"Fathers and children" is one of the most famous andpopular novels of Turgenev. He generally began to publish his novels comparatively late - only in 1856. By that time he was already many years old. Behind him was the experience of "Hunter's Notes" and his popularity as an author of essays.
Ivan wrote all six novels.The fourth was "Fathers and Sons", the year of its creation was in 1861. This work is the quintessence of Turgenev's novel manner. He always seeks to portray the events of his personal life, the relationship between people against the backdrop of any social phenomena.
The writer always stressed that he was purean artist and for him more important than the aesthetic perfection of the book, and not its political or public relevance. However, in every work of Ivan Sergeyevich it is evident that he always finds himself at the very core of actual public discussions of one or another time. The same is true of the novel "Fathers and Sons."
This work is published in 1862, inthe period of rapprochement between Russia and Europe, when the great reform was carried out, serfdom was abolished. Absolutely different philosophical currents and public views began to appear.
It is important to emphasize that Ivan Sergeevich in the noveldepicts the events of the pre-reform pore of 1859. And it is he who not only opens, but calls in his work that social phenomenon that has not yet been realized as important and relevant.
The concept of "nihilism"! This word entered the lexicon of Russian people after the publication of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". Although in itself it existed before.
Both censors and readers perceived the workvery differently. Particularly heated discussion broke out at the then popular pages of the magazines "Contemporary" and "Russian Word". Unfortunately, not a single creation can do without criticism - this is the story of creation. "Fathers and children" is a novel that was not perceived at all as the creation of a "pure" artist.
In May 1862, just a few months laterafter the publication of the work of Ivan Sergeyevich, a catastrophe occurred in St. Petersburg. Several arsons were committed, people were killed, shops were destroyed.
This event was like today's terrorist attacks.It is not clear who is trying to declare his political will, does not even reveal his personality. At the same time, innocent people suffer and die. And Turgenev very many people throw a direct reproach, that his nihilists burn Petersburg. There were also those who claimed that the novel "Fathers and Sons" was not really an artwork. This is an instruction for the commission of terrorist acts and crimes.
Now not only the critics were against the author, but readers also expressed their negative opinions. That's the heat of passion and debate boiling around the creation of Ivan Sergeyevich.
But not only this is the story of creation."Fathers and children" - a novel that did not contain an unambiguous relationship of the author to his characters. And such a crafty position most readers did not like. After all, it is so difficult to guess what exactly Ivan Ivanov wanted to say with his work.
In his creation, Turgenev gives a very broada panorama of Russian life. And it does so, that literally all events can be read from two points of view. The first is the side of the fathers, which can be compared with the natural essence of phenomena. As the seasons change each other, so in a person's life there are some events that can not be resisted.
On the other hand, there is another point of view.This is a completely different time count, not in a circle, but the alignment of vital moments in a clear line. This attitude refers to the younger generation, who not only obeys the essence of things, but hopes to change life.
And in the work "Fathers and Sons" heroes not onlyare opposed to each other, but also come together. They are very closely adjoined. Often the point of view of fathers shines through the opinions of young nihilists.
Roman Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" presents lovein several variants and planes. This relationship between Fenechka and Nikolai Petrovich, Arkady and Katerina, as well as the unfulfilled love of Odintsova and Bazarov.
In all these cases there is a duality,which is present throughout the work. Through any sharp judgments, denial of any deep feelings, however, life comes out with its romance and lyrics.
The creation of the novel "Fathers and Sons", his storyline characterization of the characters, of course, are of great importance for the description of the work. But the epilogue is the most powerful place in the text. It is here that the author's philosophy is embodied.
Many believe that the narrative endsthe death of Bazarov. But this is not so. The final scene is a rural cemetery. Ivan Sergeyevich completes his remarkable creation with two hidden quotations - from Pushkin's elegy "I wander among the noisy streets ..." and the church chant.
The key phrase is the comparison of humanlife with a world of indifferent nature. And, nevertheless, she is not indifferent. Simply so all-powerful that it helps people to overcome the vanity of the world and to comprehend eternal and infinite life.
The contradiction between fathers and children, whichstated on the first pages of the novel, is not further exacerbated or deepened. On the contrary, the extremes approach each other more and more. As a result, the reader understands that in each family the parents' attitudes toward their children are warm enough, and those in return reciprocate with them. And, in spite of all the previous critical and negative discussions that the history of creation carries in it, "Fathers and Sons" demonstrate the contradiction between the views of the older generation and the young as they evolve more and more. And at the end of the novel, they practically come to naught.
A particularly complex evolution is experienced bythe main character is Bazarov. And it goes not by coercion, but as a result of internal movements of the soul and mind. He denies all the basic values of a noble society: nature, art, family, love. And Ivan Sergeyevich perfectly understands that his hero, in principle, is completely hopeless and will not be able to live long in this denial.
And as soon as love falls on the main character, his harmonious system of views collapses. He does not need to live. Therefore, it is unlikely that his death in this work can be considered accidental.
The meaning of the novel by Ivan Sergeevich could have been verybriefly described by Pushkin's quote: "Blessed is he who was young in his youth ..." The fact is that the contradictions between young vigor, activity and obedience to life that are inherent in more mature periods of man are imaginary conflicts.
How nature absorbs and recycles in itselfsocial phenomena, so the views of youth change in the work "Fathers and children." The heroes of the novel, their characters are gradually reborn and come close to the opinions and judgments of the fathers. This is the outstanding achievement of Turgenev.
About a nihilist, a man who despisesart, Ivan Sergeyevich could tell by means of this very skill. On the very acute social events the author told not in the language of the replica of the participant of events, but on the artistic one. That is why the novel "Fathers and Sons" still excites the feelings of many readers.