/ / Red Woman in "Game of Thrones": Lady Melisandre's secrets

Red Woman in "Game of Thrones": Lady Melisandre's secrets

This heroine did not leave anyone indifferentfans of "Game of Thrones". Red Woman is not without reason called one of the most mysterious and ambiguous characters, although in the series there are practically no absolutely negative or completely positive characters.

red woman from the game of thrones photo

Our article will tell about Lady Melisandre, the different facets of her extraordinary image, as well as the actress who performed the role in the series.

Appearance and character

Describing the heroine in the books “Song of Ice and Flame”,The author did not stint on the epithets. According to him, she is tall, stately, buxom. No wonder her styled red, because it is this color she prefers to wear. It’s impossible to call her a written beauty, but Melisandre is pretty and graceful, and besides, there is in her some attractive force.

No less spectacular is the serial Red Woman from Game of Thrones. Photos of the heroine do not give a doubt.

We can notice another important detail. The screen Melisandr prefers, rather, not red, but richer carmine and deep marsala.

She is a priestess of the Fire God, occupyingquite high position. Seeing in one of her visions that Stanis Baratheon is the incarnation of a deity, and that he was destined to conquer the Great Other, Melisandre went to him, brought a new faith, promised to serve and help in every way.

Melisandra's movements are leisurely, full ofdignity. She confidently communicates with the powerful of this world, and she looks down on Queen Celis altogether, pushing her along with her own discretion and not trying to hide her romance with the king.

Script writers have endowed her not only bright.appearance, but also some other unusual abilities that distinguish it against the background of ordinary people. For example, dressed in one dress and a light raincoat, she does not freeze in the bitter cold, asserting that her faith warms her.

game of thrones red woman

Relationship with Stanis Baratheon

It’s probably hard to find a show in whichso many lines of love are intertwined as in Game of Thrones. Red Woman, although she is a servant of a religious cult, but nothing human is alien to her. It cannot be said that she burns with passion for the king, rather, enjoys the fact that she likes men, has power over them.

Stanis is not the only one with whom Melisandra hadconnection But their novel is registered in all colors. First, despite the fact that the king is married, lovers do not care much about keeping incognito. Secondly, Melisandre becomes pregnant from Stanis, but not in the human sense, but in a magical one. The shadow she begotten by her kills Renly Baratheon, after which his army is placed at the disposal of Stanis. By the way, there are two of these “children” in the book.

Purposes and methods of the priestess of the Fire God

The ambiguous topic of religious fanatics is notrises once in the “Game of Thrones”. The Red Woman is ready to do anything to serve the Lord of Light. In her view, he is the embodiment of Good, a counterbalance to the Great Other and all the dark force, advancing on the world of people from the unknown North. Stanis, as she thinks, is a sword in the hand of God, which should win the very battle for life.

Но зритель видит, что в своем стремлении to fulfill the will of the god Melisandre sometimes goes too far, not disdaining even human sacrifice. Without flinching, she sets fire to a fire near Mans. But even more scary is the scene of the ritual murder of the young Shiren, the daughter of Stanis.

However, if this turns the viewer away from the RedWomen, not for long. Later, she uses magic to revive the treacherous murdered John Snow. She repents, regrets her deed, admits that her visions were wrong. And is a true bespoken villain capable of repentance?

The face and guise of Melisandra

In season 6, viewers will learn one of Melisandre's worst secrets. It turns out that the Red Woman from “Game of Thrones” is an old woman!

red woman game of thrones old woman

Tired and disappointed, having lost her king, she takes off her clothes and a ruby ​​necklace, turning into a hunched freak with spars of sparse gray hair and sagging skin.

The famous kinolyap

That moment with the transformation into an old woman becamereason to take a fresh look at the ruby ​​necklace. Most viewers believe that this is a powerful magical artifact that makes Melisandre look young and blooming. The fact is that she had already appeared on the screen without a necklace when she was bathing in the bathroom and was completely naked. But then she did not turn into an old woman. Many fans of the series consider the bathing scene to be one of the most significant kinolyapes of Game of Thrones.

Red Woman, according to the creators, isvery old. But thanks to what she looks young, really not agreed. Nowhere is it mentioned that the secret of the beauty of the priestess lies in the decoration. Perhaps she uses a potion that gives youth. Or maybe she didn’t need artifacts or drugs at all. Indeed, at the time of the transformation, Melisander was simply exhausted, disappointed, and upset. So I threw off the mask, so as not to waste strength on her.

A few words about the actress

Red Woman in the Game of Thrones playedDutch Caris van Houten. She boasts several prestigious awards, for example, the award “Golden Calf”, which she was awarded more than once for the best female role.

red woman game of thrones actress

It is noteworthy that before the role of the Red Woman in the “Game of Thrones”, the actress was regarded as the main contender for the role of Cersei, but because of the tight schedule, she was forced to abandon this idea.

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