/ / Lena Vasilek: biography of the Russian singer

Lena Vasilek: biography of the Russian singer

Lena Vasilek is a girl with an angelic appearance andsonorous voice. In our country, many people know and love her work. Do you know where Lena Vasilek was born and studied? Do you know the biography of the singer? If not, we recommend that you read this article.

Lena cornflower biography

Lena Vasilek: biography

The singer of Russian songs was bornMarch 29, 1970 in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Her mother and father are middle class. From an early age, the girl loved to dress up nicely and sing songs.

Every summer, Lena stayed with her grandfather in thea small village located in the Voronezh region. It was he who instilled in his granddaughter a love for the Russian song. Grandfather Ivan perfectly played the balalaika and knew by heart hundreds of folklore works.

In the 4th grade, our heroine became a participant of the Great Children's Choir. There she soloed until she received a certificate of secondary education. Elena realized that her main vocation was music.

Lena Cornflower Songs

Student years

Lena Vasilek, whose biography at the timewas little known, decided to go to Moscow. In the capital, the girl easily entered the musical college. Ippolitov-Ivanov. Elena devoted time not only to study but also to creativity.


Будучи студенткой, наша героиня познакомилась с novice bayan player Valery Semin. They had an affair. Soon young played a wedding and began to live together. They created not only a family, but also a creative union. Their group "White Day" enjoyed popularity among students. Later on, the whole country will know about it.

The group's repertoire includes the beloved by allfolk songs, as well as compositions of other authors. Lena Vasilek and her husband did not write poetry and create music. They won spectators with their energy and original submission of material.

White Day


In the years of perestroika, it was hard for everyone, especiallystudents. Lena and Valery knew this not by hearsay. There were very few options for earning a living. And then the collective, performing Russian songs, decided to go on tour abroad.

In Italy, the guys even had the chance to participate in themusical competition. They performed the Beatles songs using Russian instruments. The jury gave them the first place. Nuggets from Russia were interested in an experienced impresario. He invited the team to sign a contract with him. Lena and Valery gave a positive response. Since then, their crazy tours around the world began.

Solo career

Despite the popularity of the musical collective,Elena at some point decided to leave him. The girl took up a solo career. Soon the Russians found out who Lena Vasilek was. The songs she performed, penetrated directly into the soul, evoked a whole range of emotions. Among the admirers of her work appeared people of different ages.

In 2001, Lena Vasilek's debut album was released.It was called "Derevenka". In the next 3 years, the singer recorded four more albums. Some compositions became hits and hit the rotation of popular radio stations.

In 2005, Lena wrote the song "Lives in ithouse Galina "at the request of an old friend of Mikhail Evdokimov. He wanted to fulfill it for his wife, but did not have time. Popularly loved actor and humorist died. Later the song "Galina" was presented at the festival "Slavonic Bazaar". The composition won the audience's immense love.

album cornflower

Personal life

Почти 20 лет Лена была замужем за Валерием Semin. Together with him, she experienced ups and downs in the process of building a career. The couple have a son Ivan. This name was given to the boy in honor of Elena's beloved grandfather.

Despite having a common child, the couple divorced in 2012. Both Lena and Valery continue to perform. Everyone has his own team, and both groups are called "White Day".

Our heroine tries to manage everything:care for his son, record new songs, act in clips and participate in various TV shows. In summer, the singer visits the swimming pool, and in winter skiing. Several times a week Lena is engaged in yoga. The girl understands: to stay afloat in show business, you must always look great.

In 2013, she presented to the audience a concert program "I love you, Mom!". It included new and already well-known compositions ("The mother-in-law", "Cranes" and so on).


We talked about where she was born, studied and what Lena Vasilek is currently engaged in. Biography of the singer indicates that we have a talented and hardworking person.

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