/ / How to make a drinking bowl for rabbits with your own hands?

How to make a drinking bowl for rabbits with your own hands?

A high-quality drinking bowl for rabbits is necessary for the normal functioning of these animals. If they receive less water, they become especially vulnerable and start get sick often. Devices in implementation are not always suitable for these animals. Therefore, it is best to make them yourself.


Drinkers for rabbits

A drinking bowl for rabbits, made by hand, must meet certain conditions:

  • capacity - one animal per day requires about 1-1.5 liters of water;
  • closeness - in the vessel should not be remnants of food, wool and feces of rabbits;
  • resistance - the device must be well fixed on the walls of the cage, otherwise spillage of fluid is possible, which will lead to various diseases of these animals;
  • Convenience - the vessel should be such for the rabbit, and for the owner in terms of its filling.

Photos of drinking troughs for rabbits are posted along the way.

Drinker classification

They are divided by the material used:

  • from a stainless steel;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • from other materials.
Automatic drinkers for rabbits

By design, the drinking bowls for rabbits are classified into the following groups:

  • automatic - the flow of water is carried out without human intervention while reducing the level of fluid in the vessels; have a high cost, unprofitable for small farms;
  • ниппельные — поилки для кроликов, в которых вода stays clean for 24 hours, does not overflow, they do not turn over, however, in the winter period, the liquid in them quickly freezes, they are small, therefore they require filling several times a day, are short-lived and unreliable in constructional terms, can leak around the lid ;
  • vacuum - can be fixed to the wall with specialfasteners, quite capacious, one capacity is enough for one rabbit per day, however, if the liquid level is set incorrectly, they can leak;
  • Bowls - cans, bowls, cups that can be easily turned by animals, wool and animal feces easily fall into them, so they are not recommended for rabbits.

Drinkers can also be divided into industrially manufactured and own production.

On large farms, preference is given to automatic drinkers, while private owners, to a greater extent, produce them themselves.

Creating a device is a simple option.

Photo of drinkers for rabbits

Below will be shown how to make a drinker for rabbits on their own.

For the manufacture you can take the usual plastic bottles. The drinking bowl is done in the following steps:

  • a hole is made in the center of the bottle with a knife, which coincides in diameter with that of the rabbit head;
  • it is attached to the cell walls with a wire;
  • 1.5 liters of water is poured.

Thus, bottle rabbits can be made quickly and easily. They do not require special care. Of the minuses - fragility.

Creating a vacuum drinker

Vacuum drinker for rabbits

In this case, in addition to the plastic bottle and wire, you will need a container from which the rabbits will use water directly, for example, a can.

The sequence of steps to create this drinker:

  • Water is poured into the bottle, after which it is twisted with a cap.
  • Attached to the wall of the cell neck down.
  • A prepared container is installed under it, the neck should not touch its bottom a little.
  • Unscrew the cap.At the same time, water will flow from the bottle into the substituted container until its level becomes equal to the cut of the bottle. At the time of their coincidence, a vacuum is formed, which will keep the water column from flowing out until the animals heat up some of the liquid, resulting in a gap between the water level and the cut of the bottle.

The tank into which water flows can be fixed on a self-made groove, along which it will slide with the application of some effort.

However, when using this option, drinking bowls for rabbits from plastic bottles can get trash and dirt into them, which is detrimental to the health of farmed animals.

Upgraded version of the plastic drinker

Drinking bowl for a rabbit in a metal case

This material is periodically attacked by representatives of the fauna. Therefore, it is short-lived. In order to extend its service life, perform the following steps:

  • galvanized or stainless steel make a box to protect a plastic bottle of 5 liters or more;
  • Sharp edges must be filed with a file to avoid injuring animals.

In this case, the operation time for bottle rabbits increases significantly.

For making it is better to take dark bottles, because in light water will bloom faster, which is undesirable for farmed animals.

Другой вариант усовершенствованной поилки Presents bottle installation close to the surface of the container. To move water into it, you need to drill holes in the neck. It should be borne in mind that the distance from the cut to the hole should not exceed the depth of the tank. It is best to do them through, placing one above and others below. You can make them crosswise. This will ensure a smooth distribution of the water hammer in time at the moment of turning the bottle and will not cause its twisting or other types of deformation. With this method, it is not necessary to screw the caps on the bottles. In winter, you can even cut the neck, so that it was easier to extricate the ice.

Creating a nipple drinker

Nippelny drinking bowl for a rabbit

For the manufacture will need the following materials:

  • silicone (sealant);
  • nipples;
  • insulating tape;
  • plastic hose and bottles of 1-1.5 liters.

Nippelny nozzles can be purchased in the corresponding outlets. They can be replaced with a cut-off handle body with a steel ball from the bearing inside.

Production is carried out as follows:

  • a hole is made in the lid of the container using a screwdriver, heated awl or other means available;
  • the hose is passed through it;
  • since calculate the diameter of the hole and makeit is difficult for those in the home, then in most cases it turns out more than is required, in this case one end of the hose is wrapped with tape;
  • the cover at the junction with the tube is coated with a sealant on both sides;
  • A nipple spout is inserted into the hose or a trimming of the handle body replacing it is fixed in the same way with a sealant;
  • The assembled device is placed on the outside of the cage, and the hose is passed through through the rods.

When creating any drinkers you need to take into account the fact that males consume less water compared to females. The latter require more fluid during pregnancy.


Vacuum drinkers tend to freeze inwinter seasons. In addition, water freezes in tanks in which it flows from bottles. Therefore, when the onset of cold weather in the cells can be suspended as a source of water ice. When using nipple drinkers at this time of the year, when the spout is freezing, you need to pour hot water into the bottle. In addition, it is possible to use the forced flow of fluid from a certain container with the help of a small pump, which ensures its circulation throughout the water supply circuit in which the nipple nipples are mounted. To ensure water supply on very frosty days, a low-power heater can be placed in the tank.

Teaching rabbits to drinking bowl

Teaching rabbits to drinking bowl

Of the nipple drinkers, these animals do not drink themselveswill be until they realize that there is water. While the rabbit is in the cage, the person must press the nipple with his finger. The water that remains on it must be brought first to the nose of the rabbit, and then to the mouth, so that it sniffs and lick it. This procedure should be carried out more than once, the breeders recommend repeating it at least 3-4 times. You can stop after the owner sees that the animal began to imitate its actions by pressing the language on the ball.


Поилку для кроликов можно изготовить on their own. Plastic bottles can be used as material for production. They can be installed in such a way that the neck does not touch the bottom or with its touch. In the latter case, holes are made on the neck of the bottle. In addition, nipple drinkers can be used. In this case, it is important to teach the rabbits to self-intake fluid.

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