Try to tell us about the books you love.We hope this article will help, tell you how to write a review about the work. For a more effective explanation, let's use the techniques of ... acting. Formally, you have a clean sheet (a pure "Word"), and you think: "Where do you start?" And figuratively you open the door to your reader, and on the threshold together with you, who do you think? Author and work. Thus, your initial mission is determined - the realization of acquaintance.
The tools are a business card - spectaculara demonstration of the cover, and the conversation is your unique characteristic of the author and his work. "Technical" the same advice on how to write a review of literature, universal for copyright. Pay attention to the introductory phrases - interesting and emotional, setting the tone for the whole response. The first phrase should not be short, being somewhat incomplete in its content. Its only mission is to get the reader to read your second sentence. The second sentence brings him to the third, and so on. Reading the response in an ideal is similar to drawing the reader into the funnel.
Recommendations on how to write reviews,they also suggest a third, fairly princely stage: acquaintance with the heroes of the work. The style of presentation at this stage is different from the well-known school methodology of "full characterization of heroes". Your main goal is not to provide exhaustive information, but to attract attention and interest. Therefore it is reasonable to limit ourselves to a "snapshot" of the heroes in a certain plot situation or your original vision of their originality.
Не только писатели, литераторы, журналисты, но и many members of literary communities, forums, having read the book in detail, compose and publish a review about it. Good, high-grade reviews are always in demand, they are published. Understanding how to write reviews is an excellent springboard for starting a personal literary career. The authors have always appreciated the qualified feedback about their books, "touching the fine soul of the work with a fine brush."
In addition, it's no secret that the workshop reviewsoften help an ordinary book become a bestseller. Therefore, dear readers, if you, possessing your literary style, suddenly became aware of reading the book, if you wanted to stop at some quotation and take off your hat before the writer, and it dawned on you that the lines you read touched your soul, do not be lazy, be are grateful to the author of the book for pleasant minutes, write a review.