/ / Edward Furlong: Actor with Unrealized Potential

Edward Furlong: Actor with Unrealized Potential

A great start sometimes turns out to be expensivenowhere. So it was with many bright young actors who began brilliantly, but then their careers sharply declined. A vivid example is Edward Furlong. The first film with his participation made him a star. But he could not keep up the high bar. And now he is known more by scandals and legal drives than by talented acting work.

edward furlong

Biography of the actor

Problems began to haunt Edward since childhood.He was born in 1977, August 2, in the town of Glendale, which is located in California. His mother - Eleanor Torres - was a Mexican. But about his father, Edward Furlong knows only that he was allegedly Russian. But the actor himself has never met him in his life.

It was very difficult for the mother to raise her son alone, and she made the decision to transfer him to custody. Edward was taken to his aunt and uncle. Nancy and Shaun Furlong raised a nephew to 16 years.

It should be noted that the young Furlong did not even think about his acting career. According to him, at that time he did not think at all about the future, he simply studied, not grabbing stars from the sky.

Sharp turn in destiny

In 1991, an event occurred that drastically changedthe fate of Edward. He was 13 years old when in the “Club for Boys and Girls of Pasadena” a casting agent Mali Finn drew attention to him. She was just looking for a suitable actor for the role of John Connor. Cameron launched a new ambitious project. And in “Terminator-2” a capable teenager was needed who wouldn’t be trying to get along with Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

edward furlong filmography

Mali Finn highly appreciated the potential of the lad and defended his candidacy in front of a famous director.

Brilliant start

"Judgment Day" was great for the young actora chance to make a statement. And it should be noted that, despite some difficulties, he managed to realize this chance. James Cameron discovered a new name - Edward Furlong.

"Terminator-2" made the teenager nervous. One time he was even nearly fired for ripping off the shoot. Edward forgot the words and confused the lines.

The second difficulty began with the film's voice acting. At Furlong in the midst of filming began to sharply break the voice. Therefore, during the installation, we had to sweat so much that the viewer did not notice the difference on the screen.

For the role of John Connor, Edward Furlong received a prize from MTV in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination. He was also awarded the Saturn Sci-Fi Award for the “Best Young Actor”.

And, of course, an incredible popularity fell on the actor.

Care in music

After the "Terminator" Edward suddenly became interested in music.In 1992 he released a solo album. Hold On Tight is the title track from the record of the same name. She became number one on the Japanese charts, eclipsing even the hit of Whitney Houston that same year.

edward furlong photo

In Japan, the actor still has fanswho remember his debut album. Although Furlong himself is now ashamed of his brainchild. He disowns his musical experience, claiming that it was all done for money.

Movies with Edward Furlong

The next significant picture in the biography of the actor was the tape "American Heart". Fifteen-year-old Edward played in the film of the son of the main character played by Jeff Bridges.

And although the picture was not very popular, loversa serious dramatic movie appreciated it. At the same time a very strong game of young Furlong was noted. He was even nominated in the category of the best supporting actor for the award from the IFP Spirit.

Then there were more work in which experiencedpartners were partners Edward Furlong. His filmography contains the painting "Our Own Home" (Katie Bates), "Little Odessa" (Tim Roth), "The Sounds of the Harp in the Meadow" (Walter Mattie).

Especially you need to highlight the tape "Little Odessa". Here, Edward's peculiar teachers, along with Tim Roth, were Maximilian Shell, Vanessa Redgrave.

It is not surprising that the skill of the young actor was growing before our eyes. Still, before his eyes were amazing professionals who had something to learn in terms of serious acting.

edward furlong terminator

The finest hour for furlong steel shooting at TonyKay The 1998 American History X tape is rightfully considered a masterpiece. Edward Furlong, whose filmography has received another brilliant picture, played along with Edward Norton just to "excellent."

The picture was very tough and realistic.Many viewers admitted that they were incredibly hard to watch, because the emotions that went into the hall from the screen just turned the heart and soul. The pain that the characters experienced was simply physically felt when viewed. The film is now called the most powerful anti-racism work.

Critics and viewers in one voice recognized andrecognize that the play of actors in "American History" deserves the most excellent epithets. It is thanks to them that the tape keeps them in suspense, makes them sympathize with the heroes, living with them each episode.

films with edward furlong

However, after such a powerful statement about histalent Edward Furlong gradually began to lose ground. There were a few more powerful breakthroughs: for example, Stephen Buscemy’s crime drama “The Zone of Wolves” (sometimes the name of this tape is translated as “Animal Farm”), where Willem Dafoe acted together with Furlong.


But alas, the further, the worse the projects became,in which appeared furlong. The reason was banal - the actor could not stand the popularity that had fallen on him so early. There were problems with alcohol, drugs, there were drives to the police, scandals and legal proceedings. The directors did not want to mess with the unbalanced actor. And Edward Furlong (in recent years, this is vividly illustrated) began to lose physical fitness. And now his name is associated with many only with scandals. It's a pity. After all, the potential of the actor was promising ...

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