/ / "Top." Film, reviews that make you think

"Top." Film, reviews that make you think

In 2009 at the national film festival"Moscow Premiere" was the debut show of the drama directed by Vasily Sigarev "Top." Film reviews from Russian filmmakers and festival participants called it a “special event.”


In the same year, the picture was marked by an impressivethe number of Kinotavr prizes (the main prize and prizes for the best screenplay, the female role, film critics of the Russian Federation and the Guild of Film Critics) were selected to participate in the competition held in Karlovy Vary. Despite the misunderstandings of ordinary citizens, the movie “Top” critics received admiring reviews, its rating was IMDb: 7.20. Filmmakers have appreciated the new level of copyright extremism Sigarev.

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Household fairy tale

Nothing stirs the hearts of compatriots like national films. "Top" good reviews, among other things, received for the fact that without embellishment showed the harsh Russian reality.

The story begins with a scene of persecution.For a pregnant heroine on a clean field, drowning in snowdrifts, chasing law enforcement officers. Because of the crime she committed, the heroine is sentenced to a prison term, and the born child is handed over to her grandmother for upbringing. The daughter will see a dissolute mother seven years later. Paying off from the child, the woman gives the baby a couple of cans of condensed milk, a hedgehog, a hematogen and a wooden top. After hastily leaves with unknown men in an unknown direction.

The girl has plenty of reasons to turn intoa bristling wolf cub, but an unrequited and selfless feeling of love for the mother helps her to socialize. And the surrounding reality is perceived as a top. Film reviews have diametrically opposed. Separate moralist film critics express their protest by demonstrating obscene scenes involving a child in the narration.

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Children's narration

The film "Top", reviews and reviews to thatconfirmation of the structure of the narrative is similar to Anna Melikyan's “Mermaid”, in which abominations occurring on the screen are described by a child. But Sigarev presents "childish narration" without flirting with the achievements of civilization and glamor. In addition, the voice-over of the girl actually belongs to the leading lady, part-time to the wife of the director Yana Troyanova. What can not fail to push an amateur intellectual cinema to the idea of ​​being closed, in which children from despair are forced to repeat the fate of their parents.

Despite the love of their characters, the directorthey are not idealized, therefore it is very difficult to watch and perceive his production. Spectators who have gathered to see the brainchild of Sigarev should prepare for the perception of a rather grim plot and the presence in it of an impressive amount of profanity.

movie top critics reviews

main character

Despite the fact that the story is on behalf ofthe child, the protagonist of the drama is the prodigal (in all senses) mother. This characteristic role was a real gift for the brilliant actress Yana Troyanova. The singer made the heroine the embodiment of spiritual meanness and weakness, the character turned out really repulsive, disgusting and righteous anger. The actress was able to demonstrate to the viewer not only the character of her character, but also his transformation. Just an amazing acting job!

Fine decision and direction of the drama “Top”

Film reviews rapturous received not onlythanks to the efforts of the actors invited to produce the tape. The experts of the pictorial decision of the painting were called magnificent, which is directly due to the operator debutant Alexei Arsentiev. Thanks to his skill, a poor provincial little house looks like a strange, even mystical place, just like a little heroine perceives her dwelling. The work of the artist is also remarkable: the brightness of the outside world is opposed by the grayness of the interior of the grandmother's house, and the bright colors in the clothes of Troyanova’s character are opposed to the restrained attire of her sister and mother. However, the success of the visual system can not smooth out the unpleasant residue from the moral ambiguity of the drama "Top."

Film reviews filmmakers of all stripes are praised forthat what is happening is not devoid of dynamics, although most of the events takes place indoors. And when the need arises, the action is transferred to the open space, which is more than enough. To achieve this effect from the first time, not all directors, previously engaged in theatrical productions, succeed.

movies top good reviews

About shortcomings

Like most screen versions of plays, “Top”there is one drawback - an oversupply of monologues and dialogues. Since the theatrical performance is limited to the stage, the main driving factor is the actors. Even the most ordinary text in their performance sounds different, each time changing depending on the mood of the audience. Cinematography is much more dynamic, and can express much with the help of a visual series of images, not text.

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