/ / Alexei Eybozhenko: the short life of the great actor

Alexei Eybozhenko: the short life of a great actor

He died at the age of 46, having had time to win backalmost fifty roles in films and television performances. He often received proposals to shoot in military, espionage and adventure pictures. He remained an orphan at the age of 7, but grew up a remarkable man. This is Alexei Eybozhenko - a Soviet actor of cinema and theater.

Childhood and family relations

In Moscow on February 6, 1934, in a family very unusual for the Soviet era, a boy was born who was called Alyosha.

Alexey Eybozhenko

His grandmother was in the line of the pope a Frenchwoman andwas related to the famous writer George Sand (who was that cousin's niece). They even had the same surname - Dupin. His grandfather in the distant years was a fairly wealthy landlord (before the revolution, the house and land where the Olympic complex is now, belonged to him). Once he lost a card in the Noble Assembly and from despair shot himself.

The first terrible losses

Little Alexei Eybozhenko managed to celebrateonly the seventh birthday, when the Great Patriotic War began. The Pope goes to the front to defend his homeland and dies in the Battle of the Kursk Bulge. Mom loved him so much that she could not survive such a great loss. Soon after her father's death, she dies. So, being still quite a child, the boy remained an orphan.

Debut on stage

Actor Abozhenko Alexey still studied at the theater school - in the so-called "Sliver", when he began to go on stage. He played the King in the "Star of Seville", Karaulov in "The Other's Child", Romashov in "Two Captains" ...

actor ejbozhenko alexey

In 1957, he received a diploma in theaterschool, comes to the troupe of the Voronezh Drama Theater named after Koltsov. There he worked for two years, and then moved to the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater, which is located on Taganka. It was there that he was destined to meet with the woman of his entire life.

Who are you, my love?

They studied in "Sliver" from Vera Pashenny, onlyNatasha (Natalia Königson, whose father was a famous Soviet actor Vladimir Königson) was studying a course younger. For Pashenny Eybozhenko Alexey Sergeevich was the favorite pupil. She always said that he is the best, that he is wonderful, that he is talented. When Natalia started working on Taganka, she was told that a young man who also came from Sliver was working there. Hearing the name of the guy, she screamed that this is a legendary man and immediately wanted to meet him. However, at a personal meeting the girl was a little surprised, because Eybozhenko was the most ordinary person - sociable and simple-hearted.

Thus began their great love.They lived together for 16 years, loving each other, as on the first day. Rarely to whom such unlimited happiness falls. They practically did not communicate with anyone and did not invite anyone to visit. Not because they did not like the guests, but because they did not need anybody, they adored each other.

alexey ejbozhenko movies

Their son, Alexey Alekseevich Ejbozhenko, recalledone case that vividly characterized their quivering attitude towards each other. Once the parents were going to go to the House of Cinema for the premiere. They were ready to go out when my father suddenly said: "Mummy, maybe we will not go?" Natasha agreed. They stayed at home.

Natalia and Alexey simply could not be angry with each other.on a friend for a long time. They could have quarreled because of some nonsense, and then he came to his wife with the words: "Forgive me, Mummy! I'm an orphan ... "And all, immediately all the insults and quarrels were forgotten.

Theatrical scene

Natalia Eybozhenko worked at the Taganka Theaternot for long: when Lyubimov came there, they did not have a relationship, and Natalya resigned. Alexei Ejbozhenko, on the contrary, confidently walked from role to role. The new leader trusted the young actor to play interesting characters. Everything would be fine, but ... Love for his wife was much more important for Alexei and stronger, so he goes for his beloved in nowhere.

 ejbozhenko alexey sergeevich

But it was necessary to provide for the family.Alexei Eybozhenko, whose films later enter the treasury of Soviet cinema, begins work in his first films. One of his early screen images was Nem Brok - the picture "In the performance of duties" and Lemeshko - the film "The Third Half."

It was 1964.The actor becomes a member of the Academic Theater Company. Vladimir Mayakovsky. He stayed there for a bit, but the roles he played there were quite memorable and interesting. Three years later he came to the State Academic Maly Theater, where his repertoire was enriched with more than two dozen complex, characteristic roles.


Each of the characters played by Abozhenkoattracted to the artist attention of spectators of different ages - whether it's an episodic role or the main one. One of the most famous roles of the actor is considered a character from the television movie "For the rest of his life" (Commissioner Ivan Egorovich Danilov), who, in the hope of collaborating with Eybozhenko, was removed in 1975 by director Pyotr Fomenko.

As early as 1966, he played in the film "On the Thinice ", which dealt with the struggle of employees of the GB with foreign intelligence in the late 30's and during the Great Patriotic War. Alexei Sergeyevich embodied on the screen a central role - it was an employee of the NKVD Andrei Trapeznikov.

алексей эйбоженко cause of death

There were other interesting works: Colonel Vinnikov in the movie "Fight after the Victory", Grandfather in the film "The Road to Ryubetsal", Max Gusman in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" ...

Unfortunately, Alexei Eybozhenko died early.The cause of death is hypertension. It would seem that a common, common disease. But ... Mortality from cardiovascular diseases is then, and now is very high. He died on December 26, 1980, at the age of 46. Sometimes, however, in some print media you can find materials that before the death of the actor was beaten. But Natalia Koenigson herself refutes this information. Alexei Eybozhenko is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. His son, named after his father, is now a popular TV presenter and actor.

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