/ / "Three Bears" - a picture glorifying the beauty of Russian nature

"Three Bears" - a picture glorifying the beauty of Russian nature

"Three Bears" - a picture called so incommon people, it has the official name - "Morning in the Pine Forest". The canvas was painted with oil in 1889, its dimensions are 139 x 213 (quite large), it is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery. The signature under the picture is only Ivan Shishkin.

three bear painting

The most replicable picture

The official name is morepicture, because the bears on the canvas are four, not three. But there is not a person in the CIS who does not know this work, and it is under the title "Three Bears". The picture is incredibly popular, it can be argued that, speaking in modern language, this is the most untwisted picture. This was promoted by candy wrappers of the most bought and delicious in the Soviet times sweets, tablecloths, bedspreads and wall rugs, repeating the plot. And it is bears, depicted in the foreground, in the general population enjoy glory, and beautifully depicted morning forest serves as a background.

Not very successful co-authorship

A bear painted by another artist - SavitskyKonstantin Apollonovich (1844-1905), a genre painter, an academician, a friend of Shishkin. Savitsky convinced Shishkin that the picture lacks dynamics, and the animals in the foreground will fill the gap. Art critics write that Shishkin's bears failed, and Savitsky - on the contrary. And, really, the clumsy turned out so well that, with mutual consent, friends under the picture put their signatures. But Tretyakov and Savitsky had some friction at that time, and, buying a picture for his gallery, he demanded to remove Savitsky's signature. Obviously, the collector's desire was the law, and only Shishkin's signature remained, and he received the fee alone and, probably, did not share his co-author, because they ceased to be friends.

Island covered with pines

This is the "wrong side" of the canvas "Three Bears".The picture is so beautiful, calm, and gracious. Of course, Tretyakov was a connoisseur and fine connoisseur of painting, and the forest, depicted as an unsurpassed master, represented a true value to the buyer, and the bears did not even like it. Yes, and experts are delighted by the landscapes that Gen. Shishkin peeped on the island of Gorodomlya (Lake Seliger), brilliantly transferred to the canvas.

three bears picture of a shishka

Known among the people as "Three Bears", the picturereally reminiscent of the state of nature. At first glance it is clear that this is the morning. Amazingly depicted fog, penetrated by the rays of the rising sun.

The Queen of Landscapes

An ingenious landscape painter, in love with Russian nature, Shishkin painted pines very often. Different, at any time of the year, illuminated by the sun and covered with snow, they are beautiful.

picture three bears description
On its canvases are seen the smallest needles,the roughness of the bark is felt, it seems that the pine smell comes from the pictures of Ivan Ivanovich. "Three Bears" - a picture of Shishkin, depicting the wilderness of boron. It seems that you can hear the crackling of the trunks of age-old pine trees, but how do you feel the depth of the cliff located behind the right bear cub. And the infinity of the forest is depicted brilliantly. And the fog, on the edges is still blue, in the center already illuminated by the sun. And the bear cub, painted on the right, seems to have admired the beautiful morning. And nature has not quite woken up yet, and blows in the morning coolness. A brilliant work, a masterpiece. Maybe he did not need dynamics.

As a result - complete harmony

In fairness, I must say that bearsdo not spoil the canvas, they fit very well into it. The picture "Three Bears", the description of which was given above, is very organic, and it is impossible to imagine it without these good-natured representatives of wild nature. Perhaps the complacency emanating from a mother bear with three cubs, is explained by the absence of a person near. And this rest of the animals also emphasizes the depth of the thicket of the forest. "... And the fresh moss under the paws is crushed, the dry twigs crackle under the weight ..." - the poet's remarkable words about the picture. Morning, silence, agreement in the plant and animal world, in nature in general - the picture is very reassuring: "... and only look at this beauty, and I know that - Save, Warm!"

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