/ / Evgeny Nosov. Biography. Creativity

Evgeny Nosov. Biography. Creativity

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov - Soviet Russianwriter. Today, the works of Evgeny Nosov for children are included in the school curriculum. Although he did not write specifically for them. However, thanks to an understandable and simple language, all his stories and stories are easily read by both adults and children. The author of many famous works was Evgeny Nosov. His biography, we can say, is very complex and heroic. However, it should not be confused with his namesake and children's writer Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov known for his works about Neznayka.

Evgeny Nosov biography

Nosov Evgeniy Ivanovich. Biography

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was born on January 15, 1925year in the Kursk region in the village of Tolmachevo. This village nestled near the small river Tuskari, the Seimas, it had a bell tower and a park of limes. Nosov lived all the children in the grandfather's house in a large family of peasants. His father was a hereditary artisan, and most of his life he worked as a mechanic at a mechanical plant in the city of Kursk.

In 1933, Eugene went to study in Kurskhigh school, but finished there only 8 classes, because the war began. As soon as the Germans took the city, he and his mother and younger sister moved again to Tolmachevo to their grandmother.


In the fall of 1943, Yevgeny Nosov became a fighterThe Red Army. For a year and a half he fought in the forefront of the artillery battery, which destroyed many enemy tanks and other military equipment. The fighting way of this brave defender passed through Bryansk, Minsk, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Warsaw. Private Nosov was awarded numerous honorary military orders and medals.

Already at the end of winter, before the victory, Nosov was wounded near Konigsberg. And he met the Great Victory already at the hospital in Serpukhov. In June 1945 he was demobilized for disability.

But the joy of meeting with relatives was replaced by a heavypostwar destruction and hunger. Eugene's father was at war and lost his ability to work, so it was not easy to get money for the family. Evgeny Nosov made up for lost time and for one year passed all the school examinations. Following his future wife, who graduated from the Soviet Trade College, in direction they leave for the Kazakh city of Taldy-Kurgan.

Nosov Evgeny Biography

Lucky case

It was there that he was lucky, inone local newspaper "Semerichenskaya Pravda" needed an artist-designer and he, having a good talent for drawing, got a job in this position. A year later he married. And then the duties of a special correspondent fell on him, and he began to travel to various cities on business trips and write news articles on the subject of industry, trade and transport.

In 1951 Yevgeny Nosov returned to Kursk again. His biography starts a new turn from here, he becomes an employee of the newspaper "Young Guard" and the head of the department of youth and Komsomol life.

In 1957, he began to seriously engage inliterary works. But for this work he needed more free time, he again returns to the position of the artist-designer. And begins to write small stories that went to the periodical press. Now Eugene Nosov is a writer, and in 1958 he releases his first collection "On the Fishing Path". Then the Kursk Literary Association decided to send it to Leningrad to the All-Russian Seminar, where the leaders of the group headed by Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky highly appreciated the young prose writer and his works, so he was recommended to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

At the end of the Higher Literary Courses, the periodwhich lasted from 1961 to 1963, Evgeny Nosov is already professionally engaged in writing. Yevgeny Nosov's works are replenished with such works as "Where the sun wakes up", "Shores", "In the open field behind the village", "Bridge", "Shumit meadow fescue", "Red wine of victory", "My Jomolungma", "Usvyatskie shlemonostsy "," Selected Works "in 2 volumes and many others.

Literary criticism of Evgeny Nosov considereda writer-rusticist. But the true admirers of his literature found in his works not only a description of peasant life and nature, but also a philosophical comprehension of the process of being of people and the role of the Fatherland in their life.

Опыт и мастерство, а также широта его интересов very natural, rich and diverse. He artistically easily and freely draws both village and city factory life, and also very realistically describes the retreat of the army in 1941, and how the whole Russian people ascended the Great Patriotic War.

Evgeny Nosov. Biography and the beginning of creativity

In his novella "The Usvyatskie Shlemonos", Nosov very powerfully describes the gravity of the war and the fascist invasion that fell on the entire Soviet people, along with his men, old men, women and children.

Works by Evgeny Nosov

He ponders why the nation remembers this longwar, but because the enemy was cruelly crafty and merciless, and this strongly influenced mass consciousness. Epic panorama at the end of the story raises the spirit when clouds in the sky swim over the villages, and the columns of the mobilized move to the collection point. "Usvyatsky, stavsky, Nikolsky, farmsteads, men are coming!" And there is no end to these columns, so Russia has risen, so the Russians are going to defend their native land, their relatives and friends.

Yevgeny Nosov's works for children

Awards for literary works

For the book "Meadow Fescue Noises" 1975Yevgeny Nosov received the State Prize of the RSFSR. M. Gorky. For stories in 1996 was awarded the International Literary Prize. M. Sholokhov, in 2001 - the prize to them. A. Solzhenitsyn.

In 1990, Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov presentedto the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1984 and 1990 he was awarded the Order of Lenin, in 1975 with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, in 1971 he received the Order of the Badge of Honor.

This is how Nosov Eugene lived his difficult lifeIvanovich His biography is similar to the biographies of many prominent people of that time who knew what war is and how many innocent lives she took, so that those who survived could live and work in peace in their native land. They knew all this not by hearsay, and therefore used their full chance to live.

Evgeny Nosov writer


Евгений Носов, биография которого является такой saturated, was one of the most revered writers in the Soviet Union. Now he is stern and frowning looking at everyone frowningly (memories of the war and front wounds made themselves felt), he is kind and cordial. And this fills the souls of relatives and friends. But he became the most amazing when he told something and simply enchanted the audience. In life there has always been a different writer Yevgeny Nosov. The painting of his life was interrupted in 2002 at 77 years of age.

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