/ / Andrey Chadov: filmography, personal life

Andrei Chadov: filmography, personal life

andrey children's filmography
Russian actor of theater and cinema AndreyAlexandrovich Chadov was born on May 22, 1980 in the city of Solntsevo (Near Moscow region). At six years old, the boy was left without a father, who died as a result of an accident. Mother had to raise Andrei alone and his younger brother Alyosha alone. The difference in age among the brothers was only one year, and this allowed them to enter the VTU named after Shchepkin at the acting department after graduating from school.

First successes

Во время учебы на втором курсе Андрей Чадов (the filmography of the actor then got its start) debuted in the cinema, playing the role of Alik in Ivan Solovov's film "Avalanche." The role was small, second plan, but in the process of filming the future actor felt the atmosphere of filmmaking, talking with such famous actors as Alexander Feklistov, Anna Kamenkova, Mikhail Kozakov, Stanislav Sadalsky. In 2004, Andrei Chadov was again invited to the shooting. This time, he won a major role in Alexander Valedinsky's "Russian" - and this work brought the young actor fame. Andrew received the prize as "Best Actor of the competitive film" at the festival "Moscow Premiere." It was his first film award.

The film "Alive"

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In 2005, Andrei Chadov, whose filmographyquickly replenished with new works, played in the movie "Alive" with his brother Alexei. Andrei played the role of the protagonist named Cyr, a contract soldier who took part in the Chechen war. Brother Alexei played the role of priest. The film, staged by the same Alexander Veledinsky, tells of the horrors of the war in Chechnya, in which Russian children perished and became disabled. Cyrus during the fighting loses his leg, returns home and soon dies under the wheels of a truck. Further development of the plot is based on his "otherworldly" sensations: he meets with the ghosts of lost friends and unites with them. The film itself and the role played by Andrei Chadov brilliantly received many enthusiastic reviews, the actor was again nominated for the best male role and received the "Nika" award.

Work in London

In 2007, Andrei Chadov, (the filmography of the actorreplenished with one more picture), received the main role in the film "The Heart of the Enemy" by Alexander Vysokovsky. The actor played a German pilot named Eric Lindt. The main female role - Elzy Vesling - was performed by Tatyana Arngolts. The shooting was not finished due to insufficient funding, and the footage was put on the shelf until better times. The next work of Chadov was participation in the film "More Ben", where he played Spiker.

filmography children's andrey
His partner in the film was the English actor BenBarnes, who played the role of a young man named Dogka. On the adventures of two friends in London and tells the picture. After the premiere of the movie "More Ben" actor Ben Barnes became famous. For Andrey, participation in the painting was a good international experience.

TV serials

Movies with Andrei Chadov are getting biggerpopularity in Russia and abroad. The actor's participation in the television series also gives him good opportunities for realizing his creativity and professionalism. The next film project with Andrei Chadov was the movie "SLOVE: Straight in the Heart", in which he again filmed with his brother. Andrei Chadov and Alexei Chadov, (their filmography - a joint - already included several paintings) performed the roles of Alexander and Ivan Nazarov. According to the plot, the film can be classified as a criminal thriller. The brothers begin to fight the underworld and conduct several operations to seize drug dealers. On the film "SLOVE: Straight in the Heart" the work of the Chadov brothers did not end, they joined the television series "The Case of Honor", which was filmed on the "First Channel" of Russian television and was due to air at the beginning of 2014. The television film consists of 20 episodes, shot in the genre of the family saga, where the two Nazarov brothers set a goal to find and destroy the perpetrators of the death of their father. The plot of the series is built on the basis of a similar Italian film. Andrei Chadov and

movies with the andre child
Alexei Chadov, whose filmography will befurther replenished with joint work, ready to accept the proposal to participate in the next project. The charisma of the brothers, their unique similarity make it possible to create a screenplay specifically for the creative Chadovy Alliance.

Agent Karpov

His next most successful work was AndreiChadov, whose filmography already includes more than 20 paintings, considers the role of Anton Karpov in the new detective series "Provocator", shot on the TV channel "Russia 1". Under the scenario, Anton Karpov is an actor in a drama theater, as well as an agent of the Anti-Corruption Department. Its task is to introduce into criminal environment under different names. In order not to be recognized, Anton is reincarnated into one of his own imagined characters, then into another. He does it professionally, using all possible means, such as make-up and special clothes. Dressed agent Karp gets acquainted with the criminal and provokes him to corruption, thereby giving the police the opportunity to be detained. The series "Provocator" consists of separate films, in each of which Anton conducts his new special operation. Andrew's partner on the set of "Provocateur" was Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. In 2014, work on the series will continue, and the filmography of Chadov Andrey will be replenished with new works.

Personal life

Andrei Chadov is single.However, from time to time he has novels, which are accompanied by a rapid manifestation of feelings. Andrei is a monogamous by his nature (in any case, he considers himself to be so), and this feature of his character was fully manifested in 2005, when he met a well-known actress and singer

children's biography
Svetlana Svetikova, and they began to meet.At first Chadov could not understand his girlfriend. "What an ambitious princess, do not go straight! .." - he described Svetikov in the beginning of his acquaintance. Svetlana herself about her new friend said: "Well, nice, well, charismatic ... But my heart did not bounce ...". However, young people constantly revolved around a common acquaintance and eventually became closer. The meetings gradually turned into dates, and then they - in the words of Svetikova - "began to fight together with loneliness." Svetlana and Andrey lived for five years in a civil marriage. During this time there were a lot of quarrels and stormy reconciliation, they endlessly disagreed and again returned to each other. In 2010, the relationship of the young couple finally came to naught, and the young people parted. Since then, Andrei Chadov, whose biography is modest in terms of his personal life, is waiting for a meeting with a woman who could become his destiny.

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