/ / Outstanding Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez

Outstanding Mexican Director Alejandro Gonzalez

The first Latin American nominated for an Oscar in the category Best Director, Alejandro González Inarritu, is now known not only as a stage director, but also as a screenwriter, producer, and composer.

The beginning of the creative path

Родился Алехандро Гонсалес в семье преуспевающего banker Hector González and his beautiful wife, Maria Inarritu, in the last summer month of 1963. According to the director, despite the bankruptcy of his father, his childhood was cloudless and happy, Hector was and remained an example for Alejandro to follow. In his youth, the future great director was passionately passionate about music and even tried himself as a DJ on WFM radio station, which is popular in Mexico.

In the late 80s a young man already wrotemusic for national TV and cinema ("Tiger Paw"). In the same period, Alejandro Gonzalez began studying film production, his mentor was Polish director Ludvik Margulis, after completing the course, the future star of world direction was trained in Los Angeles by Judith Weston.

Alehandro Gonsales

The youngest director of the company

In the 90s, 27-year-old Alejandro GonzalezInarritu, the youngest director of the company Televisa, becomes its chief executive producer, and after a while opens his personal film studio Zeta Films, engaged in the production of short films, TV programs and commercials. Inarritu itself was the most frequent director of the latter.

Не прекращая сотрудничать с кинокомпании Televisa, Alejandro shoots his debut film “For the sake of money”, in which the main role was played by the Spanish singer and actor Miguel Bose. Further, in 2000, according to the script of Guillermo Arriagi, Alejandro González is shooting the film “Bitch Love” in the lead role with Garcia Bernal. This tragicomedy was showered with a variety of prizes, nominations and awards; it also had an unprecedented success at the box office, surpassing the initial budget by a factor of ten.

By the way, to love, as to feeling, the movie hasindirect relationship. The fact is that the original name of the film in one of the interpretations sounds like “Love is dogs”. Each of the three stories intersecting among themselves, the stories in the plot narrative of the picture, tells about the role that dogs play in people's lives.

Alehandro Gonsales Inuarritu

World renown

Получив мировое признание и известность, режиссер Alejandro Gonzalez is invited to work on the international project "September 11". Such famous directors as Mira Nair, Amos Guita, Claude Lelouch, Ken Loach, Shohei Imamura and Sean Penn created this burning almanac with him.

The success of Inarritu draws attentionHollywood artisans. His next project, the drama "21 Grams", Gonzalez is shooting in the United States, but again according to the script of his compatriot playwright Guillermo Arriaga. If the tragicomedy “Bitch-love” consisted of three separate short stories that were interconnected by an associative principle, then in the cinema “21 grams” Alejandro Gonzalez, whose films have intricate designs, goes further in search of a new narrative structure.

The director risked confusing the public with flexibleplot intricacies, looped composition. However, the drama received the highest ratings of world film critics. The leading roles — Puerto Rican Benicio Del Toro and blonde beauty Naomi Watts — were nominated for an Oscar.

Alehandro Gonsales Oscar

Nominated for seven Oscars

Сюжетная линия самого амбициозного проекта The Latin American director Babylon is a chronological knot skillfully drawn up in the original author's style Inarritu. Alejandro González, together with his fellow writer Guillermo Arryaga, once again create the film on the same principle - intersecting stories (now there are four), a non-linear flow of time. The drama is similar to a close-up puff pie multiplied by the non-linear structure of the narrative. Based on these characteristics, it is possible to combine three works - “Bitch-love”, “21 grams” and “Babylon” - into a single formalistic trilogy, created according to one director's strategy.

The project involved movie stars with worldOn behalf of: Kate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Adriana Barras, Gael Garcia Bernal, Koji Yakusho and Rinko Kikuchi. As a result, according to the Cannes Film Festival, in 2006 he was named the best director Alejandro Gonzalez, the Oscar also became a well-deserved award to the director.

Alehandro Gonsales Movies


After parting with his formerly indispensableWriter-playwright Guillermo Arriaga, the Mexican director went to Barcelona, ​​where he filmed the wrong side of the tourist Eden, which Woody Allen so beautifully showed in the film "Vicky Christina Barcelona". According to Inarritu’s author’s vision, Barcelona turns beautiful from beautiful into beautiful, paradise turns into a real hell.

With all the deliberately realistic mannerfilm narration is a story from a position that departs to the world of another soul. The main character has cancer in an incurable stage. Uxbal finds out about his diagnosis in the first minutes of timekeeping, and the rest of the screen time is the way to another world. This work of Gonzalez was awarded two nominations for the Oscar, two prizes of the British Academy and one Golden Globe.

director alexandro gonsales


An interesting twist on the author's creative thoughtAlejandro Inyarittu again demonstrates a number of American Academy Awards in the parable film The Survivor for the elusive chamber Birdman in 2014. Descending from the theater stage of the world of illusory dreams, the director rushed to the harsh edges, in which there is no place for sarcasm and irony. It is here, in a hostile environment, that the protagonist, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, will have to survive, while his antagonist of the scoundrel Fitz, played by Tom Hardy, will spark spitefulness and energetic enthusiasm. The storyline with a light hand Inarritu appears in the form of an epic realistic mural with fleeting inclusions of dreams, visions, memories of the protagonist.

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