/ / Actor Clifton Collins: biography, personal life. Best movies and TV shows

Actor Clifton Collins: biography, personal life. Best movies and TV shows

Clifton Collins - a chameleon actor capablecreate absolutely any image. This talented person looks equally convincing in the role of a serial killer, a policeman, an office clerk, an athlete. "Mind Hunters", "Traffic", "Road Dogs" - the films that made him famous. What else is known about him?

Clifton Collins: Star Biography

The chameleon actor was born in Los Angeles,happy event occurred in June 1970. Clifton Collins - a man who was lucky to be born in a creative family. Among his ancestors are many musicians, actors, dancers. The most famous managed to get his own grandfather Clifton. Pedro González-González was the star of Westerns, starring in the 50s. It is not surprising that the boy, as a child, decided to link his life with cinema.

clifton collins

Looking ahead, it is worth saying that the grandson managedsurpass the grandfather, who played mostly the stereotypical roles of typical Latin Americans and never attempted to change roles. However, it was the surname Pedro that Clifton Collins initially used, taking the path that led to fame. However, later Clifton Gonzalez-Gonzalez decided to become Collins again.

First successes

Clifton Collins began to receive episodic roles,He was barely 18 years old. A talented young man flashed in one series after another, including in popular TV projects. For example, he starred in episodes of "Steep Walker" and "Flash". Gradually, however, Clifton began to get tired of what he was offered only typical "Latin American roles." He was tired of playing office clerks and street thugs, he understood that he was capable of more.

clifton collins movies

His first attempt to change the situationYou can call the shooting in the fantastic picture "Fortress". The 1992 film offers people a glimpse into the near future, when natural resources are almost exhausted. The government is trying to fight overpopulation by strictly prohibiting families from having more than one child. This was followed by a supporting role in the youth comedy “Smoked”, where Clifton embodied the image of a guy who likes to have fun.

Different roles

Many critics believe that the first seriousThe victory, which was won by actor Clifton Collins, began shooting in the film "One eight seven." The spectator was impressed by the crazy student Cesar, whose image he embodied. It was after this that Clifton had a reputation as an actor without a clearly defined role. The roles that they began to offer him pleased with their diversity.

Clifton Collins actor

Collins starred in the "Killers for replacement", "Magicsuit "," The Land of the Tigers. " Then he brilliantly played a hired assassin with an unconventional orientation in the Traffic tape, in which Benicio del Toro and Michael Douglas also took part. Then he was invited to the picture “Mind Hunters”, entrusting the role of the psychoanalyst. As a result, Clifton finally got the status of an American movie star.

What else to see

Listing interesting films that starred inactor-chameleon, it is impossible not to mention the "Pacific Rim". Clifton Collins gladly agreed to a supporting role in a fantastic action movie, telling about the war of people with aliens crawling out of the depths of the sea.

clifton collins pacific line

По достоинству оценили зрители и картину "Parker" in which he appeared. The central character of the thriller was a professional thief, whose actions are subject to their own moral code. Clifton played in the sports drama "The Invincible", the criminal action movie "I Am a Witness", the action-packed thriller "A Little Hut". Also, fans will be able to see the star in the action movie "Adrenaline: High Voltage", the criminal detective story "Riders of the Apocalypse."

Clifton Collins whose films and biographyconsidered in this article, for several years now it has been removed in 4-5 films at the same time. Therefore, interesting news with his participation out constantly. Of the latest films in which the actor has played, fans should definitely watch the comedies “Demon Hunters” and “Freeloaders”. The bright image of Clifton embodied in the TV series "The Red Widow." Also worth noting is the fascinating action-thriller “Three Nines” with his participation.

Life Behind the Scenes

Clifton Collins is an actor whose personal life is notIt gives rest to numerous fans and journalists. He is constantly credited with romance with colleagues on the set, many of these rumors are false. It is known that for about eight years Clifton’s girlfriend was singer and actress Taryn Manning. Also, gossip about his novels with Sarah Blond, Emmanuel Shriky.

Вступить в официальный брак Клифтон решился в end of 2011. The choice of the actor-chameleon fell on Megan Ozurovich. It is known that lovers met for about two years before they got married. Father 46-year-old actor has not yet become, but does not exclude this possibility in the future.

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