/ / Biography of Scriabin Alexander Nikolaevich

Biography of Scriabin Alexander Nikolaevich

A.N.Scriabin is a composer, whose work is considered to be outside any directions. Although, if you analyze the technique of performance, it can be attributed to the New Vienna School. The uniqueness of the works of this composer lies not only in the complicated harmony, but also in the introduction to music for the best expressiveness of color.

biography of Scriabin
Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin. Biography: childhood

Alexander was born in January 1872.His family did not have a significant impact on the genius of the child. My mother died of tuberculosis when Alexander was still young. My father was a lawyer and spent most of his time working. The boy himself learned to pick up heard and liked melodies on the piano, which greatly amazed those around him.

Biography Scriabin A.N .: primary education

Father wanted his son to study at the Lyceum.But Alexander himself dreamed of a cadet corps. And relatives gave in to his desire. At the age of 10 he was enrolled in the Cadet Corps of Moscow. In the future, the boy planned to enter the conservatory. In connection with this, in parallel with training in the corps, he began to attend private music lessons from N. Zverev and S. Taneev, well-known Moscow educators.

Biography of Scriabin A.N .: Entering the Conservatory

This event occurred in January 1888, whenthe boy was already 16 years old. At the same time, he was accepted into a piano class. The teacher of Alexander became the conductor and pianist VI Safonov. Soon on Scriabin paid attention and comrades, and teachers. Together with Rakhmaninov, they were most hopeful. During the years of study, Scriabin wrote a lot.

scriabin composer biography
Almost all written works in this periodwere intended for performance on the piano. For the first time with his compositions he appeared in 1894 in St. Petersburg. Here he met M. Belyaev, a music figure, and through him with Lyadov, Glazunov, Rimsky-Korsakov and other composers of the capital.

Biography Scriabin A.N .: performing activities

It began in the second half of the 1890s,when the composer performed with concerts consisting of his own works, in many cities of Russia, as well as abroad. He visited Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, The Hague. Shortly before the tour Skryabin got married. His chosen one was Vera Ivanovna Isakovich. She was a pianist and performed with her husband. In 1898, Scriabin agreed to the proposal of the Moscow Conservatory to lead the piano class, became her professor. During these years he created a series of sketches, many preludes, as well as many major works for pianoforte. At the end of the century, he turned to the orchestra, devoted a lot of time to him. Communicating with members of the philosophical society, in which he entered, reading relevant literature led Scriabin to the idea of ​​writing "Mysteries." From now on they became the main business of his life. In this work, the composer planned to unite several genres at once: architecture, dance, music, poetry, etc. At the same time, two symphonies were already written and work on the third was in progress.

alexander scriabin biography
Biography Scriabin A.N .: traveling abroad

In the winter of 1904 the composer went abroad forsome years. In the same year he completed the Third Symphony and in the spring of 1905 he performed it in Paris. With tours Scriabin visited Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, France and even in America. During this period, Alexander Nikolayevich with his first wife divorced and married a second time to TF Shletzer, who also had musical training, but sacrificed everything for her husband's sake.

A. N. Scriabin is a composer. Biography: last days

In the winter of 1915, the composer gave many concerts,two of them were held in Petrograd with tremendous success. Another speech was scheduled for April. It was the last. Right after returning to Moscow, Scriabin felt unwell. The carbuncle jumped out on the lip, the abscess was malignant, blood was contaminated, the temperature quickly rose to high levels. Alexander Nikolayevich died on April 27, early in the morning.

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