/ / Beginning actress Victoria Moroles: biography, filmography, personal life

Beginner actress Victoria Moroles: biography, filmography, personal life

Victoria Moroles - American beginneran actress who gained fame by starring in the popular TV series "Teen Wolf." A twenty-year-old girl has just started her way to the heights of her career. Her unusual appearance and talent attracted the attention of many viewers.

A family

Victoria can not boast of famousrelatives. Her parents have nothing to do with the film industry. Kurt Kangas and Suzanne Moroles met while still at university. After graduation, they got married. A few years later, the girl's older sister, Laura Kangas, was born. Upon the persuasion of their parents, their second daughter, Victoria Moroles, received the mother's maiden name. The father of two girls works in the construction industry, and the mother sells commercial products. The elder sister of the actress also did not become a media person. In 2013, she graduated from the institute, and then married. She spends all her free time raising her daughter.

Carier start

Виктория Моролес родилась в Рокфорде (Техас) в 1996 As a child, she loved to stage plays and shows in front of friends and relatives. She also danced and played in a youth theater. After graduation, she moved to Los Angeles, where she began her acting career. Her film debut was a small role in the short film "Free Lane", in which she played a girl Wendy. The film was released in 2009, when Victoria was only 13 years old. In 2010, she took part in the film "Spiteful Waltz", which tells about the bottom of the life of a young pickpocket. In it, she performed the cameo role of an unnamed girl.

Victoria Moroles

The next short film in which she playedthe young actress, became the picture "Believers", published in 2011. A little later, comes a half-hour film Maddoggin. Victoria played a girl named Vialet Diaz. The television debut for the actress was a small role in the famous American TV series "C.S.I. Crime Scene." Victoria appeared only in the third series of the 13th season.

Main Filmography

The first popularity comes to the actress afterparticipation in the movie "Cloud 9". Victoria Moroles played the snowboarder Piu. On large screens, the picture came out in 2014. And although the actress got a very small role, she still became significant in her career, because Disney Company was involved in the production of Clouds 9. In the same year, Victoria appeared in the series "Legends". She can be seen in the sixth episode of season 1, where she plays a teenager on the bus.

Liv and Maddie Victoria Moroles

A real breakthrough for the girl was participation inTV series "Liv and Maddie". Victoria Moroles won a significant role in the second season, which was broadcast on the Disney Channel. She played a girl named Andy, who became a close friend of the main character Liv. Thanks to the success of previous projects, Victoria was able to easily get a role in the famous youth TV series "Teen Wolf". For the first time she appears in the fifth season of the project. The actress played Hayden Romero - a schoolgirl who became a werewolf as a result of unsuccessful experiments of scientists. She appeared in almost all series of the season, except the first and fifth.

Personal life

About the personal life of the actress know little.Victoria Moroles carefully hides her boyfriend Patrick Pedrage from the press. Relatives and friends of the couple confirm that they have been dating since high school. Patrick is an athlete, he played in the hockey team for many years. He is currently studying in Los Angeles and is actively involved in baseball. The couple never appears together at public events. Only sometimes Victoria herself puts pictures with her boyfriend on social networks. Patrick often visits Victoria on set, where they spend time together.

victoria moroles movies

Future projects

Currently, Victoria continues to roll inseries "Teen Wolf". In 2017, his last season will be on the screen, where she will again play werewolf Hayden. The girl joined the main caste, so it will appear in all series. In 2016, comedy “Is this a gun in your pocket?” Coming out on big screens, raising the topic of the danger of the use of weapons by civilians. The actress got a small role. She played a girl named Paula. This year Victoria went to Barcelona to take part in the filming of "Down the corridor." Together with her, Uma Thurman will appear on the screen, as well as Anna Sophia Robb and Isabelle Furman, young actresses who have already received recognition in the USA and Europe. The director of the film will be Rodrigo Cortes.

cloud 9 victoria moroles

Victoria is not only engaged in acting career.Due to her tall stature (170 cm), she signed a contract with the modeling agency Ford. She got a place in the teenage segment of the company and has already participated in several photo shoots for fashion magazines. Soon it will also be visible on the catwalks.

Victoria Moroles, whose films are not yet part ofThe number of cash projects is considered a promising American actress. In recent years, she has gained great popularity on television, and now plans to show herself in big cinema and modeling business. It remains to hope that her career will develop as well as in recent years, and she will get many bright roles.

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