/ / We give an answer to the question: "Why Dubrovsky left his peasants?"

We give an answer to the question: "Why Dubrovsky left his peasants?"

One of the best works of the classic RussianPushkin's novel is the novel "Dubrovsky". The writer worked on it for just over three months. He is considered unfinished, but this does not prevent him from being among the most loved by the public. In this article, we will try to answer one of the main questions that appear before the reader, namely: "Why did Dubrovsky leave his peasants?"

why Dubrovsky left his peasants

Staging the plot

Before answering the question of whyDubrovsky left his peasants, we should remember the plot of the work and its main characters. The novel begins with a story about two friends who had a common past, were neighbors, but behaved extremely contrary. One of them, Troyekurov, was very rich and respected among officials. It can be described as an immoral and cruel person. The other, Dubrovsky, was an impoverished nobleman, proud and stubborn, but magnanimous and just. He was loved by the peasants for the fact that he respected them and did not want another master.

Such opposites, sooner or later, musthad a quarrel, which happened. Troekurov became angry and, with the help of the mercantile court, selected the only estate of Dubrovsky. The latter, unable to withstand such a blow, became insane, he was paralyzed, and then he died.

In difficult times Vladimir comes back to the estate -son of Dubrovsky, who is horrified by the death of the only close person and the state of affairs. In all he blames Troekurov and wants revenge. After the departure of officials, he burns together with the peasants his home and moves to the forest, where he becomes a robber.

why Dubrovsky left the peasants


We will later consider why Dubrovsky lefttheir peasants. Now let us dwell on the further development of the plot. In the house of Troekurov comes the young Frenchman Deforge, who shows himself to be a very brave person, not at all from a timid ten. Then it turns out that this is Dubrovsky, who managed to fall in love with Maria, the daughter of Troyekurov, and she answers him in return.

The father decides to marry her for the elderlyPrince. Learning about the connection of his daughter with Dubrovsky, he hastens to arrange a wedding and does everything possible to Vladimir could not prevent. Wounded Dubrovsky in despair - a beloved, though unwilling, married, asked to leave her alone. He disappeared abroad. But why Dubrovsky left his peasants?

Dubrovsky left his peasants

The answer to the main question

Vladimir Dubrovsky at the beginning of the novel is drawn asa young, carefree officer who, with might and main, takes a piss out of Dad's money. However, learning about the present state of things, it changes. He is overwhelmed with anger and pain, but he does not allow the crowd to lynch officials who came to his estate to execute a judicial sentence. Together with them and with their help, he arranges a fire and hides in the woods. But why Dubrovsky left the peasants later? There were several reasons for this.

First:he understood that after an unsuccessful assault on his shelter, the authorities would be sent by far more soldiers and his army, which included peasants, could not hold out. He understood that his robbers could not live like this for long: they loved their noble leader, but they still remained peasants, they needed a hut and rest.

Reason two:Dubrovsky left his peasants because he had already accumulated enough money to hide abroad and provide his people with normal living conditions. When his father died, he did not have a penny for his soul, only the support of his subjects. Now he could arrange both his own and their fate without robbery, which, moreover, was already impossible.

The third reason was the most important.Moved by a thirst for revenge, Dubrovsky wanted to destroy Troyekurov. But the acquaintance with Mary changed his plans, new tender feelings broke out in a fierce heart. He remained in the grove until the beloved became Princess Vereiskaya. The wedding took place, Vladimir became superfluous, so he had no choice but to leave.

Dubrovsky left the peasants


So, we remembered the plot of the most interestingThe adventure novel in the spirit of Walter Scott, his heroes. We learned the answer to the question of why Dubrovsky left the peasants. But, unfortunately, we could not enjoy the rich and melodic language that the work is written. This can be done only after reading the novel "Dubrovsky" from beginning to end independently.

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