/ / Actor Boris Khimichev. Biography, filmography

Actor Boris Khimichev. Biography, filmography

Boris Petrovich Himichev is a well-known theater andmovie actor. The audience is most known for such films as "Aty-bata", "Snow Maiden", "Resident's Return", "Double Overtaking", etc. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The fourth husband of actress Tatiana Doronina.


Boris Khimichev was born in the village of Balamutovka(Ukraine) in 1933. The boy was not very strong and often sick. From the age of 10, Boris began doing gymnastics and practicing with dumbbells. This helped the boy to get stronger. And already in the student's time, the young man engaged in walrus. It allowed Khimichev to forget about the illnesses for many years. We will return to the secrets of his health and good form at the end of the article ...

Boris Khimichev


After graduating from school, Boris Khimichev entered the KievUniversity at the Faculty of Mathematics. But, after studying several courses, the young man decided to change life abruptly and try himself in the acting field.

In 1960, Boris came to Moscow and submitteddocuments in several theatrical schools. This strategy worked. Himichev entered the Moscow Art Theater for the Masalsky course. At that time it was one of the strongest classes in the capital. In the year of Boris's arrival, Vysotsky was released from there. After graduation, Vladimir periodically visited the school his friend Seva Abdulov, who studied on the same course with Khimichev. And four years earlier the course of Masalsky was successfully passed by Doronin. In the classroom, she was often set as an example as an exemplary actress.

In his student years Boris Khimichev, biographywhich is presented in this article, was gloomy and unsociable. The first ten years in the capital, the actor lived modestly. He dressed poorly and was very shy about it. Only in the seventies, when Boris worked actively in the theater and acted in film, he could afford to completely update the wardrobe. Khimichev even sewn to order two black velvet costumes.

boris petrovich chemichev

First love

When the press discusses the personal life of the actor, then,first of all, talk about his numerous marriages. In fact, Boris was not a ladies' man. The patriarchal upbringing in the village was affected. There, if he was with a woman in a close relationship, then he must marry. So the numerous marriages of the actor - this is simply the result of a serious approach. Moreover, in his youth, acquaintance with women was given to Khimichev with great difficulty.

Tatyana Lavrova became the first love of Boris.Seeing her on the screen as Zarechnaya, he fell in love at first sight and could not find a place. Soon Boris Khimichev decided to write a letter. In it, he explained to Tatiana in love, but sent the message anonymously.

Soon the young people were reduced by fate itself.And acquaintance grew into a beautiful novel. Lavrov immediately "figured out" Boris and showed him a love letter. Of course, the actor immediately admitted. And then the relationship suddenly broke. Everything happened at the rehearsal of the training scene. Tatiana sat with teachers in the hall and carefully followed the game Khimichev, who tried very hard. After the show was over, Lavrov immediately left. Boris went to her house. The door was not opened for a long time, then Tatyana's mother left and told the young man that her daughter no longer wanted to see him. Years later, the actor accidentally met Lavrov and asked about the reasons for such a rapid separation. Tatiana apologized and said that at that time his game seemed to her very mediocre.

boris chemichev biography

The first marriage and the Mayakovsky Theater

In 1964, Boris Khimichev, whose personal lifewas very stormy, graduated from the Moscow Art Theater and got a job at the Mayakovsky Theater. He had his own "corner" - an auxiliary room on the top floor of the theater. Not very comfortable, but at work you will not be late. Although once Boris managed to oversleep his way out in "Hamlet" and almost did not disrupt the play.

Over time, the young man has built his way of life.The regiment gave the actor theatrical scenes with which he walled the walls. Then Boris trained requisition furniture, and the apartment gained a bohemian look. Even it was not embarrassing to invite the girls. Soon Khimichev began an "attic" novel, which ended in a marriage. But after a couple of months the marriage broke up due to a lack of common interests.

boris chemichev cause of death

Meeting with Doronina

About actor Boris Khimichev learned more about Tatyana Doroninawhile studying. And the acquaintance itself took place when the girl had already acquired the status of a movie star. On her account were two large works - "Three Poplars on Plyushchikha" and "Elder Sister". Himichev then played in the theater only a few roles, and his film career was just beginning.

