In the cartoon "Madagascar" King Julianis a self-proclaimed leader of lemurs. Managing a large colony, he uses his charisma and likes to tell others what they should do. Nevertheless, he looks more intelligent and judicious than other lemurs (except Maurice). This is especially noticeable when everyone, except for Julian, panics with one word.
King Julian quite often arranges parties for his people in Madagascar, and behaves like a child.
When Alex and his friends arrived in Madagascar,Julian and his subjects enjoyed one of their parties. Their appearance frightened Foss, and the lemurs saw it, hiding in the trees. After this, King Julian held a meeting of lemurs and other jungle creatures and said that if they could make friends with Alex and his friends, the fosses would stop threatening them. Maurice was skeptical about this plan, but Julian insisted. It became obvious that this was not a good idea when Alex started to get out of control and tried to kill the lemurs (because he needed meat). Despite the fact that the situation ended well, and the fosses did not really threaten the lemurs, it became obvious that Maurice was right.
In the second part of the cartoon the king of lemursJulian (along with Maurice and Mort) decided to accompany Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman to New York on a plane "repaired" by penguins. When the plane falls in Africa, Julian lands with a parachute, but loses his crown.
Arriving in Africa, the king first believes that theyare in New York, and make a new crown. He manages to win some power, but very few characters pay attention to him. First he conquers the flock of flamingos, and then begins to command ostriches, and finally, tries to impress the elephant. Later, when the water dries out, King Julian invites the animals to sacrifice the "gods of water" on the volcano. To convince the masses, he portrays a conversation with the Divine and convinces Melman to voluntarily sacrifice himself, because he believed that he would die any time soon. But when Melman realized that he would live, he refused to be a victim, breaking Julian's plans.
Nevertheless, a shark falls into the volcano, from whichMarty tried to escape, and everyone saw how the water returned to its former places, when King Julian exits the volcano. In fact, this was due to the fact that Alex and Zuba destroyed a dam built by tourists, but the king of lemurs remained convinced that the Gods of water love seafood more.
In the third part, Julian also appearsregularly, and behaves quite irritably. He continued his journey with four of the beasts from New York with only one purpose - to expand the limits of his kingdom. In fact, only Marty and Maurice sincerely believe in his abilities and respect him as a leader, the rest simply allow him to constantly proclaim his own decrees. However, the plot of the cartoon shows that he can be a very reliable ally, as he repeatedly saves various characters.