensible, absurd action. For example, the phrase "Kozlov these still ..." repeats more than five times without explaining the reason. The first half hour is pretty straightforward. They show the presence of prisoners in difficult prison conditions. Actors of the "Green Elephant" play very convincingly and believably, so an unsuspecting viewer can have a sense of the reality of what is happening.


Epifantsev plays a low-key officer.

Green Elephant Actors
He does not smoke and tries to transfer with dignityconclusion. To calm down, the hero is engaged in even Chinese meditation. But the Rider is sloven and constantly gets the Bratish with his questions and stories. Gradually, his stories become less authentic, the logic is completely lost. Pakhomov rather well got used to the role, perhaps, this was facilitated by the eccentric behavior of the actor in real life. After the first 20 minutes, the degradation of the Traveler begins to manifest itself more and more. He constantly asks endless questions and offers to perform strange actions, for example, to direct the need to the floor in order to attract flies in such a way and then kill them. The brother reacts quite adequately and in every possible way tries to rationally explain to the Departed the absurdity of his actions. Then his patience ends, he begins to offend the vis-a-vis and even beat. Actors of the "Green Elephant" very realistically play out the dialogues.
Green elephant reviews

The opposition to the stupid and illogical actions of Bratishka, who has gone to reasonable aggression, causes laughter.

Features of the film

It is worth noting that the film is shot on an amateur film. Moreover, the laughter and the voice of the operator are heard in the frame, and the shooting itself is conducted in a psychedelic style.

On the half of the film appears a new character - Chief. He takes the Brother out of the cell and forces him to clean the toilet with a fork. After that, the most incomprehensible stage of the film begins.

Hero Sergei Pakhomov sings the song "Green elephant".The film shows quite disgusting scenes and events. The departed defecates to the floor, then eats his own feces and awakens the Brother with a suggestion to have breakfast with them. At the same time, the entire process is shown to the viewer, including Pakhomov's genitals. After this scene Epifantsev also begins to go crazy. The culmination of the film is quite difficult in perception and understanding. Actors of the Green Elephant beat each other, raped, and even eat. The camera shows all these events without embarrassment.


Svetlana Baskova in 1999 filmed the tape "Green elephant".

Green elephant actors and roles

The film gained real popularity only in 2010. At that time, it began to spread rapidly on the Internet and became known to the broad masses.

Many critics are still arguingregarding the main message and the meaning of the picture. Baskova herself considers him a kind of protest against the corrupting social values ​​and war. Despite the presence of shock-content, the film even took part in various festivals.

In the early 2000s, Russia saw the tape"Green elephant". At that moment Vladimir Georgievich Epifantsev already began to move confidently along the actor's path. He was invited to shoot in various budget films and serials. Therefore, Vladimir tried not to advertise his participation in the creation of Baskova.

At several small festivals in Germany anda number of other European countries demonstrated the "Elephant". Basically, these were shows for narrow circles of connoisseurs of counterculture and psychedelia. Therefore, almost no data, including reviews, from these festivals did not survive.


Sergei Pakhomov same movie only added glory.

Green elephant movie

Pakhom himself (the creative nickname) is an artist.For some time he worked as a chief editor in several serious glossy publications. In the mass media, he skillfully created himself an image of a freak. After 2010, he recorded several video blogs, which instantly spread on the Internet. The figure of the artist became truly cult. Popularity even led Sergei to participate in the program "Battle of Psychics", where he acted as a clairvoyant. Cuttings with his participation scored hundreds of thousands of views on "Youtube".

"Green elephant": reviews and opinions of Epifantsev

Reviews about the film the most diverse.Usually they can be diametrically opposed even on one information platform. Many people consider the film disgusting and meaningless. Even sophisticated critics claimed that after watching them it took several days to get away from the shock. And it's not strange, considering what the "Green elephant" narrates about. The film is replete with obscene expressions, frames with a demonstration of genitals and various perversions. The conversations and actions of the characters are absurd and incomprehensible.

Green elephant movie

But a huge number of people consider "ZS"a real masterpiece. Many scenes cause laughter. Actors are so naturally conversing that a unique atmosphere is created. On the popular website about the cinematography "Green Elephant" got a score of 9, which is a very good result. For example, the Oscar-winning painting "Titanic" is rated lower than the "Green Elephant". Vladimir Georgievich Epifantsev also called his participation in the film spontaneous, and the very picture of "trash" (genre "trash" can be translated from English as "garbage") and strange.

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