/ / Young People's Theater. Bryantseva: repertoire, reviews

Children's Theater. Bryantseva: repertoire, reviews

St. Petersburg State Young Theaterviewer them. Bryantseva is one of the oldest theaters for children, not only in St. Petersburg, but also throughout Russia. It is unique in its kind, designed for children's viewers of various ages.

General information about the Young Spectators Theater. Bryantsev. Reviews

Pioneer Square

Children's Theater.Bryantsev called the theater "special purpose." All of his plays and productions are of interest to modern children, despite the fact that in the age of information technology, there is little to be surprised at. Today, Adolf Shapiro is the artistic director of the Theater for Young Spectators. There is a theater in St. Petersburg, at the address: Pionerskaya Square, 1. This is the metro station "Pushkinskaya", "Zvenigorodskaya". Theater of young spectators. Bryantseva cooperates with leading directors of both St. Petersburg and Russia in general, as well as directors from abroad. His best performances have been repeatedly marked by various Russian and international awards and awards.

Children's Theater. Bryantseva

From the history of the creation of the theater and the first performance

SPb Young People's Theater.Bryantseva is rightly considered to be the oldest theater in Russia. After all, its appearance dates back to 1922. It was then that he opened the doors to his little spectators. The first building of the theater was the building of the Tenishev School. Only in 1962 the theater of young spectators acquired their own house on Pionerskaya Square. This building is unique in its kind, it was specially designed and built under this very theater. The architect of this masterpiece is A. V. Zhuk, who used in his project various theatrical and pedagogical works of A. Bryantsev. He wanted to make the building as comfortable as possible for the perception of performances by young spectators. The very first performance in the first season was a performance called "Humpbacked Horse". It so happened that the emblem of the theater decided to make the hero of this performance, which became his business card.

About the founders of the Young Spectators Theater. Bryantseva

The founder of the theater of young spectators in St. Petersburg is a talented director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Alexander Bryantsev.

Alexander Bryantsev

From the very day of the opening, he directed the theaterlong 40 years. Today this child bears his name, Alexander Bryantsev rightly deserved it. In addition to director Bryantsev, other legendary figures, cultural figures of the Soviet era stood at the very sources of the known TYuZ today. This composer P. Petrov-Boyarinov, actor P. Gorlov, schedule V. Beyer, theater teacher E. Pashkov-Gorlov. It should also be mentioned in this number of specialists in Slavic languages ​​NN. Bakhtin, a musician and composer, a disciple of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, NM Strelnikova, who devoted much of his life to the theater. The famous poet, translator and playwright S. Marshak can also be called one of the founders of the theater. For three years he was the head of the repertory and literary part of the Theater of Young Spectators.

Description of the theater

St. Petersburg Youth Theater named after. Bryantseva

Theater of young spectators. AABryantseva has two auditoriums. The main hall is designed for 780 seats. Its peculiarity is that it is built by the amphitheater in such a way that from any place the audience can perfectly hear and see everything that is happening on the stage. The second room appeared only in 1996, it has 50 seats. It was opened especially for individual experimental productions. On the second floor of the Theater there is a huge foyer. There is enough room to run and frolic in pleasure to the smallest visitors. For older children, an interesting exhibition of paintings by young artists and children's crafts is organized here. June 1, 2014 the administration of the Bolshoi Theater. Bryantseva implemented a very important project to create an accessible environment for disabled children. On the territory of the theater there were mobile ramps for children with limited physical abilities.

Star band of the theater of the young spectator

The founder of the theater, the legendary director,artist and teacher Alexander Bryantsev, managed to create a universal in its kind of theater, which combined various directions and genres: dramatic, musical, and plastic. His dream was to create such a theater, the productions of which would be of interest to children, adolescents, and older audiences. In one way or another, many famous names of directors, actors, playwrights, writers are associated with it. For the first time on the stage of the theater of young spectators performances were created based on the famous works of Marshak, Shvarts, Kataev, Roshchin, Paustovsky, Okudzhava and many others. His productions here were directed by Boris Zon, Pavel Weisbrem, Leonid Makaryev, Lev Dodin. In the walls of the theater in its time, a huge creative star galaxy worked: Z. Korogodsky, B. Freindlikh, N. Cherkasov, B. Chirkov, R. Lebedev, B. Zoey, G. Taratorkin, N. Lavrov, I. Sokolova, and many -a lot others.

Repertoire of the Theater of Young Spectators. A. Bryantsev

Theater of young spectators. AA Bryantsev

In the repertory of the Young Spectators Theater, to date, performancesvarious genres. These are dramatic productions, musical plays, and plastic performances. Young spectators can see fairy tales, classical, modern works. The repertoire of the theater still includes sharply social plays of our time. Among them, for example, such as "Timoshkin mine", "Maturity certificate", "Groza", "The girl is looking for a father" and many others. About the first play ("Humpbacked Horse" by the tale of P. Ershov) is also not forgotten here. From time to time, he appears in the theatrical poster, as today is his business card.

Children's Theater. Bryantsev. Reviews about the performances

Do not think of the rave reviews that they shareadults who have been to the performances. Theater of young spectators. A. Bryantseva - very famous and popular in the circles of spectators. Of course, there are separate opinions of people who for some reason did not like this or that production. But this is natural, because there are so many people, so many opinions. But most of the theater and its performances are to their liking. Here I like everything: from the plot, music, the production, and finishing with the scenery. Spectators often say that they do not notice how two hours of action pass, they are so keenly watching what is happening on stage. Many liked the performance "Tom Sawyer". It is equally interesting to observe both children and adults. Computer decorations are simply gorgeous, and the audience does not forget to mention this in their reviews. But the main thing for everyone is that the performances of the Young Spectators' Theater. Bryantsev modern and understand the current generation of children, which Alexander Bryantsev always dreamed of.

Participation in competitions and theater awards

On the uniqueness of the St. Petersburg Young Theaterwe spoke more than once. The children's viewer is much more objective, and therefore it is much more difficult to work for him than for an adult. It's hard to surprise anything modern child in the world of computers and information technology. But it successfully succeeds in the theater of the young spectator to them. Bryantsev. The actors of this theater do not forget about the most important thing - to teach the younger generation to reflect, think, empathize.

Children's Theater. Bryantsev. Reviews about the performances

Children's Theater.Bryantseva is a participant in numerous theatrical festivals, he also establishes his own, such as the festival "Rainbow" and the international "Bryantsev festival". Within the framework of these festivals there are many productions of theaters from different countries. The main goal is to search for something new in drama. The Theater for their best productions has repeatedly received Russian and international awards. And in 1969 he was awarded the Order of Lenin for special merits in the development of theatrical art.

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