Painting "Shot in the Void", reviews of the movieare given in this article, the work of American director Rick Roman Waugh. This is a dramatic thriller. The main roles were played by John Berntal and Nikolai Koster-Waldau.
In 2017, the thriller "A Shot into Emptiness" was released on the world screens. Reviews about the film can make a full impression of this picture.
In the center of the story is the story of an entrepreneur,which at one point is forced to abandon a habitual and successful life. He gets into an accident, in a traffic accident due to his fault, a person dies. The main character is in prison. Here he has a lot to rethink in his life, to understand what to do, how to move on.
The film "Shot in the void," according to reviews of film critics, received such high marks, thanks to a strong cast. The authors of the tape succeeded in attracting really first-class performers.
Jacob Harlon plays the Danish actor NikolaiKoster-Waldau. In recent years, he gained frenzied popularity after the success of the series "The Game of Thrones", which appears in the image of Jamie Lannister. This was his most successful work, which more than blocked all the previous roles.
Another notable actor in this picture -American John Berntal. He, as well as Koster-Waldau, before that made a name in the series. He played in "Walking Dead", as well as in a multi-series superhero action movie "Daredevil".
Very high ratings have the picture "Shot in the void." Reviews of the audience are mostly positive. But those who did not like the movie, you can literally count on your fingers.
Many viewers who came to the cinemas,pleasantly surprised that such a serious and high-quality drama thriller came out in the summer. Although distributors often prefer this time of the year to tearful melodramas and lightweight comedies.
With a story about a successful manager and family mannamed Jacob Harlon begins the film "Shot in the Void." According to the audience, he embodies the American dream of a successful life. But one evening all crosses out.
After sitting in a restaurant and having a drink, Jacobsits behind the wheel. He goes home with his wife and another couple of acquaintances. As a result, they get into an accident. Naturally, through the fault of the drunk Jacob.
With the help of lawyers, punishment is maximally possiblesoften, but the main character still goes to jail for a year and a half. Arriving in the colony, he immediately faces a choice - during the whole period to be attacked by other convicts or join the gang, to become one of the pack.
Первая ночь в камере оказывается полным кошмаром.The next morning, Jacob understands that he does not want to become a victim of constant violence. Therefore, the main character of the "Shot into Emptiness" began to actively cooperate with the authorities. In the film, according to the reviews of the audience, it is from this moment begins all the fun.
Moreover, the picture as a wholepositive feedback from critics and viewers, many found obvious shortcomings in it. The first - especially strongly manifested in the first half hour. Events do not develop in chronological order. Because of this, viewers do not immediately understand the story lines and behavioral nuances of the characters. Many viewers are quite annoyed.
But this is not the only drawback of the "Shot inemptiness. "In the reviews of the film, a large number of poorly worked characters were noted, some even would agree to increase the timing, so that the creators could write deeper each of the characters, and their motivations and actions would become clearer. but he was not allowed to producers, but the fact remains, the effect of understatement remains.
Also somewhat spoiled is the impression of a fairly predictable final of "Shot into the Void". In the reviews of the film, many complained about it.
At the same time, there are more advantages to the picture and they are more significant.This is the atmosphere. The sharp narrative keeps the viewer in suspense practically throughout the entire tape. Literally does not allow for a moment to distract "Shot into the void." In the film, according to reviews, the story is presented in a measured pace. It becomes obvious that prison does not correct people at all. It only forces them to commit new crimes.
In many ways, the picture is devoted to this. It demonstrates how helpless and inefficient the modern American penitentiary system is.
It is noteworthy that while the scenes are behind barssignificantly less than episodes in the wild. But those taken in prison are made so well enough that they resemble documentary footage of real American prisons.
The picture has a rather high rating.Only children older than 17 are allowed to watch it. All due to the fact that on the screen there is a lot of blood and violence. In addition, the atmosphere itself is very oppressive and joyless. It is fully consistent with the theme of the tape, organically complementing what the director wanted to say.
In plus and good music.There are no separate memorable tracks, but the mood is created accordingly. In the same vein, and the picture. Gloomy, cruel, sometimes unpleasant, but realistic.
Summing up, we can say that the film will appeal to fans of high-quality crime thrillers.
The plot itself is almost completely built aroundthe figures of Jacob Harlon, as well as his relationship with his family and the criminal world, in which he finds himself against his will. The script itself is spelled out correctly and scrupulously, and the director was able to give it a good one. Because of this, it does not get boring for a minute, despite the fact that the very narration is very unhurried and sometimes prolonged. The film looks very dynamic.
Especially worth noting the successful game of the mainhero - Nicholas Koster-Waldau. He looks organic in the role of a successful manager, and in the form of a ruthless felon. In general, a large number of colorful characters appear on the screen, which do not spoil the overall picture at all.