/ / Anime "On Sunday, even God rest"

Anime "On Sunday, even God rest"

Most people who are not closely acquainted with the Japaneseanimation, mistakenly believe that all this is created exclusively for children. In their view, the big-eyed characters of this or that animation film have absolutely no semantic load and are interesting only to very young children. However, this is not true at the root. Among the anime there are often very deep things and really "grown-ups".

on Sunday, even God rests

"On Sunday, even God rest," anime

To such grown-up and deep things it is possible safelyinclude such masterpieces as Ergo Proxy, Trinity Blood or Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi. The latter is especially interesting. Its English-language name is The Sunday without god, which in Russian means: "On Sunday, even God rests." The very name already sets the viewer on a profound philosophical and biblical theme and at least an interesting story. Initially, the same name was published - short stories or short stories in the anime stylistics of the authorship of Irie Kimihito. Naturally, novels with such a story immediately won furious popularity among readers. After the light saw the same manga (Japanese comics). And after a while the anime adaptation of director Yuji Kamazawa came out. In addition to this film, in his track record you can see such masterpieces as "Ambitions of Ode Nobunaga" and "Welcome to NHK". But the best work Kamazawa still "On Sunday, even God rest."

Genre and Year

Anime-series appeared relatively recently - in2013, and immediately found myself just frenzied popularity among the adult population of Japan (and not only). Anime "Sunday with God's day off" very quickly spread almost all over the world and became known even to the Russian public. However, the novelty of it is noticeable, above all, flawless and somewhat geometric painting, as well as vivid colors. When watching the first series immediately feel the inimitable director's style of Kamazawa. Anime "On Sunday, even God resting" refers, more likely, to the genre of mystical adventures. It can be seen: the furious opposition of the living and the dead, the absence of God or deities, the custodians of graves and other attributes of the supernatural. All this makes it clear that the viewer is just a mystic with a light touch of adventure, and not any other similar genre. Children, of course, such a film will not be understood, so it is reasonable to classify it as 14+.

on Sunday the god has a day off

Series and Russian voiceovers

There are not so many series here - only twelve, according to23 minutes each, and each reveals some kind of special philosophical problem. Heroes think, reason, communicate and make decisions. The action takes place in a fictional, alternative world, similar in many respects to the real world. For fans and fans of such animated films "swallow" the whole series for the day will not be difficult. Anime can be found at once in two variants of translation - with subtitles or in voice acting. Especially fortunate for Russian audiences - there is a Russian ragged voice that is very important for many. Sometimes when you watch this or that anime in the voice acting, you hear a male voice speaking for a female character. For many it is quite annoying. But the anime "On Sunday, even God rest" will please the Russian-speaking audience with discordant dialogues.


The action takes place in a fictional world,which was created by God in five days. On the sixth day, as usual, God rested. And on the seventh day, on Sunday, he decided to leave this world forever. As a result, people ceased to be born and die. And it would seem, the world had to wallow in darkness and chaos, but this did not happen. And all because God left a farewell "gift" before leaving. This "gift" was the custodians, who, in turn, will have to bury the walking dead. The main story of the anime "On Sunday, God has a day off" is just about the same curator - a small village girl Ai. She became the keeper of the graves at the age of seven. When she turned 12, a strange man named Hanpuni came to the village. First Ai takes him for his father, Hampin Hambart. But then, seeing what kind of atrocities Hanpuni is doing, she decides to kill him. Naturally, a 12-year-old girl could not resist a man. Therefore after the bout (in which Ai lost) she decides to go with him, despite the difficulties and dangers of the future path.

on Sunday, even God rest anime


As already mentioned above, the action of the anime "Bthe resurrection without God "takes place in a world where God has not existed for 15 years.If all the characters are divided according to race, then all races can be divided into three.The first race is, of course, the people.Amundally ordinary people, as God created them. The second race is the custodians of the graves, they may seem to be people, but they are distinguished by incredible strength and power, their main property is the lack of feelings and emotions (although Ai is a unique exception). they are from lightning, falling from heaven (again And, unlike Ai, who was born from the guardians' union.) And thirdly, they are walking dead, it's the custodians who are trying all their might and trying to put the dead in their graves ... Roughly speaking, they are ordinary average zombies ... Once upon a time they were people, but death did its work, but the souls of walking dead remain attached to their bodies, despite the fact that they are already starting to rot.

Main actors

In total, in the anime "God rest" 15 characters.In the center is the couple Ai and her, as she thinks, the father of Hanpuni. He comes to the village of Ai to find Khan - Ai's mother and part-time grave-digger.

in the resurrection without God

Hanpooni introduces Ai to another thoroughbredgravedigger named Skar. In appearance, this is a very polite girl, but she is completely devoid of any feelings. After the death of Hanpuni Scar, along with Yuri (a friend of Khanpuni's childhood) and Ai travels through the villages, after which they all fall into the city of Ortos. Shortly before that, they find in the desert Chirico Zubrescu, who serves in the government office of Ortos. After Ai is able to get acquainted with Princess Orthos - Ulla Eles Hakmatika - and get into the academy Goran. There's one more acquaintance, and already with Alice Kalar. In addition, A's is followed by Alice's former classmate, Di Angge Strastmitos. The rest of the characters are the students of the Academy Goran: Tanya Svegdevald, Wolres Fahren, Hardy, Gigi Totogi, Mimirta and Memelo Gedenburg and Run Saggitarius.

god rests

Is it worth to look?

On the question of whether it is worth watching this anime,definitely can not be answered. Someone might like it from the first series. And someone, having looked through the beginning, does not want to look any further. Children and adolescents "On Sunday, even God resting" may seem something completely incomprehensible and confusing. But adults will find for themselves many interesting moments. Take at least the very beginning of the anime, where Ai is just getting acquainted with the strange person Hanpuni. Here already certain hints of mysticism and a deep philosophy are given. The gloomy village, in which some dead people live, leads to certain reflections. Yes, it's a decoration, it's a background, it's a picture. But it is she who characterizes the further development of events. And Ay, who seems to be destroying the dead, feels for them feelings, which is not characteristic for the grave-guardian. All the villagers for her are the same living people, like everyone else. And after learning from Hanchin shocking truth, Ai begins to change.


The qualitative work of the artist in the anime "Godrest "is immediately visible.First of all, it's a drawing, the landscapes are very naturalistic, high-quality.The faces and silhouettes of the main characters and secondary characters correspond to the canon.Further, the anime is very bright and catchy, which is not particularly characteristic for the mystical plot.Third, the dynamics.Everyone moves quite quickly and smoothly.In the emotional plan, all the characters are very lively (even guardians), which is confirmed by numerous dialogues and monologues.

Sunday God resting

Separately I want to note music. The theme that stands on the screen saver in all series, can not be better conveys the whole essence of the story.

In conclusion, I want to say that this animereally want to watch and revise. Fans of mysticism will find something interesting for themselves. Fans of philosophy anime will certainly have to taste. Even cosplayers will find a character for themselves, which can be implemented. In a word, the anime "In Sunday God rests "- a thing really worthwhile.

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