/ / Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise

Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise

The assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise is based on the following actions:

  • collection of information and its analytical processing for a specific period of time to be assessed;
  • justification and classification of the indicators used for such an assessment;
  • calculation of the resulting valuation indicator;
  • ranking of economic entities by rating.

As a result of the qualitative implementation of the thirdstage of the analysis of financial results, the resulting rating takes into account the full range of key parameters of the financial and operational activities of the entity. In other words, a complete analysis of economic activity.

Indicators of the financial condition of the enterpriseinclude the following data: the production potential of the business entity, the profitability of its products, the effectiveness of the use of available financial resources. The sources of formation, status and location of other resources of the organization can also be referred to here.

Justification and selection of baseline indicatorsthe activities of the enterprise are carried out based on the main provisions of the theory of finance, as well as the needs of the company's management in the assessment. After all, a qualitative assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise can not be based on an arbitrary choice of indicators.

So, let's try to systematize the generally accepted indicators and disband them in four groups.

Первая группа включает такие важные показатели, as the profitability of the activities of business entities. Proceeding from the theory, profitability is calculated as the ratio of the net profit received to the value of the enterprise's property (or its own funds).

Вторая группа показателей отвечает за оценку efficiency of company management. In this case, it is advisable to consider four generally accepted profit indicators: balance or gross, net, from sales of products, and, finally, the overall indicator - from the entire implementation. The effectiveness of the organization's management is determined by the ratio of these indicators of profit to the revenue of the entity.

Estimation of a financial condition of the enterprise onbased on the indicators of the third group provides for the assessment of the business activity of the entity. This category of coefficients is calculated in several ways:

- the return of all types of assets - as a private revenue to the balance currency;

- capital productivity - the ratio of revenue to the value of fixed assets in conjunction with intangible assets;

- turnover of assets (the number of their turnover) - the ratio of all the same proceeds, but now to the value of working capital.

Similarly, the inventory turnover is calculated,bank assets, receivables, only in the formula as a denominator are used indicators of the value of stocks, cash and total receivables, respectively.

Analysis of the financial state of the organization using the fourth set of indicators is carried out by:

- assessment of current liquidity as the calculation of the ratio of all current assets to the amount of liabilities that require repayment on an urgent basis;

- Calculation of the critical liquidity ratio by the ratio of the combination of current assets, including cash, and receivables to term liabilities.

Also to this group can be attributedindicators of the market stability of the organization: permanent asset index; availability of working capital available at the disposal of the enterprise, to pay off debts on inventories and other costs.

A full assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise can not be carried out without using such initial data as output and profit in the reporting period.

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