One day, Boris Petrovich received a proposalpass samples in the film "Once Again About Love" (in the end, the main role was given to Lazarev). The actor came to Mosfilm, went into the dressing room and saw Doronin. The actress looked at Boris with an appraising glance, mentorly, indulgently, carelessly. Khimichev did not like this, and Boris left the dressing room with burning cheeks. At the same time, the actor asked the assistant director to tell Doronina that he would not try with her for this role, much less work in the future. Despite such a statement, Tatiana still sunk in the heart of Khimichev.

Их следующая встреча состоялась в театре Mayakovsky. In 1967 his leader, Okhlopkov NP, passed away. Andrei Goncharov became the head of the troupe, who decided to update the collective. They came to Gundareva, Leonov, Dzhigarkhanyan and Doronin. At that time, Boris worked temporarily in the theater of the Soviet Army and returned back at the invitation of the director.

They were brought together by their first joint work in the production"Long live the Queen!". There were no bedclothes there. The only thing, Boris sometimes kissed Tatiana's hand. Of course, he did it with great pleasure. At that time both Khimichev and Doronin were free, so the service romance became inevitable. In 1973, they formalized the relationship by playing a modest wedding.

Boris Khimichev

Films 1967-1982

Boris Khimichev, whose cause of death is indicatedbelow, debuted in the movie in the film "Operation" Trust ". The actor brilliantly played the lieutenant Artamonov. Later he was repeatedly invited to detective tape, where Boris usually played negative characters ("Black Triangle", "Syshchik", etc.). But the best Khimichev succeeded in "costume" roles. The whole fault was the natural texture of the actor. Stalin's coats, Onegin tailcoats, hussar mentks, chain mails sat on Boris like glue. Chemichev also looked good on the horse. The actor himself explains it by genes: his father served in the cavalry.

Career Boris went up the hill:he was shot in at least three films a year. True, the quality of the roles was not very high. The same Doronina starred in a dozen paintings, half of which were masterpieces. Himichev from all his roles could not call such a top five. This greatly saddened him.

actor Boris Khimichev


Boris Khimichev, whose filmography includedalready a couple of dozen paintings, had only one common interest with Doronin - work. In the theater, they were involved in three performances at once. Very often at breakfast, the couple discussed the details of the new production. On the way to the theater, they could talk about roles in the cinema. Over time, the tension between lovers increased. The reason was that they were both rickety, quick-tempered and temperamental people. And at some point the couple realized the need for separation. The divorce was issued in 1982.

In her interviews Tatyana Doronina spoke aboutBoris as the most economic, attentive and affectionate husband. The same thing did Chemichev, calling the actress a talented, intelligent and extraordinary woman. In reality, the former spouses were very different. Tatiana liked the white color, and Boris - black. She was rational and cold, and he was explosive and hot. This was one of the main reasons for parting. Immediately after the divorce, the actor moved to work at the Mossovet Theater. It was given to him very hard.

80th - 90th

Thanks to his inviting appearance Boris Chemichevwas coveted by many directors. And the actor with ease played both positive and negative (the corrupt general from the "Season of hunting") role. The most significant works of those years, Boris Petrovich believed "The Desire of Love", "Fathers and Sons" and "Prince Yuri Dolgoruky." The actor was especially proud of the role of the prince.

boris chemichev personal life

last years of life

Boris Petrovich Himichev has been married for fivetime. With the last wife - Galina Sizova, the actor lived for 15 years. In his interviews, Boris Petrovich repeatedly stated that he was grateful for the fate of such a woman.

В последние годы жизни Химичев выглядел wonderful - fit, slim, without fatty folds. The actor claimed that he had forgotten about the illnesses. How did he do it? It's simple. In the morning, Boris Petrovich was engaged in dumbbells, did not eat breakfast. Then a hearty dinner and a light dinner. During the last 30 years of his life Khimichev was hungry twice a year (drinking only water). The first 2-3 weeks of fasting began just before the great fast.

The actor died in Moscow in 2014. The cause of death is inoperable brain cancer. Boris Petrovich was 81 years old.

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