/ / How much does it cost to open a cafe: what needs to be considered and calculated?

How much does it cost to open a cafe: what needs to be considered and calculated?

How much it costs to open a cafe depends onmany factors, so the range of costs can be quite wide. In particular, the two most significant factors are the location of the establishment and the size of the room. It is clear that opening a cafe in the central area will cost significantly more than the organization of such an institution in some residential area. In addition, the decisive will be the way of getting a room (buying or renting). How much it costs to open a cafe will depend on the level of service in it. The higher it is, the more workers will be required, the more expensive will be equipment, utensils, kitchen utensils. Also it must not be forgotten that the qualification of the personnel is an important factor. The higher it is, the more you have to pay.

how much is to open a cafe

To correctly determine how much it costs to opencafe must necessarily make a business plan. It should reflect both fixed and variable costs, which will also require working capital during the opening period. The answer to the question of how much it costs to open a cafe will depend on the amount of expenses for organizing the case. They usually include the costs of obtaining permits, repairing the premises, purchasing and installing equipment, furniture, restaurant linen (tablecloths, napkins), staff recruitment.

open a cafe

The opening of the cafe itself must be accompanied byan advertising campaign that includes the acquisition and installation of signs, signage, banners, advertising in local print or television media. It is not superfluous to place information on specialized resources of the Internet.

Вроде все несложно, однако, в каждом The above action has its own subtleties and pitfalls. In particular, it should be understood that almost half the success of the institution will be determined by the professionalism of the staff. From this in many respects (other things being equal) it depends on whether customers like food and service. Even if the cafe will be equipped according to the latest technology, and the best products will be supplied to the kitchen, low skills and irresponsible attitude of workers can spoil everything

cafe opening

Similar nuances exist when choosing a placeinstitutions. It must be determined on the basis of the number of potential visitors, the number of competitors in the area, the convenience of parking for customers with cars, etc. The cost of repairs and the price of equipment and utensils must meet the expectations of the chosen target audience. Excess spending does not bring tangible effect, and the indicators on payback and profitability will be worse. When planning repairs, it is necessary to determine the future single style of the establishment, take into account sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety requirements, etc. All this will require the involvement of a professional architect. Also, do not forget about the comfort of visitors. Be sure to provide for the costs of climate equipment.

An important point in this type of business is the smooth supply of high-quality products and semi-finished products, it can be produced independently, and you can find reliable suppliers.

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