/ / Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovich: biography, family, career

Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovich: biography, family, career

The name of Sergei Bogdanchikov is the general publicI used to hear in connection with the affairs of the oil company Rosneft. However, he went a long way to her and continues to live after leaving the commodity enterprise. Today journalists are most interested in Bogdanchikov Sergei Mikhailovich after Rosneft, what he does and how he survived the decline of his career. Let's talk about how the life of the entrepreneur evolved, and why his name became widely known.

bogdanchikov sergei mikhailovich

early years

Born Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovich August 101957 in the small ancestral village of Bogdanovka, which is located in the Northern district of the Orenburg region. Bogdanchikov's father was a simple collective farmer, today he is buried in the cemetery of his native village. My mother lives in Bogdanovka and does not want to move to the capital, although my son persuaded her many times. Previously, she worked in the school and was very demanding about the education of her son. Talking about Sergei's childhood, my mother says that he grew up to be a very hardworking and sociable boy. He always helped his parents in the household: he took care of animals, worked in the garden, chopped wood. At the age of 6 he remained with his younger sister, when the parents left for work. Sergei since childhood was very fond of reading, and this led to the fact that his eyesight suddenly began to set. By the sixth grade he already had myopia of the 4th degree, and soon one eye altogether ceased to be seen. Bogdanchikov's vision corrected, already being an adult and a wealthy man. And at school he had to listen to a lot of offensive nicknames, which he teased for the fact that he wore glasses.

nk Rosneft


In his native village Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovichgraduated only 8 classes. Then it was decided not to study at school, and he went to Buguruslan, where he entered the oil technical school. On the first course he had an acute attack of appendicitis, and due to illness he had to miss two months of training. But Sergei was able to make up for lost time and all the years in the technical school he studied only for five. In 1976, he graduated successfully and entered the Oil Institute in Ufa. During the student years, he successfully combined his studies with athletics. In 1981 he graduated from the university with a red diploma in the specialty "Technology and complex mechanization of development of oil and gas fields."

bohdanchikov sergei mihailovich where now works

Beginning of the work path

Despite the diploma with honors, after graduationstudy Bogdanchikov Sergei Mikhailovich was not the most prestigious distribution, he was sent to a small village Kolendo on Sakhalin. He started as a simple engineer, but two years later he was appointed head of the shop in "Okhaneftegazdobycha." He showed himself as a competent manager, and it did not go unnoticed. In 1994, he was already the general director of the main mining enterprise in Sakhalin, Sakhalinmorneftegaz. Bogdanchikov's subordinated enterprise accounted for one-third of the island's total revenues. Colleagues and the public hoped that Sergei Mikhailovich would go to power, but he did not, although he was appointed governor of the Sakhalin region. Bogdanchikov wanted to stay away from politics, but he did not succeed.

Bogdanchikov Sergey Mihailovich after Rosneft

Peak career: Rosneft Oil Company

In 1997, Bogdanchikov receives an order from Moscowwith a new appointment. So he became the vice-president of the joint-stock company "NK" Rosneft ". And a year later he became president of the company. First of all, he was entrusted with the duties of regional manager for the Far East. But gradually he began to deal with problems of a national scale. In 2003, his name began to appear frequently in the media in connection with the "Yukos affair". Bogdanchikov played an important role in the takeover of this company by Rosneft. Later, he managed to avoid the merger of his subordinate concern with such a giant as Gazprom. These deals had not only an economic aspect, but also a political one. Defending the independence of Rosneft, Sergei Mikhailovich strengthened the position of the clan of Igor Sechin. It was the Bogdanchikov-Sechin tandem that many political scientists considered responsible for the appearance of the "YUKOS affair". In 2005, Bogdanchikov was included in the list of defendants in the suit of YUKOS to the oil-producing companies of Russia. However, the case in the US court did not receive further development. In 2006, Rosneft placed shares on the London Stock Exchange. Among the shareholders was Bogdanchikov, who bought a package worth $ 1 million. For 12 years of work in Rosneft, Sergei Mikhailovich brought the company to a new level. In the first two years, he made it profitable, and then only increased the amount of income due to increased oil production.

Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovich Rosneft

Parting with Rosneft

Since 2004, Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovich,Rosneft as a whole became the object of pressure from Gazprom. The concern wanted to absorb the oil-producing company, but Bogdanchikov's team was able to defend its independence, including through the purchase of Yuganskneftegaz. Frictions between the companies did not stop, and dissatisfaction with Bogdanchikov's actions on the part of the shareholders of Rosneft was added to this. Rumors of his resignation periodically appeared, beginning in 2004. Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov, and then Igor Sechin were personally interested in changing the company's management. And in the fall of 2010 Bogdanchikov was dismissed. For a while journalists were waiting for what new appointment he would receive. But gradually this topic has lost its relevance, this media once began to disappear this once rather significant figure - Bogdanchikov Sergey Mikhailovich. Where the former head of Rosneft now works, it is not known. There are assumptions that he is investing his capital in various areas of business. Including in 2013, he invested in OOO Datapro, which is engaged in data processing, among the founders of which was the son of Bogdanchikov Eugene. Despite the fact that the current occupation of Sergei Mikhailovich is unknown, it is clear that he does not suffer from poverty, since over the years of work at Rosneft he could put together a good capital, which is estimated at least several million dollars.

Alexey Bogdanchikov


For his busy work biography BogdanchikovSergei Mikhailovich has earned a number of awards. The most honorable to him is the Order of Honor, which he received in 1995 for the work to eliminate the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Sakhalin Neftegorsk. Also on his account there are two orders "For Merits to the Fatherland", the Order of Seraphim of Sarov. Bogdanchikov is an honorary oilman and a deserved worker of the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation.

Private life

Sergei Mikhaylovich Bogdanchikov still in student'syears married his classmate Tatiana and in the fourth year they already had a first-born son - Alex. The young family experienced many difficulties. This is life in the hostel, and a difficult life in the Far North. But the couple of Bogdanchikovs could overcome everything, the couple are still together. The spouses raised two sons.

Sergei Mikhailovich always had a love fortraditional values. He never forgot about his small homeland, where he is spoken with great respect. In Bogdanovka he restored the church at his own expense, repaired school, roads, and established a telephone connection. With warmth and respect, he is remembered also on Sakhalin, where he did a lot to improve the living conditions of workers in the oil industry.

evgeny of the Bogdanchikov

Elder son

The names of the sons of Sergei Mikhailovich periodicallyappear in the press, although now, when Rosneft has remained in the past, such mentions are getting smaller. Alexey Bogdanchikov graduated from MGIMO and since 2004 worked in Rosneft, engaged in business planning and cooperation with investors. In 2010, when the father left the company, the younger Bogdanchikov also left. He went into the gas sphere and got a job as head of the Development Department at NOVATEK. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of Sibneftegaz. In 2011, Alexey left NOVATEK. Further information about his activities can not be found.

Younger son

Eugene Bogdanchikov born in 1982 alsograduated from the prestigious Institute of International Relations. He heads his own company: the DataPro data center. The shares in his firm also have an older brother and mother. Today, Yevgeny has a center in Moscow, he is negotiating the opening of two more sites.

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