/ / American actresses. Young American actresses (photo)

American actresses. Young American actresses (photo)

On the west coast of the USA, in the state of California,Hollywood is the center of the world film industry. "Factory of Dreams" is what the conglomerate is called, consisting of numerous studios, on which films of various genres are shot. Hollywood occupies the whole area of ​​the city of Los Angeles, in fact, it is a city in the city, with its infrastructure, police and transport.

Director and actress

Film production in Hollywood includescomplexes of technical means, allowing to make films at a high level. However, expensive movie cameras, numerous pavilions for filming and thousands of sets of different epochs would not be worth much without directors, screenwriters, actors and actresses, thanks to which the ritual - the creation of a film. Actresses of American films are, as a rule, well-educated, intellectually developed women.

The Emergence of Cinematography

American actresses appeared in the film industry notimmediately. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the cinema was just beginning, there was nobody to play the role, and the agents traveled around America in search of beautiful men and women who could take part in the shootings. From the very beginning, the criteria of appearance played a dominant role in filmmaking, because female beauty attracted the viewer. And if the director managed to remove several fascinating stories, then his films became popular, and the cinema halls were never empty.

Actresses of American cinema

Every American film director could inviteparticipation in the filming of the artist's favorite roles. American actresses are the basis of all film production in the United States. Kinodivy older generation, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Katherine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Ava Gardner and others, for many years attracted hundreds of thousands of fans who hurried to the cinema, barely seeing on the poster a familiar face. American actresses, whose list is quite extensive, can not be presented in full. Here the names of only some famous performers of leading roles are mentioned:

  • Shirley MacLaine, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell are the legendary actresses of the 50's and 60's of the last century.
  • Kathleen Turner, Vanessa Williams, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Kim Basinger - 80's and 90's.
  • Jennifer Lawrence, Ashley Greene, Eva Longoria, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron are American actresses of the younger generation.

The audience at all times went to "their favorite" singer, someone liked Marilyn Monroe, someone preferred watching movies with Audrey Hepburn. The most famous American actresses they received world recognition, they were invited to act in Italian and French directors.

Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)

American actresses

Megastar of Hollywood, the first actress in historycinema, received a fee of one million dollars for the role of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra in the film of the same name. She was the idol of several generations of American spectators. Winner of two Oscar awards, received for the films "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Butterfield, 8".

"Queen of Hollywood", Liz Taylor led a stormya life. Eight times she married, but only loved one spouse - actor Richard Burton. Their romance began on the set, during the production of "Cleopatra." In 1964, the lovers got married to divorce and re-marry a year later. Remarriage also soon disintegrated.

Star Taylor brightly burned in the firmament of Hollywood,but it could not last so long. And in the early 70's the films with Elizabeth's participation ceased to attract interest from the public. The actress received fewer and fewer invitations from the directors and eventually had to turn to the theater and play in the plays.

Sharon Stone (born March 10, 1958)

American actress list

The movie star of the first magnitude, the producer, the formerfashion model. He is a cavalier-lady of the Order of Literature and Art of France. A seventeen-year-old girl took part in one of the prestigious beauty contests, after which she signed a contract with a major modeling agency.

Stone career began after moving toNew York, where the actress made her debut in a small role in the film "Memories of Stardust" directed by Woody Allen. Then Sharon began to appear in various serials, but this did not bring her satisfaction. Soon the actress found herself in the role of "girlfriend of the movie hero", which at different times were: Sylvester Stallone - the film "Specialist"; Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie "Remember All"; Stephen Sigal, the main character of the film "Above the Law."

Famous actress brought the role of Catherine Tramellin the film director Paul Verhoeven's "Basic Instinct", filmed in 1992. The most notable characters of Sharon Stone are: the victim of a maniac in the movie "Sliver"; the spouse of the main character in the movie "Crossroads"; elite prostitute Las Vegas in the gangster film "Casino" directed by Martin Scorsese, where the actress played with Robert De Niro. For the last work she received a nomination for an Oscar and a Golden Globe Award.

Sandra Bullock (born July 26, 1964)

actresses of american films

Some American actresses are differentcertain psychologism in their work on the role. One such performer is "Oscar-winning" Sandra Bullock. Fame did not come immediately, until she was thirty at the theater, and when she moved to Los Angeles, she immediately starred in several films with the participation of well-known venerable actors.

In 1993, Sandra played the role of lieutenantHuxley in the film "The Destroyer", where she was able to play with Sylvester Stallone. The film was not successful, but the actress's performance was noted by film critics. Then Bullock played one of her most striking roles - Annie Porter, a passenger of a mined bus.

After the release of the picture in the rental of Sandra Bullock and herpartner in the plot Keanu Reeves became superstars. However, the sequel "Speed ​​2", released in the rental after three years, failed. The actress was disappointed by the failure, and she ceased to act in action films. Sandra turned all her attention toward comedic roles, as well as the genre of family drama.

The actress is the owner of two Oscar awards for the films "Gravitation" and "The Invisible Side." Also for the role in these paintings Bullock won the Golden Globe Award.

Angelina Jolie (born June 4, 1975)

famous American actresses

Actress, screenwriter and director, fashion model,active public figure, ambassador of goodwill to the UN. She has many awards, prizes and nominations. One of the most highly paid actresses of Hollywood.

Angelina Jolie debuted in 1982 in the film"In search of a way out" directed by Hal Ashby, put on the studio "Loriman Production." Fame came after the fantastic action movie "Lara Croft. Tomb Raider", in which Angelina played the main role, came out on the big screen. The film was shot on the plot of a famous computer game and collected 274 million dollars with a meager budget of 17 million.

Then Jolie starred in several commercially successful films, among which were:

  • "Gone in 60 Seconds," starring Nicolas Cage.
  • "Tourist". Cash collection - 278 million dollars.
  • "Malifisent". Revenue in the world hire - 753 million
  • "Extremely dangerous". 341 million
  • "Salt". Revenue - 293 million.
  • "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". Charges - 478 million dollars.

Dakota Fanning, 20 years old

young american actress

Actress and model.She is the youngest nominee for the US Actors Guild Award. She made her debut in the drama series "Ambulance", where she had to play the victim of a car accident, besides having leukemia. The young actress considered this role to be deep and responsible, so she tried to apply all of her not yet strong talent.

Currently, when Dakota Fanning turned 20 years old, her filmography has about fifty films. Each role of the young actress seems to be “trying on herself,” trying to get used to the image.

Abigail Breslin, 18

actress american cinema

Movie actress who, despite her youngage is already widely known. The roles in the films: "Nim's Island", "Little Miss Happiness", "Welcome to Zombiland", "Signs" - are marked by the desire to bring to the cinema-goer the full depth of the experiences of her heroine. And Abigail succeeds. The girl in the movie "Little Miss Happiness" is so touchingly played by a young actress that Breslin was nominated for an Oscar for best supporting actress. Thus, Abigail became the youngest applicant for the highest award in the history of the US Film Academy.

Young American actresses such as Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin, as well as many others, are worthy representatives of Hollywood.

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