/ Diving sprouts - what is it?

Diving sprouts - what is it?

Often you can hear the question:"What does it mean to dive seedlings?". This transplant seedlings from small tanks in a volume for better growth and development of the root system, as well as to ensure that seedlings are not stretched upwards. Even during the picking, weak and diseased seedlings are rejected. A dive is also called the removal of the end part of the main root. This is done to stimulate the growth of branches of the root system.

What is the diving of a seedling tomato?

Diving tomato

Pickling of tomato seedlings is incutting of the stem root by one third of its length. After trimming, the seedlings must be transplanted into new containers. In the ground, located in a new pot, a deepening is done, phosphor fertilizer and wood ash are added. Then the seedlings are transplanted into prepared containers, gently distributing the roots and sprinkling them with soil.

When diving a seedling is recommendedaround the base of the stem sprinkled calcined sand, after cooling it, this will help to avoid thinning the stem and prevent it from breaking and falling.

When to dive tomato seedlings?

Tall tomato varieties must bepicking twice, low and medium-sized varieties - just once. The first time the procedure should be done after 12 days from the day of planting, when the first real leaves appear. Procrastination in this case of "death is similar," since even a slight delay will lead to a weakening of the plant and in the future will affect the quality of the crop.

When diving seedlings, it must be excavatedtogether with an earthen lump measuring one to two centimeters. In this case, the picking will pass without much harm to the plant. To do this, each seedling carefully underpass, and then carefully separated from the general ground coma.

It should be borne in mind that when divingTouch the green part of the future tomato as little as possible. It is necessary to carefully cut one third of the main root and transplant the seedlings into a pre-prepared pot of one liter, which has drainage holes for removing excess moisture.

The second tomato picking

Harvest of tomatoes

The second picket sprouts tomatoes producedthree weeks after the first. One to two days before the second pick, the seedling should be watered to ensure that the soil is not dry and the transplant can be made without difficulty. For this purpose, a pot with a volume of two liters is prepared, with a fertilized soil in it. It transplanted seedlings, poured earth and watered.

It is necessary to observe the agronomics of picking, otherwiseyou may encounter a halt to the growth of tomatoes. Agronomists have proved that timely picking, conducted according to all rules, positively influences the development of seedlings and the root system. All this directly affects the quantity and quality of the harvest of tomatoes, as well as their taste characteristics.

Picking peppers

Diving the pepper

Diving sprouts of pepper at home -The process is not laborious, but requires accuracy, since the pepper has a very delicate root system. To monitor the root system of pepper is necessary and at the initial stages of its growth and treat it as safely as possible.

The optimal time for diving pepperis the time when the seedlings appeared two or three real leaves, about two to three weeks after the first shoots germinate. However, there is a technique of picking on earlier terms, in the stage of cotyledons, or vice versa - later, with the appearance of five or six real leaves, but both are considered controversial.

Most agronomists and horticulturalists agree that it is the early seedling of the seedling that is most effective, allowing it to better survive in the new soil.

Features of picking pepper

Pike picking is necessary in advanceprepare, first of all, you need to prepare a soil mixture, which will be transplanted seedlings. It is recommended that a mixture consisting of humus or peat, with field or turf ground, with the addition of river sand. In this case, organic matter in the soil should be somewhere between 30-45% of the weight of the whole mixture.

In a mixture based on humus, it is desirable to add mineral fertilizers from the following calculation:

  • superphosphate - 1-1.5 kg;
  • ammonium nitrate - 0.5-1 kg;
  • potassium chloride - 1 kg per 1 m 3.

In a mixture based on peat add:

  • superphosphate - 4-7 kg;
  • ammonium nitrate - 0.5-1 kg;
  • potassium chloride - 1 kg per 1 m 3.

After the mixture is prepared, containers from 200 to300 ml with drainage holes and filled with soil. Immediately two or three hours before the dipping of pepper seedlings, the soil must be watered, but there is an opinion that it is necessary to water for a day or two before the procedure begins.

Picking process

Vintage of pepper

When dipping the pepper, the most important thing is to carefully remove the seedlings from the containers - to avoid damaging the fragile root system.

The soil in the tanks must be sealed.Using a garden tool, make a hole and water the transplant site. Then, from the pots in which the seedlings are located, the seedling is carefully removed and placed in a prepared well. The root system of seedlings should be arranged in such a way that it is evenly and freely located in the soil.

The depth of planting of seedlings must remain on thatThe same level as in the old container, since the peppers do not form additional roots and, if the depth is changed, they can corrupt. After the soil around the seedling is compacted, and then around the root watered with a small amount of water. The right pepper picking will allow your plants to develop well and further to get a rich, tasty and healthy harvest.

Dive Petunia

Dive Petunia

Diving petunia seedling at homeis simple enough and does not require specific skills, but there are some nuances. Petunia root system is very branched, it grows well into a vast area, completely covering the entire soil. Because of this feature, before planting this plant in the open ground, it will need to be transplanted several times.

The first petunia picket must be performedduring the appearance of the first 3 to 4 of these sheets. This is done so that the seedlings that are near, do not interfere with each other to develop the root system. Picks are made two weeks after the appearance of the first ovary.


Petunia flowers

In order that the petunia seedlings well transferredpicking, you need to prepare in advance for this process. It is necessary to consider how many of the present leaves are available in seedlings, if there are less than three, then the picking should not be performed yet. Too early transplantation can adversely affect the development of petunia.

For an hour before the picking, the soil in whichto be seedlings, it is necessary to wet so as not to damage the root system during transplantation. Use a tool to dive seedlings so that it is convenient to carry out a transplant, it can be fork-blades and cones.

Having pulled out the seedlings from the old container, its rootthe system is recommended to be placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) at a rate of 1 mg per 1 liter of water. This procedure is necessary to ensure that microorganisms and pathogens do not damage the root system of the seedling.

Petunia seedlings transplantation

The second petunia picking

In a new container, pre-cookedground mixture for petunia transplantation. In the center of the container in the ground with the help of a tool a depression is made from two to three centimeters. A little water is added to the well to moisten the soil. From the old pot, carefully seedlings are extracted with a lump of soil on the root system and placed in a hole in a new container. Then a substrate is added over the whole area of ​​the container and it is compacted.

After the sowing the sapling is necessarymoderately pour water at room temperature. It should be taken into account that after diving petunias, organic and mineral fertilizers should not be added immediately. It takes a certain amount of time to allow the root system to release new roots and allow them to adapt in the new soil. The first top dressing is usually introduced after one and a half to two weeks.

It is important to know that absolutely all the voids in the tankmust be filled, otherwise they can stagnate water. Stagnant moisture can lead to decay of the root system and the development of fungal diseases.

When diving the seedlings, a clearcompliance with all requirements and recommendations, as they directly affect both the harvest itself and its quality. Following the rules of agrotechnics when diving peppers or tomatoes, as well as their further cultivation, you will get a rich and delicious harvest.

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