/ / Biography of Sophie Marceau: through the thorns to the stars

Biography of Sophie Marceau: through the thorns to the stars

Sophie Marceau is a famous French actress,which became a model for imitation of many girls of the 1980-90s. The real name is Sophie - Mopyu, she was born into a saleswoman's family from a regular shop and a truck driver. The childhood of the actress was quite ordinary, no different from childhood peers.

Sophie Marceau's biography begins in 1980year, it was then that she passed the test in the movie "Boom" of the popular director Claude Pinot and got the lead role. Emotional teenager fell in love with the director, and he did not want to see anyone else in the main role. A cheerful film about the first love was a great success in France, and two years later the same Pinoto withdrew the continuation of the picture, the main role in which again played Sophie Marceau.

biography of sophie marso

At the age of 16 she became a laureate of the Cesar Award forrole in the "Boom-2", and then Philippe Noire, a popular actor said that Marceau will be a star. At the same time, actress Sophie Marceau terminated the contract with the "Gaumont" TV company, for which she had to spend a million French francs. The actress later admitted that she had to borrow money and redeem the contract to work in the movie "Crazy Love", in addition, the company treated her like a toy, and this she could not endure.

Since then, Sophie has become a free actress,belonging only to itself. She actively acted in film, was engaged in swimming and learned to write oil paintings. In 1996, the actress published her own novel "The Liar", which is partly autobiographical. In the book, Marceau admits that she became vulnerable and hysterical, because she started her sex life too early.

sophie biography

Sophie Marceau, whose biography is knownpractically to all Frenchmen, in 1996 became the "face" of the company Guerlain, specializing in the creation of cosmetics. In the same year, she starred in several video ads promoting perfume. Photosessions from the filming were published in the journal Cosmopolitan, the most popular at that time fashionable edition of the planet.

Between 1996 and 2004, the biography of Sophie Marceaureflects her numerous trips around the world. It was during this period that the actress spoke rather unflatteringly about French cinema, stating that he looked more like an anthill, and the overwhelming number of scenarios she read were incredibly stupid.

Sophie deepened into theatrical productions,noting that it is there that she gets real pleasure from the acting, and can afford to live a new life every day for her character. In 1995, the actress gave birth to Vincent's son from Polish director Andrzej Zhulavsky. It was to him that she once escaped from the studio "Gamount" for filming in the movie "Crazy Love".

actress sophie marso

Biography Sophie Marceau is amazing, like herselfan actress who is an active opponent of bloody sports. It was Marceau who supported Brigitte Bardot when she protested against the killing of animals in Provence and the Gironde. According to Sophie, she hates the violence in any of its manifestations and in every way tries to stop it.

In the early 2000s, Sophie Marceau parted ways with thehusband and soon married Jim Lemley, an American producer with whom she worked together on the film "Braveheart". In the summer of 2002, the actress gave birth to Juliet's daughter. At the moment the actress is engaged in writing her own scripts and directing. Full of bright colors, the biography of Sophie Marceau makes it possible to hope that she will give viewers a far more than one talented film with her participation.

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