/ / The film "Johnny D.": actors. Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard and others

The film "Johnny D.": actors. Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard and others

Criminal dramas, the plot of which is borrowed fromevents of real life, almost always enjoy success with the public. The action "Johnny D." was not an exception. The actors who played in the gangster movies, perfectly coped with their task, the atmosphere of the dashing 30-ies is almost impeccable. Who became the true stars of the drama?

"Johnny D.": actors and plot

John Dillinger - this is the name of the famous robberbanks, whose role in this picture went to Depp. The raids committed by the perpetrator to the money vaults have always been bold. Not surprisingly, his person was very much occupied by the FBI. The bureau threw its best forces at his capture, entrusting the leadership of the operation to Melvin Pervis, who was convincingly played by Christian Bale. However, for several years to stop Dillinger and the group he created, he could not, he easily escaped from any prison.

johnny d actors

The adventures of the legendary bandit who hadpeople reputation of fearless Robin Hood, reflects the film "Johnny D.". The cast of the biographical drama is excellent. Not only Depp and Bale have coped with their difficult roles. Nice and Marion Cotillard, who played a beauty named Billy Frechette, the only love of a cult gangster. An important role in the story is given to Dillinger's assistants, whose images were embodied by Stephen Graham and Giovanni Ribisi.

Who played the main character

Not always directors who plan shootingpaintings, initially know who will be trusted in the end, the main roles. The crime drama "Johnny D.", whose actors were found after lengthy searches and doubts, was no exception. The creators of the film were thinking about inviting the legendary bandit Leonardo DiCaprio to the role. However, in the end this image was embodied on the screen by Depp.

Johnny d actors and roles

Johnny Depp is an actor who neverstuck in one line. He is equally flawlessly successful images of pirates, romantics, seducers, intellectuals, fairy-tale characters. His Dillinger turned out to be a man with a difficult life, lived a short but bright life. In the real world, the criminal, from whom the image was written off, was killed at a young age. The creators of the drama also did not find it necessary to come up with a happy ending story.

Many critics have found that the bank robber -far from the most outstanding role played by Depp, who, like many other actors in the film "Johnny D.", was already a star at the time of filming. However, the audience met the criminal drama approvingly.

Who became the antagonist

If the film has a cocky criminal, readyenter into a game with law enforcement agencies, there must be a positive hero who will deal with his capture. Such a character is provided for in the crime drama "Johnny D.". Actors, which were assigned images of central characters, in the bulk were approved shortly before the filming began. This does not apply to Christian Bale, in whose candidature the creators of the picture did not doubt almost from the beginning of the casting. The actor did not disappoint them, perfectly playing Melvin Pervis, one of the leading FBI staff.

 Johnny d

Character actor - inflexible wrestler withcrime, which made the business of his life the capture of the legendary gangster who plays with the FBI in a dangerous game. The role can not be called typical for Christian Bale. However, like Johnny Depp, the actor does not have a clearly defined role, among the characters he plays, there are insane, fans, romantics and superheroes. You can see Bale in such films as "American Psycho", "Equilibrium", "Batman: The Beginning".

Other interesting heroes

Not only Depp and Bale became the stars of the criminaldrama "Johnny D.", the actors and roles of which have been occupied by the public for several years now. Billy Frechette is the main character, the image of which is embodied by Marion Cotillard. The actress perfectly coped with the role of the girl, whose life was destroyed by a romantic connection with the legendary criminal.

Johnny D cast

The Dillinger team is also well representedin film. The main accomplice of the kidnap kid Nelson, ruthless and fearless, talentedly depicted Stephen Graham, who can be seen in such famous bands as "Big Kush", "Gangs of New York." Do not let the creators of the picture and the actor, who played another famous companion Johnny - Alvin Karpis. Giovanni Ribisi is known for his paintings "The difficulties of translation", "Cold Mountain".

This is how the brightest characters of the film "Johnny D." look. The actors played well characters who lived in the 30s.

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