/ Maria Metlitskaya. Biography, creativity

Maria Metlitskaya. Biography, creativity

Очень важно, чтобы читатель видел в книгах reflection of one's own thoughts. This characterizes the works of Mary Metlitskaya. But, in addition to the fact that these works help the public understand their own "I", her works are also light and ironic.

Love since childhood

Maria was born and lives in Moscow.The writer's parents treated the intelligentsia and participated in the movement of the sixties. Consequently, the child grew up in a creative atmosphere. The house was always full of books. The grandmother and mother encouraged the love of literature to the child. It should be noted that Masha herself read confidently from the age of four. When the little girl was short of new books, she hurried to the library.

Mary Metlitskaya
Симпатия к слову не прошла напрасно.The works, written by Maria Metlitskaya, are pleasantly distinguished among others. They have a simple and expressive and rich language. Respect for books accompanies the writer throughout her life. Even today, the woman's favorite hobby is to read a good story.

Maria wrote the first verses in school.But the future profession was far from literature. The word master studied medicine and worked as a doctor for some time. Nevertheless, the woman never left the work. In 2003, the first collection of poems was published. But the real popularity of the author Metlitskaya Maria got thanks to her stories.

Second chance for happiness

Первый брак женщины был неудачен.On the person with whom she lived under one roof, hoping was risky. Therefore, the talented prose writer tried to build happiness with another man. With this chosen writer, she lived for 20 years in a civil marriage. The official registration of the family union coincided with the celebration of the release of the first book. Her companion, with whom she has already met a silver jubilee, is worthy of respect. He became her firm shoulder, a loved one who will never betray.

It should be noted that the theme of faithfulness of MaryMetlitskaya very often raises her works. About treason and its consequences tells "The Failure of Youth." A work about a man who left his wife and a sick child. He plans to start life from a new page, but fate is a very capricious lady, and she does not forgive meanness.

books of Mary Metlitskaya

Start work

As soon as readers learn the history of howthe author began a career as a writer, begin to believe in fate. The only son of a woman grew up and moved away from the family. In fact, the main mission of her life - raising a child, came to an end. Another impetus to writing was a personal drama. Maria Metlitskaya was ill for some time.

The woman tried to occupy herself with diversecourses and circles, but none of the cases could satiate her creative nature. Once she decided to write a story. When the work was finished, I read the work to my husband. He approvingly responded and encouraged his wife to create further.

She wrote her first narrations by hand, since she had no idea how to work at the computer. Only at the 52nd year of life she mastered this technique.

Further the writer visited all possible bookfair and offered a CD with their creativity editors. But as soon as the publishers heard that the author is writing in the form of a story, they refused the materials. Others ignored Maria's work because of a lack of experience.

One more step to fame

Nevertheless, the works that Maria Metlitskaya wrote saw the light.

The genre in which the writer writes a story.She has been faithful to this short form of artistic prose for decades. She adored reading Anton Chekhov and O. Henry from childhood. Like her little stories already at least because they do not need to spend a lot of time. But the deeper the writer dived into the world of literature, the more often she thought about starting work on a big novel.

The work in this genre is "And the ball will return."The book was given to her very hard, says Maria Metlitskaya. Biography and personal experience of the prose writer were partially reflected in the image of Tanya's character. The plot tells of four friends who are familiar from school. Very soon they have a graduation party. The girls are full of hopes and expectations. But the tragedy changes their attitude to life and to each other. However, in front of the heroines there are still many ups and downs.

Now, according to the book, the eponymous show was shot. The director was Valery Devyatilov, and the main roles are performed by the best actresses of the country.

Mary Metlitskaya biography

Top stories

The author is very critical of his work.From the bibliography she singles out the work "Our Little Life". The work is included in the series "Behind other people's windows." And indeed, each story describes simple, ordinary people, the greatness and tragedy of which in their actions. Despite the fact that stories are fiction, the reader, leafing through the books of Maria Metlitskaya, sees herself in every image. To this story, the master has the least claims.

On the contrary, the public likes Diarymother-in-law ". The writer herself did not place high hopes on this robot. But a simple and ironic narrative captivated the hearts of the audience. The plot tells about my mother, who devoted her whole life to her beloved son. But the boy grew up and begins his own, independent life. In fact, the child from the heroine is selected not only by time, but by another woman. Now the main character should get used to the role of mother-in-law. The chosen son becomes a rival and claims the place of the main person in his life. With this situation, an energetic and restless mother copes in her own way.

Everyone who read this story, saw in the actions of his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law their actions in such circumstances.

works of Mary Metlitskaya

Star Olympus

Positively about the work of MetlitskayaVictoria Tokareva. This writer has long been creating talented books. Often critics argue that the style in which Maria writes, is partly similar to the manner of her colleague.

Any character, whether important, positive ornegative, she loves equally. The main images are very detailed. This allows the public to immerse themselves in the world of the book. Often her works leave room for a puzzle. And on the final page the author gives the hero the choice: to stay in place or move to good and light.

The books of Mary Metlitskaya were born from her own experience. The author notes that although almost all situations and heroes are fictional, yet most of her works are based on what she saw herself.

the author of the Metlitskaya Mariya

Becomes more audience of this writer.Not only women, but men admire her prose. Today, works are very popular. Now the master of words is thinking about writing a new grandiose novel.

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