/ / History of a strong personality in the film "Legend №17". Actors, characters of the "legendary" picture of 2013

The story of a strong personality in the film "Legend number 17". Actors, characters of the "legendary" picture of 2013

When the films are released, dedicatedthe facts that took place to be, or individual individuals, recognized earlier and now, they have special requirements. A reliable storyline, which keeps spectators intrigue, actors' play and musical accompaniment - only such components can make a real hit from the picture. The film "Legend №17" (actors, characters, reviews) is the subject of this article.

legend 17 actors

Transfer the story to the screen is a noble affair

The famous company "TriTe", owned by NikitaMikhalkov, engaged in the preparation of the future picture long before its release. Nikolai Kulikov, Mikhail Mestetsky and Nikolai Lebedev were invited to write the script. The latter later sat in the chair of the director. What is the film "Legend number 17" in 2013? The painting is dedicated to the famous Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov. It reflects many events that have taken place in reality. A special place is given to the first game of the national teams of the Soviet Union and Canada from the legendary supersession (a series of eight matches), which started in 1972.

The birth of the film and the search for the main actor

Not many people know that the idea of ​​the film originated afterdocumentary program “Additional Time” 2007, dedicated to Valery Kharlamov. She, however, was subjected to harsh criticism of his son Alexander. Undoubtedly, this program, as the scriptwriters of “Legends No. 17” noted, is a tribute to a great person who achieved high achievements in Soviet sport. But at the same time, it is a documentary, including archival footage and materials, and the viewer would like to present the story, sustained in the format of a full-length picture.

Danila Kozlovsky

The production team faced the firstdifficulties, the nameless script was barely born, later called “Legend No. 17”. The actors of the future film were the main snag for producers. And if it was not so difficult to choose the performers of secondary images, then who could embody the Olympic champion on the screen?

In the "Legend" should play real legends

Such a person has become an actor, who is nowcalled the most sought-after star of modern cinema. He has more than forty pictures of his work, most of which are warmly received by critics. Danil Kozlovsky, a native Muscovite, from childhood engaged in music and acting. And although he entered the Kronstadt Cadet School and seriously thought about the career of a sailor, plans for life changed a happy accident. In 1998, Daniel acted in the series about schoolchildren “Simple Truths”. The first television experience turns out to be so interesting that the young man is finally determined with his future profession. He moved to the northern capital to enter the theater academy. In the same period, Danila begins to storm the television screens.

In 2005, the military drama “Garpastum” was released, forwhich Kozlovsky receives the White Elephant award. The 2008 tape “We are from the future”, also military, gives the actor the role of Bormann, who, together with his friends, falls into the midst of the 1942 hostilities. Over the next years, several successful projects with the participation of the actor come out, but Danila Kozlovsky is most famous with the release of the film adaptation of Sergei Minaev’s novel “Dukhless”. Then - only the main roles, because in the background none of the fans and admirers of the truly talented Danilo no longer represents.

movie legend 17 2013

Today, the actor takes a leading place in the liststars of domestic show business. In the spring of 2015, the premiere of the musical performance with his participation “Big Dreams of an Ordinary Man”, which was produced by Philip Kirkorov, was held.

“Legend No. 17”: actors who embody secondary images

The picture presents a number of characters who in one way or another influenced the fate of Valery Kharlamov. Among them:

  • Анатолий Тарасов – мастер спорта, заслуженный coach, colonel. One of the pioneers and beginners of Soviet hockey. The love for the sport took over his daughter - Tatiana Tarasova. She is a figure skating coach. In the film, the role of Anatoly Tarasov is performed by Oleg Menshikov.
  • Irina Smirnova - a girl, and after the spouse of Kharlamov. The image embodied Svetlana Ivanova.
  • The hockey player’s father, Boris Sergeevich, was played by the People’s Artist of Russia Boris Shcherbakov.
  • Phil Esposito and Bobby Clark - Famous Canadianhockey players who participated in the 1972 super series, which is described in the film “Legend No. 17”. The images are embodied by the actors Götz Otto and Andrei Runzo.
  • Alexander Gusev - defender, master of sports. His role was played by Alexander Lobanov.
  • Vladislav Tretiak - goalkeeper, coach, defender. The legend of the Soviet sport, played in a huge number of matches. The image is embodied by Alexander Pakhomov.
  • Oleg Belakovsky - sports physician. The role is played by actor Yuri Burkun.

In addition, the picture presents other characters that are directly related to the sport and Valery Kharlamov, in particular.

“Legend number 17”: movie reviews

Perhaps this picture was one of those fromwhich was expected not by box office success, but by the recognition of critics and sports figures. For the most part, she collected positive reviews from viewers; many publications about the cinema ("Poster", "Empire", "Colta") have devoted whole turns to the "Legend". There were also those who condemned the filmmakers for trying to present the facts in exactly the same way as it was described in the plot. Among those were Alexander Maltsev, a friend of Valery Kharlamov, a reporter for “Soviet Sport” Andrei Bodrov and a number of other journalists.

legend 17 reviews

Many viewers have noted that “Legend” is a storya strong personality that is practically invisible behind endless workouts and matches. The film has a bit of humor, which allows you to watch it without much “straining”, as well as intrigue that holds from the first frames to the final. The technical side remains at the height - the hockey matches are shown so realistic that it is hard not to feel the taste of adrenaline, anxiety and excitement.

Lack of playfulness, sense of purpose,a feeling of patriotism and personal pride in our country are the key components of the success of the “Legend No. 17” biographical tape. Actors and characters, they embodied, will long remain in the hearts of fans of Russian cinema and Soviet sports.

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