/ / How to draw a palm tree: a step-by-step instruction for children and novice artists

How to draw a palm tree: step by step instruction for children and novice artists

In this short tutorial, you know how to drawpalm tree in just five simple steps. This tip is ideal for children and beginners. Before you start painting, carefully study the finished image of the tree, so you can visualize how the palm should look. At the end of the article, we will give some entertaining facts about this plant. Let's find out how to draw a palm tree in stages.

Draw a palm with felt-tip pens

Step 1. Image of the trunk

Draw a triangle that is slightly curved toward the top. Keep the figure slightly open, that is, do not close the main corner where the tree's crown should be located.

Step 2. We give realism

So how to draw a palm tree to a child or a beginnerartist? After the barrel is depicted on a piece of paper, you need to give it a real appearance. Make small wavy lines from the bottom of the tree that will be the roots.

How to draw a simple palm tree?

Step 3. Filling the barrel

Down the trunk, you must draw lines parallel to each other. This will make your drawing look more like a real tree.

Step 4. Add fruits or nuts

Draw three middle circles at the top of the triangle. Important note: place these spherical shapes so that the tree trunk is closed and closed.

Step 5. Leaves

If you want to learn how to draw a palm tree in pencil, then there is nothing easier than our instructions. In just five steps you will learn how to portray a beautiful and realistic tree.

Painted palm - image

Thus, the last stage will be the image of largepalm leaves. Draw two curved lines emerging from the fruit, and then connect them with a dot to get a smooth figure with a sharp end. In total, you need to depict 5-6 leaves. Try to make them asymmetric and different in size, so that the tree was really like a palm tree.

Interesting Facts

Now you know how to draw a palm tree -a common tree that is common in the tropical regions of the Pacific, South Africa, the southeastern part of the United States, Asia and some European countries. Typically, these are lean trees with a trunk, which in thickness resemble reeds. In the upper part of the tree, there are sometimes cross-cortical lines. Some palms have a bamboo shape.

But, thanks to the fact that this plantspread throughout the world, it has acquired a unique form. Everything depends on the climate and weather conditions. Some palms are like a human hand, while others resemble large feathers. Sometimes these trees are compared to a mop. The main feature of palm trees is that most of them bear fruit, but so far one plant will give us bananas, the other will be an excellent source of dates and berries, and from the third one it will be possible to collect coconuts.

Such a diverse palm tree

It is interesting

Did you know that:

  • There are 1100 species of palm trees.
  • These trees are mentioned in the texts of some major world religions. They are spoken about in the Bible and the Koran.
  • The palm has no rings in the trunks, like the majoritytrees. From childhood we are taught that if you cut, for example, a birch, then by the number of circles you can find out the age of the plant. With a palm tree, everything is much more complicated.
  • The highest palm tree in the world reaches 60 meters.
  • These trees are unique, because they are able to bend under strong winds, but do not break even with a powerful storm. Palm trees withstand severe natural conditions, which often occur in coastal areas.

Another way how to draw a palm tree

Take a blank sheet of paper, and then use theDraw a sharp pencil outline of the tree. First, draw a long and slightly curved vertical line. In the upper part, draw an oval, which would mean that a coconut grows on this place. Also draw guide lines for palm leaves, using slightly curved bands.

Continue to draw a palm tree.Draw another vertical line parallel to the right. The trunk of the palm tree is almost ready. Then draw two more small ovals at the top of the trunk. Draw several lines of a piece of wood, next to our sketches of leaves. The last step is the addition of several horizontal strips to the trunk of the palm. Circle the lines of the leaves and draw short strokes near each sheet. To make coconuts more real, make a shadow using horizontal hatching.

Congratulations! You learned how to draw a palm tree. Remains only to pick up felt pens or colored pencils to give brightness and naturalness to a tree!

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