/ / Actor Justin Burfield: biography, personal life. Best movies and TV shows

Actor Justin Burfield: biography, personal life. Best movies and TV shows

Justin Burfield is a talented actor whostarred in his first series at the age of eight. "Malcolm in the middle of attention" - the most famous TV project with his participation, in it he played the role of jolly Reese. Justin is more likely to play the supporting characters than the main characters, but that doesn’t bother him at all. What else can you tell about a guy with a charming smile, who managed to become famous at such a young age?

Justin Burfield: The Beginning

The future actor was born in Los Angeles,there was a joyful event in February 1986. "Commercial child" - a nickname in early childhood, Justin Burfield deserved. He was only five years old when he first appeared on the set. The boy starred in a commercial that was promoting Folgers coffee.

justin berfield

His first role in the series Justin Burfieldreceived when he was eight years old. The TV project “Golden Life” with his participation was presented to the audience court in 1994. Next, the young actor was offered a minor role in the comedy series "Unhappy Together." His hero was the boy Ross Mallow, whom Justin had played for five seasons, and about a hundred episodes were released.

Successes and failures

In adolescence, Justin Burfield continuedactively shoot. In 1998, the guy made his debut in the full-length feature film. It was a family comedy "Mom, can she leave us alone?" The actor in this picture embodies the image of the gloomy, but kind in the soul of a teenager Timmy Blair.

justin berfield movies

Few people know that Justin is theoreticallycould play einakin skywalker. He was among the claimants who dreamed of playing this role in the cult film Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Hidden Threat, which was released in 1999. As a result, the image of this character embodied Jake Lloyd, who the creators considered the most appropriate candidate.

Starring role

"Malcolm in the spotlight" - the most famousTV project, which starred Justin Burfield. Films and series with the participation of the actor at the beginning of the new millennium came out one after another, but the audience remembered it as Reese. His character - a guy from a crazy little family, whose members have the gift to get into funny stories.

justin berfield love life

The role of Reese allowed Justin to win the Young Star award twice, this happened in 2000 and 2003. In total, there were about 150 episodes of the TV project “Malcolm in Focus” with his participation.

Producer activity

Justin Burfield, whose photo can be seen inarticle, managed to declare himself as a producer. He first succeeded in this in 2004, when the reality show Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive. The main characters of the program were the children of famous actors and musicians. The characters had to go to the cattle farm and lead the lifestyle of ordinary peasants, many of the benefits of civilization were not available to them. Justin proved himself not only as a responsible executive producer, but also as a good screenwriter.

justin berfield photo

In 2005, the musical comedy “Love andcigarettes, on which Burfield also worked as a producer. Then the young man presented the comedy “Blonde with ambitions” to the audience court, in which Jessica Simpson played a key role. In 2010, the actor again took over the functions of the producer, thanks to which the pictures “The Secret Sign of My Mind”, “Who is Doris Payne?” Were made.

Personal life

Далеко не все звезды охотно рассказывают to journalists about their romantic relationship. Among those who prefer to leave their novels "behind the scenes", belongs to Justin Burfield. The personal life of a young man remains a mystery to all. From time to time rumors arise about his connections with an actress or singer, but the actor never confirms them. It can be said for sure that he was never legally married.

At the moment, public interest inJustin somewhat subsided. It is not surprising, because the TV project “Sons of Tucson”, which was released in 2010, is currently the latest TV series with Burfield. While it is difficult to say whether the actor plans to return to the shooting, since no information on this matter comes from him.

Interesting Facts

In 2001, Justin took over the responsibilitiesthe youth ambassador of the charity Ronald McDonald. In this position, the actor worked out about three years. Burfield is also known for generous donations that he makes to people who need help. For example, he supported the St. Jude Children's Clinic for a long time. In addition, Justin is a member of the Virgin Group charity.

Justin Burfield is not the only actor infamily. His elder brother Lorne, who also began acting in films and TV shows at a young age, also achieved some success in this field. However, the relative's popularity can hardly be compared with the fame Justin himself achieved at the beginning of the new millennium. Now Brother Lorne is also not withdrawn.

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