Abroad it is considered that before the onset of 30years it is necessary to deal with their doubts and decide what a person wants from this life. But in practice, the process of self-determination is delayed for decades. With this, things are not the best way. Some may look for themselves before retirement age. And in order not to be among them, you should familiarize yourself with the selection of publications on self-development. Smart books will help you understand what you want from this life.
Do not think that all the proposed books should beread up to 30 years. It is not necessary. Learning something new is never too late. And it should be understood. But back to the collection, which will list the smart books.
"Easy way to start a new life."This book was written by Neil Fiore. What thought is she trying to convey to us? A person often promises himself to bring something new into his life. For example, sign up for classes in the gym. But not all translate their ideas into reality. Even if someone starts to achieve the task, he does not bring it to the end. According to Neil Fiore, not only habits but also some features characteristic of the brain interfere with the achievement of goals. Many people like to put things off. There are those who are afraid of the unknown. We ourselves come up with difficulties. And such clever books as the Neil edition can help get rid of unnecessary burdens. It should be noted that the author was able to defeat cancer in his time.
If you want to change your attitude towards life, become more productive and open to the whole new person, then this book should be read by you without fail.
What other smart books should be highlighted?For example, "Wisdom of the crowd." She wrote James Shurovyeski. What does the book tell? We have a habit of using the word "crowd" only in a negative sense. The author of the publication has a different opinion. In this he is guided by historical, economic and psychological research. The journalist claims that we are able to make good decisions when we get together. For example, a crowd can lead the right way while leaving a stadium after a match. Clever books worth reading: can this publication be attributed to their number? The answer is yes. In his work, the author reviewed a variety of examples that will help to take a fresh look at the crowd, learn to benefit from a variety of situations.
Such smart self-help books help inIf a person is afraid of the crowd, he gets annoyed. If you understand collective psychology, you will be able to improve relations with employees and colleagues. The book will tell you how to develop your mental abilities.
What smart books worth reading,should be highlighted? Interesting can be considered the edition of "make yourself." The author is Tina Silig. This book describes the secrets of business that can lead to success. However, the main idea of the publication is not at all that everyone should prove himself in business. You have to make yourself. And this will be achieved only if a person tries to expand the boundaries of thinking, not trying to look for obstacles in this. The author wants to convey to the reader the idea that it is necessary to use any chances to help express themselves. There should be no frames or borders.
If you want to become a creative person, you need to read this book. She is able to get rid of the habit of thinking, "like everyone else." The publication will help to achieve success by fully realizing yourself.
Надо читать книги, чтобы стать умнее.And one of the publications, mandatory reading, is the work of Kate Ferazzi. “Never eat alone” is the name of this book. Comparatively recently, it was thought that using personal acquaintances to achieve goals was immoral. Where it was more important to do something on their own, and not with the help of cronyism. But one thing is not a hindrance to the other. After all, you can be a professional in your field, while remaining unnoticed. But with the help of connections, you are able to show your professionalism to the fullest extent, solving assigned tasks and achieving goals. How to make a profitable acquaintance, using uncomplicated communication skills? This will be discussed in detail in the book.
With the help of this publication you can master the skill of communication. And this, in turn, will help to build not only a career, but also your personal life.
«Бог никогда не моргает».The author of the book is Regina Brett. In her work, the journalist gathered life experience. At one time, she was able to defeat the cancer diagnosis. The author summarized all thoughts in 50 lessons. If you follow them, you can become happy. The main lesson is learn to live now. You can not put off until later, on a “special case”, relying on the future. Naturally, Regina had every reason for this. After all, the disease simply did not leave her any choice. But after all, everyone can learn this without waiting for a signal from above. Such smart books require reading to develop. They will teach you how to live a full life.
"Vocation". Posted by Ken Robinson.What do we mean by vocation? These are some circumstances that are suitable only for us. A thing that not only likes, but also turns out. And Ken’s book will teach you how to find something to your liking. It should be noted that the author is a leading expert in the field of creative thinking. And if you want to understand yourself, find your business, realize your opportunities, then be sure to read his book.
«Сила воли: как развить и укрепить».Posted by Kelly McGonigal. It is no secret to anyone that much depends on the manifestation of the will. Health, success, career, relationships - this is only a small part of everything that it can affect. And if you do not want to be a lowly amoeba, then you need to know how to develop your willpower. It should be noted that this is a rather complicated matter. Where more often a person surrenders, not having passed half the way. How to achieve this goal, Kelly will teach. It summarizes the results of research in the field of applied psychology. Entertaining facts, subtle humor, historical moments - all this is available in the book.
Почему надо читать издание?With it, you can develop willpower and other different qualities, among which patience, self-discipline and punctuality stand out. Want to get rid of laziness and find the strength to complete the tasks? Read the book and learn how to do it.
«Поступай, как женщина, думай, как мужчина».Posted by Steve Harvey. The TV presenter in his book will talk about the relationship of the sexes, answer the pressing questions that may arise in every person. Why read such clever books? A series of publications of this nature will help to learn to understand men, methods of expressing their love. After reading the author’s work, you can completely reconsider your views on relationships and establish personal life.
In this review, not all were giventhe smartest books. There are a huge number of them. But if you want to change your life, you can start with the above publications. They are able to turn your views on the world. Take them seriously and you may be able to achieve your goals.