/ / Cory Monteith: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Cory Monteith: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Cory Monteith is a simple guy from Canada, aboutthe existence of which the whole world learned after the release of the popular series "The Luzers." The life of the actor and musician was short-lived, the fault of which was his passion for drugs. What is known about a talented artist who prematurely left this world, his work and his life's path?

Cory Monteith: childhood

The future actor was born in a Canadian cityCalgary, it happened in May 1982. The first years of his life, Cory Monteith spent in British Columbia, where he lived with his mother and brother. The boy's father left the family when he was not yet two years old. The family existed on the unstable earnings of the mother, who worked as an interior designer.

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From an early age, Corey was practically grantedto myself. This manifested itself in the teenage years, when the guy got out of hand. Young Monteith first tried drugs at the age of 12 years. He was constantly expelled from school for defiant behavior and absenteeism, in connection with which the young man changed many educational institutions. Hardly having passed in the ninth class, Cory Monteith decided to say goodbye to the bored lessons.


The actor frankly admitted in an interview that,that there are no prohibited things that he did not meet by the age of 19. The family of the young man forced him to agree to a course of treatment. For some time he spent in a rehabilitation clinic, who took drug addicts. Unfortunately, Cory Monteith once again broke, barely leaving the center. Then he stole from his relatives a large sum of money, which they soon became aware of. Corey himself characterizes this act as a kind of cry for help.

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For a while, Monteith still managedsay farewell to pernicious habits. A friend persuaded a young man to move to the Canadian town of Nanaimo. Here began the labor activity of the future star. For several years, Corey has changed an incredible number of professions - he tried on the role of taxi driver, roofer, driver, seller.

Lucky case

It's hard to say what would be the fate of the starseries "Luzers", if he had not accidentally found himself in Vancouver. Corey moved to this city in search of more decent work and spent some time, covering the rapids of various organizations. It was then that his attention was drawn to the announcement of the casting. Young actors were required for the picture "Stargate: Atlantis".

Lea Michel and Cori Mountait

The young man went to casting for fun, nothoping that he will get a job. However, Cory Monteith was unexpectedly among the young people admitted. The actor's biography says that it was the shooting in this tape that made him start dreaming about a movie star's career.

First successes

Attractive appearance and suddenly revealedtalent allowed Cory to easily receive small roles in popular TV shows. "Anomalies", "Smallville's Secrets", "Young Musketeers", "X-Factor" - the guy managed to appear in episodes of many popular TV series. In parallel with visiting castings, he began to attend acting courses, and the approval of teachers further strengthened him in his intention to become a movie star.

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At the same time I became interested in the music of CoreyMonteith. The biography of the actor shows that in 2005 he became a member of the music band Bonnie Dune, joining the band as a backing vocalist. It is curious that it was the passion for music that helped the beginning actor to become famous all over the world.

Starry hour

Once, Monteith found out that searches are underwayactors for the new series, narrating about the chorus of losers. Without much hope, the young man sent a funny video to the producers. In this video, he beat the rhythm on an improvised drum assembled from containers intended for food. Instead of sticks, Corey used pencils.

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Unexpectedly it turned out that the record hadthe creators of the TV project "The Luzers" liking, they appreciated the appearance and comedic talent of the performer. However, they were interested in the vocal data of the applicant for the role. First, Monte Cory sent the producers a CD, on which his songs were recorded, then passed a real audition in Los Angeles. As a result, he was approved for the role of one of the key characters of the "Luzers". To shoot the series began in 2009.

Different roles

By the time the first season of the "Luzers"the filmography of the young man already included a decent number of pictures. However, the taste of real glory, he managed to feel only when he played in the series about the chorus of losers Finn Hudson. Cory had a lot of fans, most of them belonged to the beautiful floor. Appreciated the popularity of the guy and the directors, who began vying to offer him the role.

"How to Learn to Flirt" is a comedy in whichactor and musician in 2011 played a key role. This is a story about friends who agree to become participants in a reality show, the main theme of which are dating. All of them pursue one goal - acquaintance with the girl. In the same year, he played a central character in "Sisters and Brothers" - a comedy about the relationship between close relatives. Good luck for him was the role in the film "Monte Carlo", the colleague of the young actor on the set was Selena Gomez.

Where else did Cory Monteith succeed? Films in which it can be seen: "All the wrong reasons", "McCanic".

Personal life

Of course, fans of the actor and musician, earlywho left this world, are interested not only in the roles played by him. The star had relationships with different girls, many of them were also actresses. The longest time the young man met with Mallory Matosh, but the beautiful couple broke up for unknown reasons.


Lia Michel and Cory Monteith met onthe set of the TV project "Luzery". In this series, Leah embodied the image of Rachel Berry. If you rely on the stories of lovers, you can find out that they immediately felt attracted to each other, soon began to meet. It is known that it was Leah who became the last girl with whom the deceased actor was in romantic connection.

Death, funeral

It seemed that with the advent of fame, lifeyesterday's dysfunctional teenager was adjusted. However, Corey did not withstand the test of fame, as many of his early departed from the life of a colleague. The young man again returned to his addiction - drugs. Of course, he was advancing periods when he dreamed of getting rid of addiction, agreed to treatment in a rehabilitation clinic. However, then Monteith again returned to drugs.

Cori's body was found in one of the hotelsVancouver, it happened in July 2013. The doctors' verdict is beyond doubt - overdose. In accordance with the will, which left Monteith, his body was cremated. So sadly ended the life of the famous Finn of the "Luzers".

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