/ / Bibliographic references: general requirements and rules of compilation, examples. How to make bibliographic references? Bibliographic references are ...

Bibliographical references: general requirements and rules of compilation, examples. How to make bibliographic references? Bibliographic references are ...

Любые научные изыскания всегда основываются на previous achievements of science. And this experience is reflected in the author's texts both in the form of a description and direct citation. And this requires competent registration, so it is necessary to design a bibliographic reference that confirms the factual reliability of the work submitted for publication.

bibliographic references are


The quotation used in the text is a verbatiman excerpt from someone else's article or someone's words. The culture of processing the written text is manifested in the fact that the citation is always accompanied by bibliographic references.

The existing system of standards for the design of printed works describes what a bibliographic reference is, general requirements and rules for drafting are also given.

The quotation used in the text is taken in quotation marks and the grammatical form of words and phrases as they are used in the original source is always preserved.

If the quoted fragment is too large in volume, you can cut out an insignificant part, in the place of which you need to put ellipsis.

For example: The famous American image-maker Lilian Brown wrote that "one should not move on to another question until all the material on the current one has been exhausted ... Ideas should logically follow one after another."

Hidden quote

The text can be used hidden quote. It is transmitted in your own words, but you should definitely indicate the source. Then use the link "see."

For example: If the taxpayer violates the established NCRussia, the deadline for submission of information about the bank account to the tax authority, and this was not followed by failure to pay taxes, according to Art. 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with a fine of five thousand rubles. (For more, see Types of tax offenses and responsibility for their commission [Electronic resource] // ConsultantPlus: reference and legal system / CJSC Consultant Plus. M., 1992-2016)

The quotation can be written with a capital (large) and a lowercase (small) letter.

Capitalized if this is an entire sentence

Umberto Eco writes: "All legends have a historical basis."

From a lowercase letter - a quote in the middle of the author's sentence (even if the source is written with a capital letter)

Speaking about the origin of the legends, Umberto Eco writes that "all legends have a historical basis."

list of bibliographic references

All citations must have bibliographic references, this is an immutable rule. The use of other people's thoughts without specifying the source under the law on copyright is plagiarism.


How to make bibliographic references is defined by the 2008 standard. They are needed to easily find the document.

The subject of the links can be any published and unpublished document on any media: paper, electronic (local and remote).

how to make bibliographic references

Types of links

The standard considers a list of bibliographic references:

The composition of the elements of the description

full links if all elements of the description are shown;

short links, if you call only the main elements;

Their location

intra-text (placed in the text of the document);

subscripts (brought down the document, in a footnote);

over-text (rendered for the text of the document);

Amount of use

primary links if the object is described for the first time;

repeated references if the document description is repeated;

Number of reference items

single show one object;

comprehensive show multiple documents.

Every bibliography link, general requirementsand the rules for compiling reflective, confirms the presence of the source of citations. The quotation can be taken not only from the original source. Then the rules for compiling bibliographic references require the writing of a mark: "Quoted from: (" quoted from ") or" Given according to, "and the source of borrowing is called"

For example:

Quoted by: Last Name, L. Last Name, D. Games for the development of systems thinking / L. Surname, D. Surname. M., 2014. P. 168.

Given by: Last Name, A.N. Media Planning / А.N. Surname. - M., 2010. S. 55.

how to make bibliographic references

The author of the work compiles bibliographic references, this allows the reader to show the way to refer to the source of borrowing.

Examples of Inline Bibliographic References

They are given in parentheses after the quoted sentence. How can I make bibliographic references? Examples of design are shown in the table.



(Surname, M. L. Polymeric composite materials. Structure. Properties. Technologies. SPb., 2010.)



(Last Name, M. L. Polymer Composite Materials. Structure. Properties. Technologies. P.34)



(Surname, A.A. Genres of the periodical press. M .: Aspect-press, 2000. 300 p.)



(Last name, A.A. Genres of the periodical press. C.12

Examples of subscript bibliographic references

They can be fully and briefly decorated.



1 Surname, A.N. Media Planning: Study Guide / A. N. Nazaikin. - M .: Eksmo, 2010. - p. 55.

Repeated, brief

1 Surname, A. N. Media planning. M., 2010. p. 55.

Primary, complete

17 Legal encyclopedic dictionary. M. Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987. 500s.

Repeated, brief

17 Legal encyclopedic dictionary. C.11

Examples of textual bibliographic references


They are issued in continuous numbering throughout the text. Reference number is given in square brackets.

In the text

V. V. Khoroshiltsev [13] and V. E. Volkov [27] show how ...

In the overseas link

13. Last Name, V. V. Mathematics at School. / V. V. Surname. M .: Higher School, 2001. 200 p.

27. Last name, V.E. Mathematical terminology./ V.E. Surname. M .: Knowledge, 2001. 125 p.

If the author refers to a specific fragment of the document, the link is drawn up as follows:

In the text

Definitely N. A. Chumikov [20, p. 29] noted: "...........".

In the overseas link

Surname, N. A. Public Relations./ON. Surname M .: Delo, 2014. 536s.

Electronic links

rules for compiling bibliographic references

Electronic bibliographic references are references both to various whole electronic resources and to the parts of which they are composed. For example, a whole site or article in one of its sections.

Information about what the link calls electronicmaterial denoted by the phrase [electronic resource]. Having named the author, title, place and year of publication, in the following order you should write the phrase: “Access Mode” (you can write the accepted abbreviation “URL” instead of these words, then write an email address indicating the protocol (http, etc.).

To confirm the existence of the namedemail address, then you need to write in parentheses the phrase "date of appeal" and put a colon, followed by the day, month and year when the author of the citation addressed this Internet resource, for example:

1. Federal State Statistics Service [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: // email address / (Date of circulation 05.05.14).

2. Last Name, I.O. How to evaluate the economic effect of HR branding [Electronic resource] /AND ABOUT. Surname - Access mode: http: // e-mail address (Date of appeal: 12/19/2015).

When working with the "ConsultantPlus" or "Garant" system, the email address is not written, only a bibliographic description of the system itself is given, for example:

The name of the name of the name [Electronic resource] // Consultant Plus: legal reference system / CJSC Consultant Plus. - M., 1992-2014 (Appeal Date: 12/20/2014).

The rules for bibliographic references prescribe the observance of uniform end-to-end numbering:

- or throughout the text;

- or in each chapter, section;

- or within a single page of the document.

So, the use of quotations must be accompanied by properly arranged bibliographic references - this is an indicator of the culture and general literacy of the author of the text being created.

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