/ / Interesting events and tales in a new way for the camp

Interesting activities and tales in a new way for the camp

Both adults and children really like fairy tales onnew fret. For the summer children's holiday camp, many humorous plays, rework, miniatures are written. The guys themselves compose scripts and with pleasure portray the action on stage.

All known tales in a new way

For camp, there are some great fun.events where children play scenes on their own. This may be a competition for the best performance or event, in the course of which all participants are invited to perform any tasks. For example, such fairy tales in a new way for the camp, like Aladdin's Magic Lamp, Thousand and One Nights, or The Frog Princess, may include elements of competition, both sporting and intellectual. It fits well here and the concert program. And as a jury, either King Shahriyar and his subjects: astrologers, advisers and judges, or Koschey the Immortal with Baba Yaga and other evil spirits act. It is very important for the facilitator and the jury to prepare fancy dresses - this will be sure to be a success with the audience.

fairy tales in a new way for the camp

Jokes with the works of Pushkin

For scenarios of children's events and holidaysthe converted "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" and others will also be appropriate. Pushkin tales in a new way for the camp - a creative option. Each new episode of the event-competition may be announced as a small verse passage resembling the style of fairy tales of the poet of genius.

Three teams with humor

Gathered here in the evening.

They decided to joke

Make everyone laugh. Got naughty

And they introduced us here -

Judges, spectators, guests.

A brief script of the contest "Cook"

For such an event a fairy tale is wonderfully suitable."Gingerbread Man" in a new way. The presentation-competition begins with the presenter entering the stage - Kolobok. He should be dressed up in a baron of the Renaissance period: in short pants with elastic bands on the bottom, a cloak with ties on his neck and a hat with a feather.

fairy tale bun in a new way

Opening Remarks

I introduce you, my friends:

Baron von Kolobok!

(gives a luxurious bow)

And I

I heard - you have a competition here.

I jumped on a horse at once,

I rushed through the fields, forests ...

I met a hare me, fox,

A bear and a wolf, but I have them all

Charmed, sang to them. Success

It was grand! Even the beast

Managed to understand what the baron

Von Kolobok is not a fanfare!

I am a true master, yes!

I have a hobby - food!

Nobody can compare with me:

Neither man, nor beast, nor bird!

Old tale in a new way

Get a new alignment here!

So, I give way to the scene -

Participants, march into the arena!

If competition is expected between teams,then it would be appropriate in this place to invite them to introduce themselves to each other and the audience. It should look like a miniature performance, just like it happens in KVN. The jury must evaluate the performance.

old tale in a new way

Contests for "Cooks"

Help to judge Kolobko will Hare, Wolf, Bearand fox. The hare will offer to speed the carrot, and the Wolf will chop and decorate the sandwiches with sausage. The bear may offer to clear the oranges, and the Fox - to clean the potatoes. Since the tale is based on a new tale, funny episodes will be extremely appropriate. These may be the "movement" of characters or events from other works.

Laughter and humor are welcome!

For example, during the competition HareThe wolf, having transformed into a hero from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”, Will sneak up on him ... And he will get on his forehead a huge table-like ladle! Of course, it will only be an imitation of a strike, but the Wolf will scream in anger: “Well, Hare, wait!” And Fox, gently stroking his head, will calm him down:

Come on chasing him, Wolf!

Well you know a lot about piglets

And the Red Riding Hoods do not count,

Those, as you had time, friend, eat.

And seven kids?

(The wolf breaks out, threatens Fox with his fist in anger.)

- Be silent!

No need to remember here

As I was scalded in the boiler,

How the belly suddenly ripped me ...

And in the fairy tale again because of you

I hit the rocker ... I

In the ice left his tail ...

(The poor man turns his back on the audience and the artists and shows a torn tail. Everyone laughs, pointing the stupid Wolf with his fingers. He is indignant, shakes his fists over his head.)

So! Well, get your bruise !!!

(A wolf pounces on Fox with fists.)

tales in a new way funny

Sports competition "pull the turnip!"

As one of the contests, an episode entitled “The Tale“ Turnip ”in a new way can be included in the script. At the time of the fight Fox and Wolf, the melody is ringing. The presenter takes out a mobile phone:

- So, shut up! Phone

Calls ... Hello! The baron

Von Kolobok! What a turnip?

Which your grandfather raised ...

All clear! Well, we will help you -

And we can get a turnip!

For the competition will require a thick rope,in the middle of which is attached a turnip model. Teams take up the ends of the rope and pull. On which side the turnip from the tag will move within two minutes, that team wins this competition, receiving well-deserved points.

new turnip tale

Collective game with the audience

Во время подготовки участников кто-то из ведущих can hold games with the hall. For example, learning the funny orange rework song Orange Sky is fun. First, the lead humor in the new interpretation. His assistant holds a poster in front of the audience, which shows what is sung in the song. Pointer should show objects in the picture, following the text. The guys first listen to the lyrics of the song, and then sing themselves, carefully watching the pointer.

And red elephant with green legs,

Lilac horse with a crimson tail.

Striped Hippo, and checkered giraffe,

And the blue crocodile under the pink bridge!

You can arrange a competition among the audience, usingthis little song. For example, after the presenter sings the words once, a volunteer from the audience who tries to repeat the number is called - the poster-prompt should not be abandoned.

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