/ / Igor Ohlupin - biography and creativity

Igor Ohlupin - biography and creativity

In this material, your attention will bepresented Igor Ohlupin - an actor who plays in the cinema and on the stage. He was born in 1938, on September 17. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.


Igor Ohlupin comes from the family of the actor. In addition, his father was an honorary citizen of Sverdlovsk. His name is Leonid Ohlupin. But back to the son.

Igor хhlupin

In 1960he studied at the Higher School of Theater named after BV Shchukin. Igor Ohlupin was a disciple of Vera Lvova. Soon the young actor was accepted into the troupe of the Mayakovsky Theater. In the described period, it was headed by Nikolai Okhlopkov. The debut was on television in the framework of the TV show "The Amber Necklace". The work of N. Pogodin was based on this work. Beginning actor as a result became a partner on the stage of Julia Borisova.

In the theater, this man for many years, embodied on the stage of small roles. Often they were without words. However, even in minor images the actor was noted by critics and memorized by the audience.

The first major work was participation in 1966.in the play "Oedipus the King". In the basis of this performance was laid the tragedy of Sophocles. Oedipus, embodied on the stage by our hero, was the main advantage of the production, which did not have much success. In 1967, Andrei Goncharov became the artistic director of the already mentioned Mayakovsky Theater. Soon after that, Ohlupin turned into one of the leading actors of this scene.

Among the best images of a young man followsMark Morozko from the play "Defeat" Mark Zakharov. This is one of the most popular Moscow productions of the time. The actor was called impeccably organic. According to the critic Nina Velehova, he loves the characters he plays, and in addition he knows how to put spectators to these characters. Among the best roles are Sergei Seryogin from the Irkutsk history Arbuzov, Erast Gromilov from Ostrovsky's Talents and Admirers, Trigorin from the Chekhov's Seagull, Pribytkov Frol Fedulich from The Victims of the Century, He's from the Old-Fashioned Comedy.

A family

We have already told you about who Igor isOhlupin. His personal life will be described further. The actor was married to Natalia Vilkina. In this family, Alyon Okhlupin's daughter was born. She is an actress of the Maly Theater.

Igor ohlupin actor


Igor Ohlupin in 1971 was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1988 it was recognized by the People's. In 1998, he was awarded the Order of Friendship, thus honoring his services in the development of art.

igory ohlupin private life

Theatrical works

Now we will discuss the activities of the actor on stage. As already mentioned, Igor Ohlupin is a representative of the Mayakovsky Theater.

  • In 1961, on this stage, he played The Shadow and the Second Gravedigger in a play based on W. Shakespeare's work Hamlet. In the production of B. Brecht "Mother Courage and Her Children" he got the role of Soldier.
  • In 1964, Simon played in V. Dudin's play The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Brecht.
  • In 1966 he worked on the production of "Tsar Oedipus" by Sophocles.
  • Participated in the play based on the work of A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin "The Death of Tarelkin". The director was Peter Fomenko.
  • He embodied the image of Sergei in the play "Irkutsk history" by A. Arbuzov.
  • In 1968, Yerasta Gromilova played in the production "Talents and admirers" by AN Ostrovsky.
  • In 1969, the play "The Rout of Fadeev" appeared, in which the actor got the role of Morozko. The director was Mark Zakharov.
  • In 1970, played Mitch in the play "Tram Desire" by T. Williams. Directed by A. Goncharov.
  • Received the role of Mironov in the production of "Maria" Salynsky.

In addition, the actor played in the following productions:"The Winter Ballad", "Uncle's Dream", "The Duma of the British", "Bankrupt, or His People - We'll Be Considered!", "Conversations with Socrates", "The Long-awaited", "The Seagull", "Amoral Story", "Agent 00" , "Sunset", "Music Lessons", "The Sacrifice of the Century", "Theatrical Romance", "Marriage", "Old Fashioned Comedy", "Dead Souls", "Three Sisters", "Mr. Puntila and His Servant Matti".

igory ohlupin movies


Participated in the theatrical partnership of OlegMenshikov. As part of this cooperation, in 1998, Famusov played in the production of A. Griboedov's "Woe from Wit". The director was O. Menshikov. The actor also worked on television. In 1969, the teacher played the project "Hello, our daddies!". From 1971 to 1972 he worked on M. Ancharov's television show "Day by Day". Here he got the role of Nikolai Andreevich Pakhomov.

Fans of the movie also probably know who Igor Ohlupin is. Films with his participation will be considered further.

  • In 1960, he played a boyfriend in the film "Aleshkina love."
  • Then there was the role of the German comrade in the tape "Clouds over Borsko."
  • In 1961 on the screens there was a film "In a difficult hour", where the actor appeared in the image of Michael.
  • The role of Peter Khromov went to him in 1974 in the tape "The Hottest Month".
  • In 1976 he played Timothy Titovich Tkachuk in the tape "Obelisk".
  • 1978 - the film "Sibiryada", where the actor embodied the image of Philip Solomin.
  • In 1979, he was remembered by the audience as Pavel Vladimirovich Vetrov from the painting "A Shot in the Back".
  • In the tape "A Night Is Short" in 1981, the actor got the role of Mercury.
  • In 1984 he worked on the paintings "Instruct General Nesterov" and "Very Important Person." In the latter, Demyanov played.
  • In 1985, the actor starred in the film "My Chosen One" as Lapshin Valery Efremovich.
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