/ / "Inglorious Bastards": actors and roles, plot, interesting facts

"Inglorious Bastards": actors and roles, plot, interesting facts

In May 2009, Quentin Tarantino presented atThe Cannes Film Festival had its next ribbon, which was later highly praised by critics, - “Inglorious Bastards”. The actors who starred in the action movie came up pretty colorful: Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Michael Fassbender and many others. The main events of the project unfolded in the days of the Second World War in France.

Staging the plot

Hans Landa, who was nicknamed the “Jewish hunter,” suddenly visits the house of a French farmer, wanting to find a Jewish Dreyfus family.

Soon he finds family members under the floor and orders the soldiers to shoot them. Eighteen Shoshanna manages to get out of hiding and escape from the killers.

Meanwhile, Lt. Aldo Raine is gaininga team of American-born Jewish soldiers to carry out a terrorist mission in the occupied French land. The task of the latter-day allies is the cruel extermination of the Nazis. Soon the detachment becomes known in the Reich - Aldo and his comrades are now called "Bastards", and their adventures are reported to Hitler himself. Such was the plot of the “inglorious bastards” project. Actors play the main action, from which it is already impossible to escape from about the second third of the film.


The plot takes several years, and the viewersees that Shoshanna, who was able to escape, is now posing as a French woman named Emmanuel Mimieu. In a legacy from a distant relative, the heroine receives a small cinema. The German sniper Frederick Zoller, who will soon shine in the film “The Pride of the Nation”, portraying himself draws attention to the girl. The soldier arranges everything so that the premiere of the film, to which Hitler will come with his associates, was held at the Mieme Institute. Shoshanna decides that she has the opportunity to avenge her family.

Parallel to the storyline of the Rhine,who also learns about the upcoming show and intends to use this event for their own purposes. Previously, the team will meet with the recruited actress Bridget von Hammersmark, who will be able to hold them for the premiere.

Performers of roles

One of the most prominent roles in the action movie gotBrad Pitt - he portrayed the cynical Aldo Rein, who received the nickname "Apache". In addition to him, Eli Roth distinguished himself - his hero Sergeant Donny Donovitz, also known as “Jew-Bear”, terrifies the Nazis, and there are good reasons for this.

Eli Roth

In turn, Gideon Burckhard was in the image of Corporal Wilhelm Wicca. Very memorable character played Til Schweiger - German military psychopath Hugo Stieglitz.

Til Schweiger

Although, of course, it was Christoph Waltzthe opening of the painting "Inglorious Bastards". The actors, who embodied the key roles in the action movie, were already well known to the public, unlike the performer of the role of Hans Landa, who simply brilliantly coped with his task!

Interesting Facts

  • The film managed to collect in the world box office about three hundred million dollars, and also claimed the Oscar in eight nominations, which was a record for Tarantino.
  • Most of all awards for participation in the film received Waltz: “Oscar” for Best Supporting Actor, “Golden Globe” in the same category and other awards.
  • Quentin Tarantino immediately decided on whohe would like to see Albo Rein in the film “Inglorious Bastards”. Brad Pitt at first accepted this proposal without enthusiasm, and then the director personally came home to the actor, persuading him to change his mind. Celebrities allegedly drank a few bottles of wine and finally reached an agreement after that.

  • Eli Roth also acted as the project director.
  • Denis Menoshe was the first who came to the test of the role of Perier LaPadita - in the end, he played it.
  • The offscreen text was read by Samuel L. Jackson.
  • About 40 percent of the dialogues were filmed in English, 28 in German, and the rest in French and Italian.

About creating a picture

For a long time Tarantino could not come up with a final,which will be shown to viewers of the Inglorious Bastards project. Actors could have started work on the set much earlier, but the cinematographer brought his script to the ideal for ten years. At the same time the film was shot for about two months.

Initially it was assumed that the timekeeping of a new cult director would be 190 minutes, but in the end he was cut down to 153 minutes.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in the "ingloriousbastards "a lot of cruel scenes and dark humor, but this did not prevent him from becoming a worthy part of Quentin Tarantino's filmography and gaining millions of fans!

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