/ / Each painting by Bryullov is the next stroke to the portrait of a genius.

Each painting by Bryullov is the next stroke to the portrait of a genius.

The first picture of Briullov "Art Geniuses" was written by him during the years 1817-1820, during his student days.

Brullov's picture
Becoming a genius

Karl Brullov (1799-1852), the brightesta representative of the family of artists and architects of the Brullovs, he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts of the Emperor himself from 1809 to 1821, during which he remained the best student. Among his teachers was A. Ivanov (“The Appearance of the Messiah”), who liked Bryullov’s Narcissus student picture so much that he bought it for his private collection.

Graduation work brought Bryullov the Grand Gold Medal, and gave the right to travel abroad to improve their skills at the expense of the Academy.

Brilliant artist Karl Bryullov was in demanduntil death. He was an unsurpassed portraitist, great people posed for him, among whom were members of the royal family. His portrait work witnessed time.

The artist spent a long time in Italy.This explains such a large number of Italian stories. In the first trip (1823-1835) to this country, the center of gravity of all artists, Bryullov painted many canvases, which became a prerequisite for his world fame. Among them is Bryullov's painting The Last Day of Pompeii (1833). At an exhibition in Paris, she was awarded the Gold Medal. Karl was an amazing draftsman. His sepia (drawings close to watercolors, but made in shades of brown), including the brilliant "Mountain Hunters", as well as other famous paintings by Briullov, are known throughout the world.

famous paintings bryullova
Here, in Italy, the artist metCountess Y. Samoilova, who for many years became his friend, muse and model. Bryullov's painting The Horsewoman - Samoylova's equestrian portrait - has become a recognized masterpiece of world painting.

Живописец с детства не отличался крепким health The years (1836-1843) spent in Petersburg did not contribute to its strengthening. A painting of the Grand Dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral finally undermined it. In 1849, Bryullov left Russia forever and, after a visit to Madeira, settled in Italy, with his friend A. Pittoni, the ally of Garibaldi. Portraits of members of this family and some of the pictures painted at that time are kept in private collections until now.

The most famous paintings, for example, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai” (1849), also contributed to the worldwide recognition of the artist.

The play of colors in the style of Karl Bryullov

The most famous paintings of Briullov are familiar to all. There is no doubt that the “Last Day of Pompeii” canvas will be recognized even by people who are very far from the “beautiful world”.

the most famous paintings by Bryullov
To the famous works of Briullov, exceptThe above-mentioned paintings include “Italian Noon” (1831), “The Siege of Pskov” (1843), “Self-Portrait” (1848) and “Portrait of Countess Y. Samoilova Retiring from the Ball” (1842). Karl Brullov is a wonderful colorist. Some compare it with Rubens. After viewing the retrospectives of his paintings, a bright joyful feeling remains in his soul. He was subject to all genres of painting, in any of which he deserves the characteristics of "brilliant".

M. Gorky attributed it to the three geniuses of Russian culture and art, which are Pushkin, Glinka and Bryullov, the brightest representatives of the “golden age” of Russia.

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