/ / The history of the film "Aleshkina love." Actors and roles

The history of the film "Aleshkina love." Actors and roles

In early 1959, Budimir Metalnikov wrotescript "Another's love." His other works of this period - "Father's House", "Simple History" - were favorably received by filmmakers. "Someone else's love" at the Film Studio. Gorky refused to put. Fortunately, we managed to conclude an agreement with Mosfilm. The film received, however, another name - "Aleshkina love." Actors and the role of the film, shot under the script Metalnikova, are presented in the article.

alyoshka love actors

From the history of creation

The script was subjected to repeated modifications.The film was entrusted to shoot Georgy Shchukin and Semyon Tumanov. In April 1960, Metalnikov presented the final version to the members of the artistic council. The filmmakers appreciated the work of the screenwriter, but they demanded to remove some scenes, for example, the one in which the main character is mercilessly beaten by a less fortunate contender. Metalnikov refused to make changes, arguing that without such episodes, the characters' characters can not be fully revealed. Not without difficulty, the writer managed to win this dispute.

movie alyoshka love actors

Lyrical hero

Actors on the role in the film "Aleshkina love"it was not easy to pick. The main emphasis was on the artists Mosfilm. However, the capital film studio did not find a suitable candidate for the main role in the film "Aleshkina love." Actors began to search in files of theatrical high schools of the country.

In May, the artists were identified for all roles, exceptthe main one. The following candidates were represented at the artistic council: L. Kuravlev, A. Kozhevnikov, A. Kuznetsov. However, none of them, according to members of the commission, was not suitable for the role of the main character in the film "Aleshkina love." Actor Leonid Bykov was approved when the shooting began. By that time, he was known for such films as "Volunteers", "Maxim Perepelitsa," "My Dear Man," "Tamer Tiger." By the way, it was not easy to convince Bykov to withdraw in the film "Aleshkina love." The actor did not see himself in the image of a romantic hero. As you know, the directors managed to persuade him.

main character

On the role of Zina - the main character - triedseveral artists: L. Gurchenko, I. Izvitskaya, L. Shlyakhtur, T. Vitchenko, A. Zavyalova. The last was approved. Alexandra Zavyalova played the first role in cinema, being a first-year student. She studied well, and the debut work caused a positive evaluation of critics. Yet after receiving the diploma, the young actress was sent away from Moscow - to the Brest Drama Theater. For several years Zavyalova refused to appear, although there were many proposals. In 1959, agreed to a role in the film "People on the Bridge," and then played in two more films. One of them is Aleshka's Love.

alyoshkina love actors and roles

Actors (secondary roles)

Alexander Lebedev, Yuri Belov and Radner Muratov were auditioned for the role of Arkady. The choice fell in favor of Belov. In the film, Nonna Mordyukova could play. But the role of Lisa was approved by Olga Khorkova.

The directors who created this film, in the beginningsixties were newcomers to the cinema. Nevertheless, they managed to quickly create a working atmosphere on the set. At the same time, there was no division into "debutants" and "stars." Other actors of the film "Aleshkina love": Alexei Gribov, Ivan Savkin, Alexei Zaitsev, Vladimir Gulyaev, Boris Balakin, Ivan Ryzhov.

Interesting Facts

Filming had to take place in the vicinitythe city of Kerch and the construction sites of the future Zelenograd. But at the last moment, for unknown reasons, the plans changed. Filming was transferred to Feodosia.

The film "Aleshkina love" could never get out inrental. Critics in this uncomplicated history saw many ideological shortcomings. In the name of the then Minister of Culture, a letter was sent, composed by a group of officials, with a request to ban a film in which Soviet youth is not represented in the best possible light. Furtseva, after reading the message, looked at the film and did not find anything seditious in it. The premiere of "Alyoshka Love" was held in the autumn of 1960.

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